Somebody to Love

A Kid Again.


Somebody To Love

Chapter Eight

“I've never been to Disneyland before” Annie told Joe, they were in the car on their way to Disneyland, Nick was sitting in the back seat, on the phone.

“Ah, its awesome” Joe smiled over at her, he was driving right behind his parents car, who had Kevin, Danielle and Frankie with them.

“You like it...isn't it for little kids?”

“NO WAY” Joe shouted. “Its for kids of all ages from two to ninety two... its the best place in the world.”

“What you got to understand...” Nick smirked, getting off his cell phone and putting it back in his jean pocket. “Is that Joe.... he's a little boy trapped in a grown man's body.... its like he has the IQ of a ten year old.”

Joe made a shocked hurt face, Annie tried not to laugh at the brothers but laughter leaked from her lips.

“You think that's funny?” Joe turned to her, looking hurt.

“No” she covered her mouth.

“I guess you like Nick more then me....” Joe trailed off, sighing loudly.

“No” she repeated.

“That's right bro, suck it” Nick smirked again, sitting back in his seat. Once they got there and everyone was in the park Annie looked around amazed by the sight, that's what Disneyland does to you the first time you walk in, they walked forward and passed the train station and down main street just then she saw it, Sleeping Beauty's castle.

“Oh my god” she smiled, running a head of them. “I've always wanted to see this... its so pretty.”

Joe smirked and walked up to her, letting his arm fall over her shoulders.

“I told you this place makes you feel like a kid again.”

After awhile the family split up,; Kevin and Danielle went off to ride a few rides, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas took Frankie over to California Adventurers to ride California Scream, that left Joe, Nick and Annie to do as they pleased. Joe had left to talk to Ashley on the phone, who was off filming Twilight, so Nick and Annie walked around aimlessly for awhile.

“Annie...” Nick trailed off.

“Yes?” she asked, turning to look at him.

“Um... I wanted to ask you if.... um...”

“What?” she wondered.

“If you would like to go...go on the Alice in Wonderland ride with me?”

“Um...” she trailed off, looking at him weird. “You don't have to ask me to go on a ride, Nick.....”

“, lets go then” Nick didn't meet her eyes as he said this, they walked to the ride and saw that there wasn't a line, Nick was vary happy about this as they walked through the narrow line made of polls and chains. They were seated in the back of a purple cart, Nick complained about this as they started the ride, they had to both site in the back or one sit in the front, only because if both sit in the front the cart would tip over. The ride went for a few minutes, Annie looked around at the sights, The big door with the handle that talks. They got to the flower room and just as the car turned it stopped dead in its tracks.

“Um... is this part of the ride?” Annie asked.

“No...” Nick trailed off, looking around nervously.

“Oh” she muttered, getting scared.

“Hello, this is The Mad Hatter, the ride as temperately stopped, please stay seated and your trip through Wonderland will re-start shortly.”

Annie looked over at Nick worried and he gave her a quick smile.

“This happens sometimes.. its all good.”

“I don't know about that....” she trailed off. A few minutes went by and they still haven't moving again.

“Attention all passengers we are experiencing some technical difficulties, please keep all hands, arms, feet and legs inside the vehicle at all times, your vehicle will resume shortly.”

“Annie” Nick stated, after a few minutes of silence.

“Yes?” she turned and looked at him.

“I've been wanting to ask you something..... but I keep chickening out.”

“What is it?”

“I wanted to know if.... if you would maybe not wanna go out with me on a date....” he blushed at his choice of words, feeling slightly stupid, he was never any good at asking a girl out.

“Your asking me out?” Annie asked, laughing slightly.

“Yeah...” he looked down at his hands.

“I'd love to.”

“You would?” he looked up with a smile.

“Sure” she smiled back.

“I promise I'm not this lame...”

“I don't think your lame at all” she told him, he smiled bigger at her just then the ride began to move.

“Finally” he gushed making her laugh.
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Sorry its so suck ish and short... the next one will be better.. please comment!!!