Listen To Your Heart


Have I ever told you how much I hate high school? I hate all the little cliques and who's popular game. No, I'm not popular. When I was dating Erik, I was getting there. Or so I thought. What was I thinking? He's the fucking quarterback. Why would he honestly go out with me? This whole bet thing makes so much since now. Everyone was in on the stupid bet.
I'm back to Outsider status now.
I can't say I really miss the 'perks' of dating the star football player. I guess that means I'm honestly getting over him. He played me and I fell into his trap. It sucks that Jordan was right about him being a douchebag. Takes one to know one, right?
Rory! Slow down, girl!" I turned around to see the two people I actually consider my friends running up to me.
"Hey Amber. Hey Tyler," I smiled.
Oh, Amber. I love this girl. We've been friends since kindergarten, when she shared her crayons with me. She was a bubbly little ball of energy. She was one of those people that constantly needed a change in their lives. So she dyes her hair. It's currently pink and blonde. I think it's perfect for her. It complements her blue eyes and personality completely. Doesn't matter though, it will probably be green in a few days.
Tyler only recently joined our group freshman year. He's our little bi-boy. However, when he's with us, he tends to swing more to the gay side. Amber was the first to spot him. She liked his hair. He was sitting alone in the cafeteria with his jet-black hair with a single electric blue streak in it. We kinda took over his table. Best decision we've ever made. We clicked instantly. I'd be nothing without these two.
"Why have you disappeared off the face of the earth?" Amber asked, grabbing me in a tight hug.
"I'm coping," I said, "I deserve a few days off."
"In our defense, we warned you," Tyler said. I rolled my eyes, "I'm sorry. My douche-radar is broken."
"For three months?" Amber asked, eyebrow raised. I glared at my best friend. She just had to point that out.
"Okay, fine. Whatever. Can we get shakes now and discuss how ridiculous he looked in that shirt? Is that what you want me to say?" They both smiled at me.
"Did you drive?" Tyler asked. I shook my head, "Jordan has it today."
"Alright then. I'll drive if you treat."
"Done," I smiled. I linked my arms in theirs and we walked out of the hell hole we call a school.


"So who's this John guy?" Amber asked. I took a sip of my chocolate chip cookie dough shake. Heaven in a cup, I swear.
"He goes to school with my brother. I don't know him that well."
"He's really tall. Light brown hair. Green eyes; just a shade darker than Ty's. Oh, and he's in a band."
"Hot," Tyler said.
"You're so gay sometimes, Ty," I giggled.
"You know it," he winked.
"Hey Ror... You said tall, light brown hair, green eyes, right?" Amber asked. I nodded, taking another sip of my shake.
"Kinda like him?" she pointed with her straw. I turned around and instantly regretted it. I choked on my delicious shake. What a waste.
There he was. Dressed in black pants, a white long-sleeved button-up, a black vest and a red bow tie. He works here? I'm here all the time and I didn't know this?!
"Oh shit!" I coughed, "He's coming this way. Act natural!"
"Right. Natural," Tyler nodded, "HEY JOHN! COME HERE A SEC!" I jumped up and tried to shut Tyler up. It was too late.
"Uh... Hi. Do I know --- oh hey, Rory." John moved his gaze from Tyler to me. I kinda stared at him with my mouth open. Attractive, right? I quickly sat down. Knocking my shake into my lap.
"Fuck!" Amber and Tyler, of course, started dying. I have such great friends.
"I'll get you some napkins," John said quickly. My crotch was so cold. And my shake was gone. What a waste. John came back with napkins. I cleaned myself up as best I could.
"Can vaginas get brainfreeze?" I wondered out loud. Amber shrugged.
"Vag-freeze," Tyler nodded thoughtfully. John snorted. My cheeks went red.
"I'll go get you another shake," he chuckled.
"I did not say that out loud. Did I?"
"You sure did," Amber smiled, "He's cute though. You have our blessing."
"We're supposed to be discussing Erik. Not John."
"What about me?" I covered my face in my hands. I'm just embarrassing myself left and right today. John slid a large to-go cup towards me. I originally had a small. I raised my eyebrow at him. He shrugged and winked at me.
"Don't you have a job to attend to?" I asked as he slid next to me in the booth.
"I'm off the clock," he smiled, "Now, what about me?"
"Rory was just telling us---"
"Nothing!" I interrupted Tyler, "I said nothing." Tyler gave me an odd smile. He and Amber introduced themselves. They both then started their interrogation. I love them, I swear. Sometimes they are just a tad bit psychotic.
"Do you have the hots for Rory?" Tyler asked.
"Tyler!" I exclaimed.
"What? It's just a question," he shrugged. It was John's turn to blush now.
"Uhm... No," he chuckled uneasily, "We're just friends."
I don't know if you guys know this, but I'm a fucking beast at poker. No one can crack my my my poker face. My pah-o-ker face. So when John said we were 'just friends' I smiled sweetly. My eyebrow may have twitched, but no one noticed. I mean, yeah we are just friends. But no one wants to hear that!
"Oh Ror," Amber spoke suddenly, "Riley's in town." she smirked knowingly. That bitch. My poker face dropped.
"He's what? and you're telling me now?!"
"Ooh!" Tyler giggled, sounding extremely gay, "And Lily's party is tonight. Will he be there?"
"Of course," Amber laughed, "You know how he is. You should come to John. And bring friends."
"I don't know," John shrugged, "High school parties aren't really my style."
"We cab party harder than any frat boy."
"Like that could happen."
"Challenge accepted." A mischievous glint passed through Amber's eyes. John answered her challenge with a mischievous smile of his own. He pulled his notepad out his apron. He wrote something down then passed the paper to me.
"Call me and let me know where and the time, kay?" he smiled, "I've gotta get the guys together. Then we've got pre-gaming to do." He ruffled my hair then left.
"He did not just ruffle my hair," I said horrified.
"I guess he was serious about the 'just friend's bit." I glared at Tyler. My two best friends laughed at me.


I should back up a bit. I need to explain this Riley situation. Riley is Amber's older brother. He is gorgeous. I've had a crush on him since the day I met him. He graduated two years ago. He's not in college. He travels the country with some guys in a van. It's not as creepy as it sounds, I promise. Riley is really artsy. He travels to keep his creative mind open. He leaves his mark in every city and takes a picture. He makes up a little scrapbook and usually when it's filled is around the time he comes back to town.
Enough background. Let's get into the real story.
Riley and I made out a year ago.
It was at a party. For whatever reason, there is always a party when he's in town. We both had had a few drinks. He obviously had a few more than me. I know. I know. Most party hookups happen when you're drunk. Anyways, he cornered me in the kitchen.

"Hey Rory." I jumped slightly. I thought I was alone. I turned around to see Riley smiling at me.
"Oh. Hey Ri," I returned his smile. He slowly stepped towards me. He stopped when he was merely inches away.
"So a little birdie told me," he breathed, "That you have a crush on me." I blushed hardcore. Started sputtering incoherently like an idiot. Backed up into the counter. He smirked at my ridiculousness. He moved forward until his chest was touching mine. He caressed my cheek with his right hand and placed the other on my hip. His dark blue eyes were shining from under his dirty blonde hair. They flicked from my eyes to my lips. He gently placed his over mine. He pulled back and smiled.
"I kinda have a crush on you too." he pressed his lips to mine again. This time he was a little rougher. Did I care? Hell no! My hands slid up his chest and tangled in his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer. I could feel the slight bulge in his pants against my thigh. He bit down on my lip, I gasped and his tongue immediately slid in. I had died and gone to heaven. This was by far the best damn kissed I'd ever had. I didn't want it to stop. I didn't want his lips to leave mine. 
"Holy shit! What the hell is going on here?!" Riley and I jumped apart. Amber was staring at us wide-eyed and mouth dropped.
"Oh hey sis," Riley rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Why was your tongue down my best friend's throat?!" she demanded.
"Just having a little fun," he smiled. He crossed over to the fridge and took out a can of beer. He patted Amber on the should and rejoined the party.

We haven't had any kind of physical interaction like that again. However, when he's here, he'll send me winks, smiles and suggestive eyebrow waggles. Amber has warmed up to the idea of us being together. You can understand why I'm so worried about this party now. I just have a really bad feeling about Riley, John and Erik all being in the same place at the same time. Please, just kill me now!
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's chapter 3 as promised :)

Ooh so I gave my profile a new layout :D Check it out and start up a convo with me in my comments! Oh and I attempted to make a layout for this story, but I don't know what the hell I'm doing... So it's just The Maine's logo repeated xD

I really liked this chapter for some reason. I am currently writing chapter 4. So not sure when that will be up. I have a few chapters written for my All Time Low fanfic. I'll get those up within the next few days.

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Thanks for reading :)