Status: happy

Love Bite

Love puppet

The clatter clatter and bang noise of me stacking the stacking the shelves, I had my Ipod booming out Iron maiden-trooper into my ears, my mom says I’ll be deaf by the time I’m twenty. I seemed to just think about him, Gerard. He seemed to be brain washing my wind, like it was engraved into my mind.
Suddenly my earphone was yanked out of my ear.

“Frank, dude, that music is blasting out your ears,” Ray said.

“What’s up?” I asked, turning my Ipod off.

“Nothing, I was just checking if you were done,” he said shrugging slightly and leaning against the wall.

“Oh I see you’re bored and you’ve come to annoy me,” I said.

“Hey you do it most of the time,” he said.

“I’m younger,” I said sticking out my tongue.

“You heard about those murders that have happened?” he asked.

“Oh yeah, I heard it on the news,” I answered.

“I wonder what’s going on, I mean, it said that they said that the two people weren’t connected in any way,” he said shrugging slightly.

“I know, it’s just strange,” I said.

“You never know whose next, so if I don’t come in next week you know I’m dead in some alley way,” he said.

“Dude don’t say that!” I gasped.
He laughed.
Gerard’s P.O.V
I shouldn’t think about him, but I couldn’t help it, I mean, he was beautiful, he wasn’t the most handsome guy I’d ever seen, but he was most handsome human. His stunning features, his tanned olive skin, his chocolate eyes that were full of life, his small nose with a simple nose ring, his small lips with that lip ring, his lips looked so kissable, so tasty. He was small, punk, thin, dark kid that seemed to not be use to having people talking to him, he was use to being alone and not been talked to. I also liked the smell of him, he smelt so good, so mouth watering that blood pumping around inside his veils, it would take only a matter of seconds to just sink my teeth into his neck and feel fully satisfied with myself to drink that amazing blood.
I mean I was in love before, I mean it was all prefect, too prefect, till he suddenly disappeared leaving me heart broken and alone. If my heart still was beating I would have felt as if it was been torn apart, he never told me where he was, why he went, nothing… But I didn’t care now, it was ad least seventy years ago. I guess it easies in time, I mean I was use to it, I was use to being with people, with humans but the sad part is when you have grown attached to them, and then their life is so short compared to mine, they are like a leaf, they live for so long then slowly wither and fall of the tree, they die… it’s another lose that I have had to get use to.

I sat in my living room, the large plasma playing some music channel, I wasn’t interested, I mean I didn’t even see the reason for it but it was something to make the house seem more normal.
Mikey, my younger brother walked in, his loud Ipod booming out a song down his ears that I could hear from a mile off, Anthrax- Antisocial, he was a big Anthrax fan.

“Mikey,” I said, he didn’t hear me, he was too involved with his Ipod.
I grabbed the T.V remote and threw it at him, he just looked up, see if he was human it would have probably hurt but to us nothing hurt, we were like rocks, unbreakable, un hurt able, un touchable.

“What?” he asked as he pulled one of his ear phone out of his ear.

“Can you turn it down? I know we have good hearing but Jeez Mikey how loud do you need it?” I asked.
He shrugged simply.

“Sorry,” he mumbled as he turned it down.
He walked over to me; he looked over my shoulder and smirked.

“What?” I asked.

“Who’s the guy?” he asked, I looked down at my drawing, I didn’t really notice that I was drawing him, Frank.

“No one,” I answered.

“Yes it is, come on Gerard, you’re my brother, I know when you’re lying,” he said.

“I’m not, it’s just some guy,” I said shrugging.

“Sure it is,” he said as he walked over to the other sofa and sat down, crossing his legs and turning the channel over.

“I could have been watching that,” I said.

“No you weren’t you were too busy drawing your lover,” he said with a huge grin on his face, why did my brother see right threw me? He knew me like the back of his hand, and visa versa. But in some ways it’s good, we understood each other, we could tell when we were sad, happy, angry, and we knew what to do when we had these emotions, but sometimes it was bad when he knew all my little secrets that I wanted to keep to myself.

“Shut up,” I said.

“You know I’m right,” he said.
I wanted him, I wanted Frank, to him to yearn for me, yearn for my attention, for my love. I wanted him to be like a love puppet, my very own, I wanted him to want me. And trust me I will have him.
Frank’s P.O.V
I slammed my front door shut, I heard talking, thinking that it was just the T.V.
I went into the kitchen, grabbed a soda from the fridge and opened it with the sound of the crack and then the fizzing sound of the soda. I took a large gulp from my drink, I noticed the voices from the living room was slowly rising, as if someone hit the volume button to make it slowly grow louder. I then realised it was my mom’s voice shouting, and my dad’s. I quickly moved towards the living room.

“You’ve never been there for him!” my mom shouted at my dad, they were standing, anger flashed threw their faces as they stood, as if like animals guarding their land, standing their ground.

“I can’t help it I work all over the place!” he yelled back, like an animal roaring.

“You never tried when you lived here, you never cared,” she spat.

“I do care! I just don’t show it!” he shouted.

“Well try Frank because you make him feel like you never care!” she yelled.

“How would you know? Did he say that to you?” he asked.
“Yes! Of course he did!” she spat back.

I ran upstairs making sure they heard my loud footsteps hit hard against the wooden steps.
I slammed my door shut and curled up on my bed, why? Why did my dad have to be such a dick?
Today, another body found, a teenage boy called Patrick Martin was found in the woods, he also had the bite marks on his neck…
Is this so called vampire legend true? Where vampires hurt down humans and suck their blood?
Or is it just a killer with his/her own personal mark on their victim?
There is still no evidence to conclude to these but till then be safe.
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