Status: Done

Locks and Curls

A Piece of Paper

It had been over a week since my last encounter with Eric. I never saw him in the garden and he never called me. Tam insisted I should call him, but I didn’t. I didn’t have time for boys! Honestly, only stupid girls paid attention to boys rather than studies, listened to their heart rather than common sense. But I didn’t feel smart, just sad.
I shook my head; his number was on the table, in-between my laptop and my phone. I closed my eyes and grabbed the receiver, holding it to my shoulder and my ear.
riiiing... “Hello, this is Eric’s phone, Duncan speaking.”
“Uh, Hi... Is Eric there?” I asked.
“No, He is out. Who is calling?” Duncan said, full of confusion.
“You’re his Roommate, oh, well, never mind, uh, Bye.” I hung up quickly, slamming the receiver down. I sighed, resting my forehead on my hands with my elbows on the desk.
“Don’t you just hate Roomies?” Tammy said from her bed, looking over her book.
“Not a good time, Tam.” I grumbled.
“You should have a stakeout outside his house!” Tam giggled, “Just think about it, it would be so romantic!”
“You mean embarrassing!” I moaned, “Why are boys so complicated?”
“Because if boys were easy, we smart girls wouldn’t stand a chance to the dumb blondes! No offence.” She added.
“Your right, Eric is like the hardest, never-ending brain teaser in the world!” I groaned.
“Go out in the garden, that always cheers you up!” Tam suggested.


It was dark out, but that was fine. With my favourite blue shawl I sat down at my favourite stone bench, when I noticed something white in the dark, rich garden bed. I flicked the dirt off of it with the back of my hand. I saw a crumpled up piece of paper, I opened it and read.
Dearest Eric.
I am a forgiving woman, Eric. As long as you come back to me I will welcome you with open arms! Please babe, we have feelings for each other! I know you are far away in that stupid Academy, but we can make it work. Remember the time we spent watching the sunset this summer? It was magical.
Love, Heather.

I gasped, re-crumpling it up and throwing it onto the grass. I didn’t recognize this strange feeling that tainted my very being. I fell to my knees, my face in my hands, sobbing. How could I ever feel so close to a boy with a girlfriend?! I wiped my face and turned to see Eric behind me, his face wild with panic.
“Let me explain!” he reached for my shoulder but I slapped it away.
I tried to think of something clever to say, something to make him feel guilt. But all I did was slap his face, and then ran back to my house, alarming another student reading by the fire.
I stormed up to my room quietly to see Tam sleeping on her bed, the book covering her face. I quickly changed into a nightgown and crawled into bed, holding myself I tried to sleep but couldn’t.
The room phone rang, waking Tam up. I pretended to be sleeping while she answered it with a yawn.
“Carrie and Tammy’s room, this is Tammy.” She paused. “Sorry, she is sleeping.” She paused again. “Yes I am sure.” And again, “No she is not pretending! Who is this? Hello? Hello?!” she slammed the phone down and went back into bed.
I lay awake for a long time, thinking about him. I nearly regretted slapping him, but I couldn’t. I was consumed with my own envy of this Heather, though I wouldn’t admit it to myself at the time. When I finally fell asleep I dreamed of watching the sunset with Eric.
♠ ♠ ♠
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