Listen To Your Heart

Rat Boy's Staked His Claim

Amber was currently throwing clothes at me. I was on my bed buried under 2/3 of all the clothes I owned. I really did not want to go to this party. Amber wasn't going to leave without me though. She's so stubborn.
"Did you call John yet?" she asked from the bowels of my closet.
"No!" I called out from under the clothes.
"Rory! I need the car tonight!" I heard my brother call, "Ror --- Rory?" The clothes on top of me suddenly lifted. Jordan looked at me in confusion.
"What are you doing under there?"
"Amber's dragging me to a party. I'm gonna need my car. Take your car. It still runs." His face lit up.
"Can I come?"
"No!" Amber yelled from the closet, "Rory, your wardrobe stinks. You need to let me take you shopping." She came out of the closet and collapsed on my bed.
"Call John," she stated.
"John..." Jordan said slowly, "O'Callaghan? I thought I told you to stay away from him."
"Define 'stay away from'" I said slowly, "It's not my fault. The dude is freaking everywhere! More importantly, why did you not mention that he was in a band and had hot friends?" Jordan rolled his eyes.
"I'm going to this party," he said finally, "I'll even bring my own beer."
"Hi John," Amber said suddenly. My head whipped towards Amber. I"m really surprised my neck didn't snap. Amber quickly jumped off the bed. Smart move.
"Amber! What the hell?!"
"You weren't going to call! I'm doing you a favor!"
"How are you doing me a favor?! I was going to text him. It's a cell phone, I can do that! You know I'm awkward over the phone!"
"He can hear you, you know." I glared at her as she tossed me my phone.
"Hey Rory," he chuckled. I sighed heavily, closing my eyes. I swear someone upstairs hates me. I quickly gave him the whereabouts of the party.
"Cool," he said, "I'll text you when me and the guys get there."
"Don't be an ass," I said. He laughed. It was a deep, sexy laugh.
"If it was my friends, they would've done worse. Trust me." We disconnected shortly after that. I glared daggers at Amber and threw some of my clothes at her.
"I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You." I threw something at her at each word. Jordan rolled his eyes, "I"ll meet you in the car later."
"I forgot how cute you look in plaid," Amber said. I looked down a my black and white plaid shirt, black skinny jeans and black and grey double hi-tops. I admit, I did look pretty cute. Jordan came up behind us with a case of beer. He had already popped one open.
"Let's get this party started," he smiled. My brother is such a dork. He pushed open the door and we were enveloped in the chaos. The music was obnoxiously loud. The boys and girls gyrating around the house obviously did not mind.
"Who should we find first? Tyler or Riley?" Amber asked. I gulped, "Tyler." I did not want to see Riley. I planned on avoiding him like the plague. Which means I'm gonna have to ditch Amber sooner or later.
Tyler ended up finding us. I was a little more relaxed now that I had a rum&coke in my hands. I am so awkward at parties. At least I know these people. Kinda. It was worse when I was with Erik. He went to parties all over the place. I can barely keep up with the people in our high school, let alone another one. It was around 11:30 when my phone vibrated.

New Text Message: John O.
Here. Come 2 kitchen

"Yo, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum" I called to my friends, "John's here."
"Hah!" Amber laughed, "You're Tweedle Dee!"
"If I'm Tweedle Dee, that makes you Tweedle Dum," Tyler chuckled. We'd only been here an hour and a half and Amber has already had one too many drinks. Ty and Amber followed me to the kitchen. John and his friends were all crowded in there.
"Rory!" Pat screamed. He slammed into me. He rocked us back in forth as he hugged me.
"I missed you!" he said. Obviously Amber wasn't the only one drunk. Garrett pulled him off me.
"Sorry. He pre-gamed a little too much." I smiled and introduced everyone. I gave the guys hugs then we all did a round of shots. It was good seeing them again. They were all really nice guys.
"Rory!" Jordan came stumbling into the kitchen, "You wouldn't happen to know where I put my beer would you?" I rolled my eyes as my brother collapsed into my arms.
"This is why  don't bring you out in public," I mumbled.
"Oh hey! Look! It's John Ohhhhhh," my brother giggled, "What're you doing here?"
"Hanging with Rory," John shrugged. He chugged the rest of his beer and reached for another.
"What are you doing here, Sharpe?" Kennedy asked.
"Trying to keep my sister away from guys like you," Jordan smirked.
"We're not nearly as bad as you," Garret chuckled, "John doesn't even mount up to you." John punched Garret's shoulder. I took that as my cue to lead my brother away. I dragged him out of the kitchen and to the living room. I threw him on a coach and walked away. I glanced at the passing faces. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Riley. I ran back to the kitchen. Apparently Pat was refering to himself as Rat Boy now. How drunk was this boy?
"Rat Boy needs another fucking drink! Give me back my beer Kenny!" Pat demanded.
"Rat Boy is cut-off," Kennedy replied. Amber and John were in a heated discussion about how this party didn't match up to a frat party and whatnot. Garret and Tyler had bonded over their favorite zombie movies. I was just standing there watching as 'Rat Boy; tried to steal Kennedy and Jared's drinks. i popped open a Smirnoff and took a sip.
"Riley!" Amber shrieked. I spit out my Smirnoff all over the little island in the kitchen. I turned around, coughing, so I was hidden behind Kennedy. Of course, there's only one exit. God, you there? Why do you hate me? Why?
"Amby-bear!" I heard his voice. My knees instantly went a little weak.
"I've been looking all over for you. I missed you little sis."
"Missed you too! Oh! You have to say hi to Ror--- where the hell did Rory go?!"
"Hiding behind Kenny," Jared said. Ginger, you're going down. He doesn't know how lucky he is that there was nothing in throwing distance. Kennedy pulled me out from behind him. Riley's eyes lit up when he saw me. He hadn't changed much. His hair was shorter and he had sorta spiked it. He stepped forward and hugged me. Damn he smelled good.
"Hey there, beautiful," he said when he pulled back, "Where have you been all my life?" I opened my mouth to say something witty. Instead, I ended up giggling hysterically. Riley had that effect on me.
"Nooooo!" Pat screamed; he ran at me, "Mine."
"Uh-oh," Kennedy laughed.
"Rat Boy's staked his claim," Garrett chuckled. I patted Pat's head and smiled down at him. Riley looked down at the boy hugging my waist.
"When did you start hanging with band boys, Ror?" I looked at him confused. Riley stepped back and glanced up at John.
"You guys are The Maine, right? I saw you play in Portland." John nodded, "Yea, man. That was a few months ago. I'm John. That's Kenny, Jared and Garrett. The idiot hanging off of Rory is Pat."
"Riley. Nice to meet ya guys. I glanced around and noticed that Amber and Tyler had ditched me. Those jerks. I can't believe they just left me alone. They must have planned this. I'll get them back somehow.
"Ree-Ree, dance with me." Nobody but Riley calls me that. If anyone else did, I'd probably slit their throat. I don't particularly like the nickname. It makes me sound childish. But when Riley says it, it sounds so perfect.
"Uhm..." I said uncertainly. Pat slid down my waist and collapsed on the floor. I stared down at him, wide-eyed. Jared bent down to pick him up.
"He's fine," he chuckled. Riley laced our fingers together. I looked into his eyes andhe had me. I drained the rest of my Smirnoff and let him drag me away. He pulled me right into the middle of all the dancing, sweaty bodies. He placed his hands on my hips and grinded against me.
"You haven't said a word to me," he whispered in my ear.
"I don't know what to say."
"How 'bout 'I missed you too.'" I looked away from his eyes.
"I try not to think too much about you."
"Ouch," he chuckled. I turned around and ground my ass on him, knowing it would drive him crazy. He moaned in my ear then pressed kisses to my neck.
"Did you notice I'm sober tonight?" he asked.
"I'm not. I'm just a wee bit tipsy." He chuckled in my ear. That nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen came back. I ignored it and continueed dancing. I mean, what was I worrying about? Nothing was going to happen.
Boy, was I wrong.
Riley turned me around to face him. His lips instantly went on mine. Our lips moved in sync and, with the alcohol's help, I tuned out everyone around us. It was just me and Riley. He pulled back and rested his head on mine.
"Do you always make out with random guys?" I opened my eyes and saw Erik over Riley's shoulder. I stepped back slightly.
"Excuse me?" Riley turned around.
"You heard me," Erik said, "Glad I got rid of you, slut."
"Whoa! Bro, don't talk to her like that," Riley said angrily.
"Like you're actually going to do something," Erik laughed.
"Why do you keep showing up?" I looked over my shoulder and saw John. Oh shit. This can't be good. Erik looked slightly startled. Really makes me wonder what John did to him in the bathroom that day.
"Fuck off. This doesn't concern you," Erik glared. Riley sized up Erik then shook his head.
"Not even worth it," he said as he grabbed my arm. Riley started to pull me away from the scene, but Erik grabbed my other arm.
"I'm not done talking to you."
"I think you are," Riley and John said at the same time. Then, what happened next happened so fast, Riley whirled around and they both punched Erik in the face. Erik seemed to fall in slow motion. I could literally see the droplets of blood flying out his nose. I'm sorry, that's really gross, I know. John and Riley just stood staring at him for a while then they looked at each other.
"I like you," Riley said suddenly. John nodded slowly, he glanced at me.
"You okay, Rory?" I shook my head, looking at Erik.
"H-he's not m-moving," I stuttered. Drunk and scared. That's what I am right now. By this time, we were surrounded by a bunch of nosy people. Riley kicked Erik hardin the side.
"Huh," he said tilting his head to the side, "We knocked him out." he doubled over in laughter. John shook his head.
"I'm not drunk enough for this," he mumbled walking away. I gaped at his retreating back. How can he just walk away? Erik could be dead! Okay, maybe not. But still! And Riley! This isn't a laughing matter!
"What do we do?" I panicked. Riley stopped laughing and grabbed my hand.
"We leave him and go somewhere a little more... Private."
"Whass going on? Ty! Look! Whass happenin' ovurr there?" I heard Amber before I saw her.
"Holy fuck! It's Erik. Whoa! He's bleedin'!" she screamed, emerging from the crowd.
"Thats gonna stain," Tyler chuckled. They spotted me and stepped over Erik to get to me.
"Wha happened?" Amber asked, "And why you holdin' hands? Are you together now? Ohmigod did you do it? You did! You naughty, naughty li'l devils you!" Yeah. She's drunk. Riley rolled his eyes at his sister. He started to slowly drag me away.
"No, no, no!" Tyler grabbed my other arm, "Explain. Now."
"We just banged him up a bit. I'm sure he'll survive," Riley shrugged. Tyler dropped my arm in surprise. Riley took the opportunity to lead me away from everyone. He led me up the stairs and to an empty bedroom. As soon as the door was closed, Riley's lips were hungrily attacking mine. He pushed me against the wall. My hands tangled in his hair. His hands slowly trailed under my shirt. He bit my bottom lip and slid his tongue inside. His hands went up until they were cupping my breasts. I moaned against his mouth and involuntarily ground my hips against him. He moaned in pleasure and started working on my neck. I continued to grind on him as he gently bit and sucked my neck.
"Shit," he pulled away, breathing heavily, "Do you realize what you're doing to me?" I smirked, the alcohol in my system instantly boosting my confidence. My hands trailed down his chest to the waist of his pants.I unbuttoned his jeans and slid my hand in his boxers and around his swollen member. I gently started pumping and he moaned slightly. I don't know why I did what I did next. For now, I'm blaming it on the alcohol. I got down on my knees and proceeded to give Riley a blowjob.
"Fuck," he moaned as he came in my mouth. I stood up and Riley led us to the bed. Our clothes were flying everywhere as we made our short journey. I was just in my bra and panties and him in his boxers when we collapsed on the bed. Riley quickly unclapsed my bra and threw it somewhere. He kissed my neck and down my chest. His fingers were playing with the lacy edge of my panties. Thank God I wore cute underwear today. He kissed my stomach then started rubbing me through the thin fabric. He brought his lips back to mine and I instantly locked my hands in his hair. He rolled the fabric down adn I gasped as he slid his fingers in. He chuckled lightly, " God, you're so wet. It's as if you want me or something." My next words surprised the both of us. I, once again, am blaming the fact that I'm intoxicated.
"Fuck me," I moaned. Riley retracted his fingers and stared at me. His eyes searching.
"You sure?" I nodded. Riley jumped off me and went somewhere. The next thing I knew, he was back on top of me and he pushed himself inside me. I screamed out. He stopped and looked at me again. When he saw I wasn't in pain, he continued thrusting into me. He captured my lips once again. His thrusts got faster and harder.
"Riley," I breathed. I repeated his name over and over until---
"Riley!" I screamed. He rode out our conjoined orgasms then collapsed on top of me, kissing my neck.

"Uhhh...what... the fuck?" I woke up with a splitting headache. I opened my eyes and instantly shut them. Why was it so fucking bright?! I sat up slowly.
"What the fuck?!" I repeated. I wasn't in my room. Or in my house for that matter. And I was cold. Why am I cold? I looked down and gasped. I was completely naked.
"Oh shit," I mumbled. I grabbed my clothes from around the room and threw them on. I noticed a glass of water on the night stand. I went towards it. There were two white pills sitting next to it and a note underneath.

Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I had a really great time last night. I left some of my special anti-hangover pills for you. Anyway... call me sometime.
-Riley xoxo

My eyes went down to the seven digits at the bottom. I re-read the note about 5 times before realization hit me.
"Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit, shit, shit!" I ran to the bathroom and threw up everything I had ingested the night before. Gotta love the benefits of drinking. I leaned up against the wall. WellToto, looks like I'm not a virgin anymore. I had sex with Riley. Riley. Oh shit. I rinsed out my mouth and walked back into the bedroom. I threw back the pills and downed the water. I pulled my phone out my pocket. 3 missed calls and 5 texts. Oh shit.

"Rory! Where'd you go? I miss you. You left me. Did you hear what happened? Like OMG! Totally! hahahhah!!" Amber.

"Ror, Amby is completely hammered. Where are you? I haven't seen you in hours." Tyler.

"Dude, your friends are bugging the shit out of me. Where the fuck did you run off to? Call me. Or them. I don't give a shit. Just make sure someone knowws you're alive." John.

New Text Message: Amby-Cakes
I missssss youuuuu. Where yu go? Come bak! Peas?

New Text Message: Ty-Ty
Amber is drunk off her rocker. Leave soon?

New Text Message: Ty-Ty
You know I hate being ignored. Call me back. ASAP

New Text Message: Jordan
Sis, where r u? Gettin worried.

New Text Message: John O.
U ok? Evry1 worried. Where r u?

"Oh shit!" I said for like the millionth time. I didn't know who to call. Jordan probably ended up taking Amber home. He was gonna be pissed. I didn't know John well enough to ask. Tyler was my best bet. He'd be pissed too, but he's probably more worried than anything else. I dialed his number and waited as it rang.
"You are so dead."
"Hi Ty!" I said brightly.
"What the fuck, Sharpe?" Uh-oh... He was last naming me.
"Where have you been?!"
"Actually," I said slowly, "I need you to pick me up from Lily's. I'll explain everything when you get here." Then I hung up. If I hadn't he would never come to get me. I crept out the bedroom. THen realized I left Riley's note and went back for it. The downstairs area was a mess. I ws glad to see I wasn't the only one that slept over. I opened the front door and waited for Tyler on the porch. He pulled up 5 minutes later. Longest 5 minutes ever!
"Talk," he said as I slid into the passenger's side. I sighed heavily.
"I had sex with Riley," I mumbled.
"What?!" Tyler swerved into the next lane.
"It just kinda happened! Riley and John beat the shit out of Erik, I'm still not completely over the break up.. I needed closure. Not to mention I was drunk. Not as drunk as Amber, but drunk. I woke up and he wasn't even there." The tears were streaming down my face now. God, I felt pathetic. Tyler reached over the console and squeezed my hand. He pulled over and I was still crying.
"He left a note." I took it out my pocket and smoothed it out. Tyler gently pried it from my fingers.
"You gonna call?" I shook my head. Hell no. I've made myself feel enough like an idiot. He used me. I'm so stupid. I was a freaking one-night stand.
"I think you should," Tyler said quietly, "Riley actually cares about you. He didn't drink at all, which was shocking. He didn't acknowledge any girls but you. I'm sure he had a reason for leaving."
"Yea, he hates me!" I cried, "He fucking hates me." I brought my knees up to my chest and laid my head down. So stupid. I'm not one of those girls that pledge abstinence and shit. However, I would've liked my first time to not have been a one-night stand. Riley doesn't care about me. He knew I'd be an easy lay for him. He just has to look at me and I'm gone.
"Just take me home, Ty," I said, "I j-just wanna go home." Tyler sighed heavily and started the car back up. I was home minutes later.
"Here," he said, handing me the note, "Just in case." I wordlessly took the note and slid out the car. I trudged up to the porch. I pulled my keys out of my pocket, unlocked the door, and quietly walked inside. My mom, thankfully, wasn't home. I made my way up the stairs and to my room.
"Where the fuck have you been?" I jumped. I didn't expect Jordan to be sitting on my bed. I stared at him, slightly startled. I felt fresh tears slide down my face. Before I knew it, I was sobbing again.
"Rory?" Jordan asked, the confusion and concern evident on his face. He held out his arms to me. I ran to him and collapsed in my brother's embrace. This is what I needed. My big brother. To know somebody cares. Jordan held me tightly. He rubbed circles on my back and whispered things to me to calm me down. When the tears had stopped, he asked quietly, "What happened?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! It's been a while, eh?
I haven't been writing on this story much cause ideas for my ATL fic have just been flowing. I'll try to be better at updating though.
Here's a hint: if you leave me comments, I'll update faster :p just saying.
Anywho, that's all.
Follow my retarded tweets if you dare (@ChaChaChloe)