Somebody to Love

Mr. Lonely.


Somebody To Love.

Chapter one

He walked down the narrow halls of the Staples Center. White surrounded him, the walls and floor were a pale white, almost blinding white. He walked into the green room the stadium provided them. He never knew why they called it a green room. In the many years of him doing concerts the green room was only green once.
His brother walked in, his normal smirk played on his lips as he walked right past him and opened the mini fridge.

“So...” he trailed off. “excited for the show?”

“Yup” his brother was short with him.

“We haven't done a show in awhile..”

“How could we?” his bother asked, suddenly sounding annoyed. “With you running off with HER all the time.”

By the way he said HER he knew just went he meant. And to save themselves both an argument he dropped it and his brother soon left, leaving him alone again. He grabbed his Iphone out of his tight pocket and turned it on. And he went onto Twitter, he noticed how many Tweets he had, over one hundred... all hate.

“@Joejonas, are you happy your breaking up the band?”

“@Joejonas, why do you date her? She's a slut.”

“@Joejonas, I used to be your fan but this is to much.”

“@Joejonas, Your losing all your fans, us fans used to be a family now all we do is fight, are you happy now?”

he sighed and turned off his phone, he couldn't bare to look at any more. He tried to put on a 'I don't care what you people think of me' act and he always told her that he didn't give a damn what them teenagers thought. But the truth was he did, how could you not? They were his fans.... and those are kinda important when it comes to being famous. His thoughts were jolted when his mother walked in.

“Your father says its time for the meet and greet” her voice was cold, her eyes didn't make contact with his, she then shut the door. He got up quick and fallowed her.

“Mom” he called. “I was thinking we should have a family dinner.”

“Is SHE coming?” was the first words out of her mouth.

“Um... no.” But he knew that she would force him to take her anyway.

“Fine, tomorrow night” she told him, then walked away. His family didn't agree with his choice to be with her, all of them for different reasons.

His mother was that he could do better.

His fathers was that she wasn't the type of girl he needed to be seen with, and both parents were horrified and disgusted with him after they found out about him losing his ring... and it wasn't him loosing it in the hamper. He lost it and he could never have it back.

Nick's reason was Similar to his fathers, Nick was worried that they were going to loose all their fans.

Kevin didn't voice his opinion, mostly because he hadn’t seen Kevin in at least a mouth.

He wished that his girlfriend and his family would get along, but they didn't, they didn't hit it off the first time they met. His family tried to make it work but she didn't seem interested. He didn't understand why she didn't try.

He walked to where they were doing their meet and greet. He was kinda worried about it, what if a fan comes in there and yells at him or something? He looked over to Kevin but Kevin didn't seem interested in talking.

Fan after fan came in, all seemed to be happy to see him, that made him feel better. Another fan came in, she had brown/amber long hair. She smiled up at him, do to him being the first one out the three.

“Hello” her thick Australia accented voice said.

“Hey” he smiled. Another girl was right behind her, that girls hair was brown, but not as long as the other girl. Both girls were from Australia witch interested Joe

“So, you both from Australia? He asked.

“Yes, were here on holiday” the girl with the shorter brown hair told him.

“Checking out the collage” the other girl added.

“Are you girls going to collage here?” he asked.

“Just me.”

“Yeah, I'm staying in Aussie.”

“I love it there, I've been there a few times” he told him.

“We know” they said together, it made him laugh slightly.

“Hurry up” a mean voice then yelled, scaring the girls.

“Sorry about that” Joe smiled. “We should take the picture now.”

The girl with the shorter brown hair walked over to the other two while the other girl stood next to Joe.

“You know, all of the people I talked to said you were a jerk... but you seem nice to me.”

“Who told you I was a jerk?” he asked, feeling a bit hurt.

“Just girls on the Internet...” she trailed off.”And you just seemed like you changed in all the pictures lately.”

“I'm still the same old Joe” he told her.

“Well, that’s good” she said, the picture was taken and the girls said their goodbyes.

“Wait, I never caught your name” Joe stopped the one girl.


“It was nice to meet you, Annie” he smiled, she smiled back sweetly and walked out of the small room. Joe continued to smile as he greeted more fans walking in.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK!!! This idea came out of a bad thing... it came from me disliking Ashley Green... to say the least.... I know that sounds like I'm a bitch or something, but I was very annoyed at that moment when I did this.

SO, this is just a spit ball idea... tell me what you think!!