Status: Done

Locks and Curls

Carrie the Heather

I had once again dialled her phone number, yes her. The beloved Carrie, the beautiful, wondrous, fantastic Carrie was not answering my calls. I guess I was calling her too much because this time...
“Hello? Is...”
“Yes Carrie is here, god damn-it! But If you dare ever, call her again I will find you and send your cell to hell!” snarled her Roommate, who I obviously upset. She hung up on me and Duncan started laughing like crazy! He had obviously heard the rampaging girl on the other line.
“Bro! Honestly, what are doing? Chasing after her?! Bah hahaha!” he held his stomach and chortled on
“Shut up.” I growled, flopping on my bed, my arms crossed.
“You should have told that to Missy McHissy on the other line!” he guffawed.
I grabbed by pillow and bucked it towards him; it hit him straight in the face, stopping him. “Hey, Ow... That really hurt!” he huffed, crossing his arms too.
“Aw, sorry, I didn’t mean to.” I said mockingly, Duncan could be a real jerk sometimes.
“All I am saying, is this chick isn’t worth the time. You are stalking her for god sakes!” he cried.
“I am not stalking her!” I defended, “Girls stalk, guys rock. Guy code, remember?” he joked.
“Yeah, is it? Then you’re breaking it then. Gonna start following the girl code, eh? You’re already calling her ‘till her roommate freaks, what next? Looking away because you’re blushing, that would be something.”
“Yeah... haha.” I mumbled.


Later that day I was walking through the store district and I saw a little jewellery store. I had the perfect idea.


I left the box on the stone bench and waited, I realized, I was good at waiting, if I liked what I was waiting for.
Sooner that I thought, Carrie came saw the box, and I instantly knew she loved the beautiful glass flower. I came from behind and put it around her neck. “I’m sorry, please forgive me.” I begged, she turned around, and hugged me. I was happier than I had been in a long time.


We talked for a long time about classes, where we had come from, places we wanted to go, we were very much alike and it was easy to talk to her.
“So, what did happen between you and Heather?” she asked.
“Well, I try not to stereotype, but, boy... She acts exactly how she looks, it is hard not to stereotype her to... well... floozy. She thinks she is the queen of the world, even though all her friends are fake and no boy will commit to her.”
“Why did you.” She asked.
“I felt sorry for her, and, like I said, I don’t like to stereotype, I thought I would find some sort of goodness or intelligentness or, something! But I was wrong, when it was my turn to choose a date spot, I’d choose meaningful things, like a walk in the park, a study session or going for dinner. But when she chose, it was club, some stupid movie or ‘her place’.” I saw her flinch when I said her place. “Whenever she didn’t want to do my date plan she, well she had a way to make me sway.”
“What was that?”
“Well, let’s not talk about this now, let’s do something else.” I said...


I sat at my desk, writing a poem. Duncan had helped convince me that I should bring our friendship up, way up, another level up, as he had put it. I wasn’t sure if this was a good idea, but I was sure that this poem would not only help me, but her.
“Read it to me!” Duncan insisted when I was done.
I read the poem aloud and he snickered at the end, “Oh, Eric, I am so madly in love with you now!” he said in a mock-female voice, making kissy faces at me.
“Shut up.” I growled, picking up the phone.
“Hey, Eric. How are you?” answered the beautiful voice of Carrie.
“I was working on a poem actually, as soon as I said it I wanted to take it back... “I’d prefer it to be in person, can we meet somewhere?”
“Alright then, where?”
“I was thinking the garden, it is close to you and I think I can take my bike up there nice and quick!”
“Ok, meet you there!” Then she hung up.


I stepped into the garden and for the first time ever she was already there. “Hello.” I said, sitting down on the bench beside her.
“Hello.” She replied.
We held hands as I read the poem to her...
“Like an angel, like a dove,
Listen to a call of love.
I never heard a song so sweet,
that echoed through walls so deep.
I’ll never let you pass me by,
If I can hold you if you cry,
If I can be there in times of hard
If you let me hear you heart.
If you let me fill you with great glee,
Carrie please be with me.” When I finished she was removing her hand from mine and crying. My heart broke in two, bleeding tears. “What is wrong?”
“Eric, I... I can’t be with you.” I cried.
“Why? You know how you feel, how we feel.”
“Eric, don’t... It is not that simple.” She bawled, she ran away, why did she run away? Why? Why?...


It is a day until classes, I haven’t bothered to call and give Duncan the satisfactory of hearing Missy McHissy again. After curfew, I snuck out. I know I shouldn’t have, but I did.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next-Conclusion to Chapter 7 *clapclap* yay!