Listen To Your Heart

Wake Up Asshole

"Morning, dear," my mom said as I walked in the kitchen the next day.
"Hey." I grabbed the Honey Smacks and fixed a bowl of cereal.
"Where's your brother?"
"If he's not here passed out and hungover, he's at one of his friend's passed out and hungover. Most likely next to an unconscious blonde." I pit a spoonful of cereal in my mouth and shrugged.
"What? Why should I care anyway? He fu-freaking left me stranded! It's not fair. He never gets in trouble for anything. And don't you dare give me that 'he's an adult' bull. In case you've forgotten, I'm eighteen. UGH! All I did was get out of bed and the day already turns to shit." I grabbed my bowl and stormed upstairs. I stopped in front of Jordan's door. I kicked it open.
"WAKE UP ASSHOLE!" I screamed. Thankfully, he was actually here. He jumped up clutching his head. He pit a finger to his lips shushing me. I rolled my eyes and went to my room.
"Fucking bullshit," I mumbled.

"This just keeps getting better and better. Now I'm at the mall by myself. Talking to myself." I skimmed through the clearance rack at Forever 21.
"I have hit a new all time low." At least I'm out the house.
"Oh my gosh! Is that Rory?" I cringed. Dear God no.
"It is! Can't believe that skank is showing her face."
"Who would cheat on Erik? I mean, seriously." I did what? I turned around to face the girls. Tiffanee Belle, Tricia Flake and Lila-Beth Dawson were all a rack over.
These three were the fakest girls in my high school. But of course that makes you popular. You can get anywhere with big boobs and a fake tan in this society. Maybe its a good thing Erik dumped me. I don't want to end up like these Barbies.
"Excuse me?" I said, " I didnt cheat on anybody."
"That's not what Erik said," Tricia smirked. She flipped her bleach blonde hair over her shoulder.
"I highly doubt I'd be here by myself if I had a side plate." They stopped giggling for a minute and actually thought about what I just said. Didn't know the Bleach Blonde Barbies were capable of it.
"Oh..." Lila-Beth said, "She has a point."
"We heard you're pregnant," Tricia said.
"What?!" I exclaimed. I don't go to school for a couple days and this is what spreads?!
"Do I look pregnant to you?"
"Well... You do look a little pudgy," Tiffanee said. My jaw dropped. Seriously?! I lifted my hoodie and exposed my flat stomach.
"I am not!"
"Whoa there," a voice said, "I think you're supposed to take your clothes off in the dressing room." I felt my face go red and I quickly pulled my hoodie down. I looked around and saw the source of the voice.
"John?" He stepped in the store and waved.
"Hey there. I thought that was you. Didn't think I'd be seeing you again this soon."
"Ror," Tricia said, flipping her hair, "Aren't you going to introduce us to your friend"
"Uh what?" Why was she acting like we're friends? We are not. At all. Seriously, John just pops up out of nowhere and--- oh.
I looked at Tricia closely. Yep. She was in flirt-mode. Chest pushed out. Lips in a ridiculous pout. Hair twirling.
"Hi, I'm John O'Callaghan. I've got a few classes with Rory's brother."
"Oh yeah!" Tiffanee exclaimed, "I keep forgetting Jordan's your brother. He's hot."
"And you're so... Not!" Lila-Beth added. The girls laughed. I glared at them all. I didn't need this shit. I walked out of the store and started my way to the other end of the mall.
"Hey wait up!" I reluctantly slowed my pace so John could catch up.
"What?" I huffed.
"Do you like music?"
"Do I like... What?"
"Music. You know, the stuff with the singing, drumming and guitaring and such."
"I'm pretty sure guitaring isn't a word, but yeah. Who doesn't?"
"Great! Follow me." Usually when people say 'follow me' it's a choice. John grabbed my wrist and dragged me who knows where. I looked like an idiot. Him with his tall legs, me with my short legs stumbling after him. If he hadn't been holding on to me, I wouldve face-planted multiple times. He suddenly stopped and I ran right into his back and fell on my butt.
"What are you doing down there?" he chuckled. I glared up at him. He reached down to help me up.
"Hot Topic? Why are we here?" I questioned.
"My band's playing in a bit," he shrugged.
"Your what? You're in a band?" He smiled that dazzling smile at me.
"Sure. Wanna meet the guys?" he asked. Not that I had a choice. He pulled me into the store. The shelves had been pushed back to make space. John led me to the space where some guys were setting up instruments. John's face seemed to light up the closer we got to them. He gave them man-hugs and exchanged a few laughs and smiles. I stood there trying not to look awkward. It didn't work.
"Hey John, aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?" I instantly felt my cheeks go red. I looked at my shoes as if that was going to hide my embarrassing awkwardness.
"Right." John moved next to me and put his arm around my shoulders, "Guys, this is Rory. Rory, these are the guys: Garrett, Jared, Kennedy and Patrick."
"You can call me Pat," the small, long-haired boy smiled, "Everyone else does." Then he tackled me into a hug.
"Geez, Pat. Don't kill the girl," the one called Kennedy chuckled.
"Oh hey, I know you!" My eyes locked on Garrett's. Pat released me from his hug of doom.
"You're Jordan's little sister. I've seen you around a few times," he continued.
"That prick has a sister?" Kennedy scoffed. Great... here's where things get awkward.
"How do you live with him?" Jared asked.
"S'not easy," I sighed, "We don't get along well at all. Anywho, what kind of band is this?"
"You'll see," John said, then flicked my nose. Who does that?

"This next one's called Into Your Arms," John said into his mic, "It's a new one I've been working on. I think I've finally knocked out all the kinks. Hopefully you like it." I watched Kennedy and JAred's fingers expertly strum their guitars. Garrett followed on his bass and Pat on his box drum.

There was a new girl in town
She had it all figured out
I'll state something rash
She had the most amazing... smile
I bet you didn't expect that
She made me change my ways
With eyes like sunsets, baby
And legs that went on for days

John had an amazing voice. It had a sexy, raspy kinda feel to it. He met my eyes and sent me a wink. I felt myself blush all over again.
What is it about a group of attractive guys that makes girls go crazy? Also, remind me to kill Jordan when I get home. How dare he withhold information about attractive guys. That goes against Brother-Sister Rule #845. No withholding information about attractive friends. Or something like that.
"Thank you," John said suddenly. I tuned back in to the present and realized everyone was clapping. I quickly followed suit. John looked over at me and smirked. My blush deepened. Damn. He caught me.
"We're The Maine! We'll be around after we put away our equipment. Come find us and hang!" I took a step towards the guys; they were instantly swarmed by girls.
"You guys were so good!"
"Do you have a cd we can buy?"
"WE've got our EP over there," Jared smiled.
"And a CD in the works!" Pat exclaimed. I definitely wasn't going to get to talk to them for a while. I pushed through the crowd and left the store.
Back to square one. Roaming the mall by my lonesome.

About an hour later, my stomach had led me to the food court. I was hungry. Obviously. I didn't know what I wanted. I'm pretty sure I stood in the middle of the food court for about 10 minutes.
"There you are!" I looked around and finally saw John and Garrett walking towards me.
"Why'd you leave?" Garrett asked.
"Do we really suck that bad?" John asked.
"N-no!" I stuttered, "I-I just...uhm... you w-were talking and... you sounded great... and..." John and GArrett started laughing. I felt myself blush. Again.
"We're just messing with you," Garrett smiled. He threw his arm over my shoulders.
"Let's eat. I"m starved."
"Do you think they'll give us a whole pizza?" John inquired out loud. Garrett shook his head, "Not a chance bro."
"What if we ask nicely? Pizza good with you Ror?"
"Uh... yea... Sure." The guys were nice enough and paid for me. Not without a fight though. That's one of the ways I let Erik walk over me. He used to do everything for me. He picked where we ate, where we went and he paid for everything.
"Oh shit." Speak of the fucking devil and he will come. We had just sat down with our pizza - John next to me and Garrett across from us - and my ex came into my line of vision. And there was a Barbie hanging off his arm.
Okay, not a real Barbie. Although, she might as well have been.
Fake boobs. Fake tan. Bad dye job. The works.
"What? You said pepperoni, right?" John asked worriedly. I shook my head, my eyes never leaving Erik, "It's not that. I just... I just spotted my ex. Now I'm wishing I never left the house." Garrett turned around and followed my gaze.
"The douchebag in the Hollister?" A smile tugged at my lips.
"That's him." Erik looked over at me. He smirked and started walking over.
"Oh shit. Oh shit. Shit. Shit Shit!" I mumbled.
"Rory! Haven't seen you in a while, babe. I was beginning to think you killed yourself or something. I know how hard the breakup was for you," he smiled.
"Killed myself? Over you? Please. You're not worth taking my life over," I mumbled. John scooted closer to me and put his arm around me.
"Hi, I'm John. Who are you?"
"Erik..." he said slowly, "Do I know you?"
"Nope," John smiled, "I go to college with Rory's brother. Oh! Say hi to Garrett." Garrett waved then returned his attention back to his pizza.
"You said your name was Erik?" John tapped his fingers on his chin thoughtfully, "Why does that sound so familiar?" He gasped suddenly and looked at me wide-eyed.
"What?" I asked.
"Is this the asshole you told me about, babygirl?" My jaw dropped open. Babygirl? What the fuck is this shit? What did I just miss?
"I'm quite certain it is, John Ohh," Garrett smirked. John stood up. He towered Erik by a good three inches.
"Step into my office for a minute. Excuse me miss, I'll bring him back in just a second." Jhn dragged Erik off towards the bathrooms. It finally dawned on me who this chick was.
"Rebecka?" I said incredulously.
"Rory," she smirked, "It must suck to know I was fucking him when you weren't." Absolute hatred flashed through me. I was about to punch this bitch's lights out, but Garrett stopped me. He propped his legs on mine to keep me seated. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath.
"What happened to you? Why are you dressed like a hooker?" I said quietly. Rebecka and I used to be really good friends. Throughout high school, we just kinda drifted apart.
"Don't hate," she spat, "You were always jealous of me. I can understand why. Look at you." I looked down at my oversized hoodie and ripped jeans.
"Do you honestly think Erik ever liked you? He went out with you as a bet. You never meant a thing to him." I was a bet? I swallowed hard and looked away from Rebecka. My former friend.
"I'm glad we had this chat," I heard John say. I turned around to see him walking with his arm slung over Erik. Erik grabbed Rebecka's arm without another word or even a glance to me.
"What did you do?" I asked.
"Nothing," he shrugged, "Why do you look so upset?" He took a bite of his pizza. I shook my head in frustration, "No. No. I know what you're trying to do. Changing the subject is not gonna work with me buddy."
"I didn't break anything, if that's what you're asking."
"What?!" Garrett and John collapsed in a fit of laughter as I just stared wide-eyed at John.
♠ ♠ ♠
How are you guys? I am very disappointed I didn't get a single comment. Oh well. Here's the next chapter I hope you like it. I have the next chapter written, just need to type it.
I really like the next chapter :)

What do you think so far?
What do you think is going to happen?
Leave me some love in the comments, yea?

Check out my other stories too!
