Status: getting started :)

Outside the Lines

I'm Lauren Haley Stewart...

I would not classify myself as perfect. Apparently everyone at Poway High thinks I am. They think because I'm "pretty" and "popular" and keep up with my grades... makes me perfect. I have blue/green eyes and long blonde hair. They think I have perfect skin, but I live in California... how can I not get a tan? I'm also a cheerleader. The head cheerleader actually. My parents are doctors, so I HAVE to get straight A's in school. Since my parents are "rich", the students think I have everything in life perfect. Well I don't. My parents are divorced. I only go down to Los Angeles to visit my dad on the weekends. My mom always has to work, so she never has time for me. Nobody knows that I play guitar. I picked up the hobby while my parents were arguing over the summer into highschool. They divorced right before school started. Nobody knows that I secretly hate my group of "popular" friends, and my stuck up boyfriend Justin. Nobody knows that I struggle with school work. Without my secret tutor, the smartest person in every class, Serena, I wouldn't be able to get the A's I need to. Nobody knows I struggle with my parents. Nobody knows... I cry at night. Except for Zach. Zachary Porter. I never realized he was in all of my classes. I'd seen him in the halls before. He usually sat in the back of the class, I think writing in a notebook. Even when we weren't taking notes, he'd still be scribbling. I've noticed him in the corner of my eye. My "friends" would never expect this of me. One day, I just said to myself, "Screw it". I wanted to see what was outside of my boundaries. I wanted to talk to Zach for the first time. I wanted to step outside of the lines.

The question is, what will I find? ...

~Some chapters written in diary format~
  1. Prologue
    Meet Lauren Stewart
  2. The First Time I Saw You
    "I couldn't explain the curiosity building inside of me."
  3. Taking a Step Forward
    "I don't care, go sit with those other idiots..."
  4. No Time to Waste
    Just because we don't know eachother that well, doesn't mean we can't spend time together.
  5. Oh, The Things You Discover (Pt. 1)
    "Why not give a chance to do something new?"