Status: active

Scars of my past...

Sarah. #3

I'm having a dream. One of the best dream. One of the best dreams I've had in a while.

The weird thing is i knew it was a dream, but it was so much better than the reality waiting for me when I wake up.

I'n my dream I was at my friend Kayla's house. It was a regylar Saturday night sleep over, we decided to rent a bunch of romantic comedies and make fun of the people in them.

The pathetic girl falling in love with the handsome man. We were in the middle of laughing because the lead guy just jumped into shark infested waters, to save the girl that couldn't swim.

Btu the dream suddenly changed. I'm the girl in the water. I'm the one that can't swim which is ridiculous because I'm a champion swimmer. I try to get my body to tread water but my limbs won't listen. I just keep thrashing around desperate to keep a float, as I sink lower an lower.
I feel my body become stiff with cold, and my lungs are begging for air.

"Get up!" I hear a voice yell. What? Where did that come from? I look around in the darkness, searching for the voice, Then suddenly I feel something hit my face and my eyes snap open.

I look down to see what was thrown at me. A pillow/ I look up and see my room mate eyeing me cautiously. "Damn, finally." she said. "You've been thrashing around like something was trying to eat you, and you wouldn't wake up.!"

"Oh" was my reply.

"Yeah well what ever. It's time to get up anyway. Our schedules came. I took the liberty of opening your for you." she said handing me a torn envelope.

I reeled inside and took out my schedule.

8:00 - 8:30 Shower

8:40 - 9:00 Breakfast

9:15 - 10:00 Math class

10:15 - 11:00 English class

11:15 - 12:00 History

12:15 - 12:45 Lunch

1:00 - 1:45 Science class

2:00 - 2:45 Reading

3:00 - 4:00 Free period (in rooms)

4:10 - 5:10 Group Therapy

5:20 - 5:50 Private Counciling

6:00 - 6:30 Dinner

6:35 - 7:00 Outside time (optional)

7:10 - 8:00 reflection time

8:10- Lights out.

"Wow, this is a packed schedule. " I said in a whisper.

"Yeah they don't want to give use any free time." came my roommates reply.

I looked at the little clock on my night stand and it reads 7:58.

I get up and start toward the door, putting the schedule in my back pocket. "Where are you going? " asked my roommate.

"To the showers, it says that we get to use the showers at 8:00." I said.

"You can't just go out, you have to wait for the whistle." came her reply as if I should know that.

"What whistle." I asked. At that moment I heard an unmistakable whistling sound.

"That whistle", she said grabbing some clean clothes and rushing to the door. Clothes! Thats what I forgot. I walked back to my dresser and grabbed some clean clothes.

I walked back over to the door pulling it open. What I saw didn't make sense. There were several sharp looking woman standing across from our rooms, each with a whistle hanging from there necks.

All the girls were standing outside there rooms, clean clothes in hand and head down.

"You there" came a mean voice. "What's your name?"

"Sarah Green." I replied.

"well Sarah can you tell me why you were late for the line up?" she asked with a nasty look.

"I was just getting my clothes. God what's the big deal?" I replied rudely.

There was a communal gasp among the girls.

"The 'bid deal' is because of your lack of responsibility we are off schedule. For that and for not being prepared, you are getting 10 minutes off of your showing time." she said with a satisfied smile.

"What ever." I replied rolling my eyes.