Life is Good


I was fine. Back when everything I did involved me and me alone. I never had to think about doing good to anyone else and never had to be careful about offending other people’s feelings. Life was good.

But everything changed when Mum made us move halfway across the country. Now I have a new home, a new school, and a neighbour. His name was Adam Larson. He was that guy in school that everybody liked and no one hated. Not even the teachers when he didn’t submit his homework. He was always so happy-go-lucky. He had girls falling at his feet and guys fighting to be his next best friend.

The day we moved in, he was waiting on his front porch just watching us. It creeped me out at first but moving all the boxes distracted me. I was in my new room when we had our first conversation. I was unpacking and it was getting really suffocating in the heat so I decided to open my window. What a mistake that was.

Right on the other side of my window is his window, his room, his house, his everything. Just an arm length away. He saw me and opened his window. “Hi. I’m Adam Larson. What’s your name?” I didn’t have time to realize it before, but he was beautiful. Not pretty, not handsome, just beautiful. Breathtakingly and painfully beautiful. His chocolate hair was short, but still long enough to weave my fingers through. Not that I did that but it felt like I wanted to and so much more. His eyes, god they were beautiful. Green, not exactly a shade of emerald but not really jade either. He was tall, well I was short. He looked about 5 inches taller than my 5’6” frame. And he was lean, not muscular but not skinny. Just the perfect type.

“Hey-ho. You there?” I looked away, embarrassed that he caught me staring.

“Sorry. I’m Skye Anderson.” I smiled and held out my hand. He shook it and smiled. I never believed it before when girls say they get weak in the knees but that was how I felt at the moment. Weak in the knees, swooning over a guy.


First day at the new, much bigger school was torture. It was obvious that I wasn’t exactly welcome but I made the most of it. Classes were lonely but I’d probably spend most of the year studying cause honestly, I’m a nerd and I want to get into Cambridge University.

It wasn’t surprising when I didn’t make a single friend but I kept seeing Adam everywhere I go. Each corner I turned or every time we switched classes, his face was all I could see. It kind of reminded me of that song by Michelle Branch called Everywhere. I liked that song.

My last class was Chemistry and I was unfortunately forced to be lab partners with this really ditzy, cheery tiny girl who won’t stop talking. I think her name was Lily something. Her mouth kept running and running and I don’t think she even stops to breathe. She could definitely talk. She was barely 5 feet tall and she still looked like a kid. A really happy kid.

Later that day, I talked to him again through the window. “Heyo. Do you like Lily Herson?” he asked, all serious.

I was a bit surprised by the question but answered anyway. “Lily Herson? Do you mean my lab partner from Chemistry?”

“Yeah, that one. Do you like her?”

“ I mean, I’ve just known her for a day and we barely talked to each other so I really doubt I’d have feelings for her.” This somehow made him all cheery again. “Why do you ask?”

“Cause I like her and I’m eliminating competition.” Oh.. Just my luck. I finally find a guy and he’s straight and pinning on my lab partner. Just nice.

“Well, good luck then.” I gave him one of my hopefully convincing smiles and closed my window, hoping to never have contact with him again.


God seems to hate me because the very next day, we left our houses at the same time to go to school. At least he walked in front of me so he couldn’t see me and I got to admire him from behind. When I looked at him, it somehow felt as though he was so far away, even though he was just a few feet away from me. I think I finally understood the saying ‘so close yet so far away’. Right now it was just him and me. I want to memorize the image of him from the back. I never want to forget it cause I know I’ll never see someone else who has a back like him. I could tell just from looking that he’s someone you can rely on. Someone you can share your burdens and responsibilities with. Someone who I want and can never get.

Suddenly, he turned around, surprising me and interrupting my moment. “Can I ask you for a favour?”

“Depends. What kind of favour?”

“Can you help me get together with Lily?” Please don’t make me. I’d do anything for you except that. Anything except that.

“Why should I?”

“You’re her lab partner. Just drop a few hints for me, please?” He was making those puppy dog eyes and he looked really cute. I just about melted right then but I remembered why he was making those eyes. I want him to be happy. My selfishness isn’t worth someone else’s happiness. So I gave in.

“Sure. But I’m not doing anything more than that.”

“Okay! Thank you!” He jumped up excitedly and hugged me. I’m pretty sure he felt me stiffen cause he let me go instantly.

“Sorry. Lost in the moment thing.” he explained, embarrassingly.

“Yeah, sure, whatever. C’mon, let’s get to school.” I hope he didn’t notice how red my face was.


Lily was surprisingly a really nice person. When I actually started holding conversations with her, she turned out to be completely different than what I thought she was. Turns out we had a few things in common like how we like reading storybooks. We even like the same authors. I kind of think we’ll be close friends.

I was actually happy. I haven’t felt truly happy in a while but all of that vanished when I remembered Adam’s favour. The role I had to play to get both of them together. My life sucks.


“Skye! Open your window!” I didn’t really want to see him right now. Not when I’m hating myself. But I opened it anyway cause I don’t want to make him sad.

“Yup. I’m here. What did you need?”

“Thank you so much! She called me! Can you believe it? You’re an efficient worker aren’t you? I just told you about her this morning and you’ve already got her calling me. Thank you! I love you so much!” My heart skipped a beat. Funny how lost in the moment he can get. “What do you want in return? I’ve gotta pay you back in some kind of way.”

“You don’t have to. It’s not a big deal.”

“It is! We’ve got to celebrate this. I know. I’m gonna throw a party here on Friday night. You have to come and I’m not taking a no for an answer. You must come or I’ll drag you here myself and I can do that cause you’re tiny and just a window away.”

“Oh God! Fine, fine. I’ll be there.” I reluctantly agreed. I was exasperated.


It was already Friday night and I was definitely not ready to go to Adam’s party. Ever since that day, I’ve been avoiding him like the plague and ignoring him whenever he managed to get me. It was tough. Especially since our rooms are next to each other.

It was only 9.00 pm and the party was already going at full blast. There was definitely booze and obviously loud, booming music. At 9.30, I finally managed to get enough courage to go to his house. As expected, it was filled to the brim. Sweaty bodies dancing all over the place. It was kind of disgusting.

I finally spot Adam by the staircase and made my way towards him. “Adam! Sorry I’m late.”

He turned around to look at me, swaying in the process. “You’re not late. You’re just on time!” He was obviously drunk. Sighing, I took him by the hand and pulled him upstairs. The interior of his house was fairly similar to mine so I tried to find his room and I got lucky, getting it on my first try. Thank God the room was empty. It was a surprise though.

“Why are there balloons everywhere?” They were so colourful, strewn across the room.

“Because I wanted to celebrate! Will you come here?” He asked, as he sat on the bed.

I walked over curiously and sat beside him. All of a sudden, I was lying on my back with Adam above me. “What are you doing?!” I tried wriggling out of his grip but for a drunk, he’s surprisingly strong.

“Celebrating.” He smiled before slowly kissing me. My eyes were wide open but he had his closed. Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod! Somehow, I managed to come to my senses and push him off.

“What are we celebrating?! I thought you’re dating Lily?”

“I’m not. I’m dating you.”

“No, you’re not.”

“I am. As of this very moment I, Adam Larson, am asking you, Skye Anderson, to be my boyfriend. Will you be my boyfriend?” He was being serious, I could tell. He wasn’t swaying anymore and his eyes weren’t glazed.

My heart was pounding. “What happened to Lily? Didn’t you guys get together?”

“She wanted to be friends. She told me that instead of chasing after her, I should be chasing after you. I didn’t get it at first but I get it now. Ever since you’ve been avoiding me, I’ve done some thinking and now I know how I feel about you. And I’m hoping you feel the same way to.”

“Are you being serious? This isn’t a prank right?”

“This isn’t a prank. Skye, will you be my boyfriend?” he asked again.

I’m close to tears. “Yes.” And I kissed him right on the lips.
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