Somebody to Love



Somebody To Love

Chapter four

Annie thanked Mr. and Mrs. Jonas over and over again as they drove her back to her dorm, she also thanked Nick a few times before she had gotten out of the car. A few weeks had passed since that night. Annie had started her first few classes and they were a lot harder then she thought they were going to be, and the amount of money her parent sent her monthly was only paying for books, she had hardly any money to buy herself food. But probably the worst was her mean roommate who brought her ugly boyfriend over every night, even though you weren’t allowed to. Annie wondered how she even had a boyfriend, she was so mean.

So, there she was again alone in the dark on the streets of La, her roommate had kicked her out wanting to be 'alone' with her boyfriend. She walked past a restoration and she happen to look through the glass window as she passed. She stopped and backed up... Joe Jonas was sitting there alone at a table looking sad.

She tried to walk away quick, but he turned his head to see her staring at him. She watched as he got up quick and disappeared, she began to walk away and got just pass the door when...

“Hey.... Annie... right?”

“Uh....” she turned around to see him running up to her. “I wasn't trying to be a freak.”

“I never said you were... but it does seem like your stalking me” he smirked.

“I swear I'm not... I was just...”

“Hey, I think its funny, wanna come and sit with me?” he asked. “It's a bit cold out here tonight.”

“Wouldn't... your girlfriend be mad?” Annie asked.

“She would be, yes... if she were here, but she never showed.”

“Oh, I'm sorry” Annie said, feeling like a fool for bringing her up.

“Eh, she does it all the time...” he trailed off. Annie fallowed Joe into the Cafe and he ordered some food for her and him, after she wouldn't tell him what she wanted no matter how many times he asked. So she wound up with a burger on her plate while he had a chicken sandwich.

“So, have you started your classes?” he asked.


“How are they?” he smiled. “Awesome?”

“Their ok.... kinda hard...”

“Aw, well it will get easier...” he trailed off.

“ I hope so” Annie laughed a bit. They talked and talked... then talked somemore, they were so engrossed with their convection that they didn't notice a pissed off Ashley walk up to them.

“Joe” she yelled.

“Ash...Ashley, I thought you ditched me” he jumped up.

“Well, I'm glad you brought a back up date just encase” she sneered at Annie.

“I.. I was....” she just stopped. “I should go now.”

“Yes you should” she looked angerlly at Joe.

“Wait....” Joe fallowed Annie, who was rushing to the door.

“I'm sorry” she told him.

“For what?” he asked looking at her like she had two heads.

“Cause she's mad at you now.”

“No, I should be sorry, you shouldn't have to leave” he sighed.

“Its alright....” she trailed off.

“I owe you a rain check then” he told her.

“No... you don't, you don't owe me anything, thanks for the burger” she went to walk away but he stopped her again.

“Look, here's my number, I want to at least buy you coffee.”

He placed a business card in her hand and she slightly looked at the numbers before looking back up at him.

“You don’t nee...”

“I want to... hows Friday?” he smiled at her.

“Ok, but I'll buy the coffee, your family has done to much for me already.”

“Deal” he smiled.

“Ok then, see you Friday” she told him.

“See you Friday.” He gave her a quick hug and she left, half way back to her dorm she realized she was smiling.... She tried to stop but the thought of spending more time with Joe excited her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, heres chapter 4!!! 4 comments??