Status: Done

Locks and Curls


Dear Mom,
So much has happened in the last two weeks. But I wish it had not, if I could only have come at least a week before I did none of this would have happened. I have come to the wretched affairs of the heart, it seemed I was going to get scot free from this but I suppose it is inevitable in my teenage years. I would rather not go into this right now, but I want you to know I am well and enjoying the figurative fruits of the garden.
Love with all my heart, Carrie.

I sealed the letter in an envelope, addressed it and headed down to the service center, wearing a white sun dress.
I sighed, giving the letter to the service center attendant and walking back towards my house.
I stopped at a restaurant called The Modern Garden. I took a seat and ordered an earl grey tea. I sat and watched the sky from the shop window. How is it not paying attention always brings him?
“Carrie.” I heard him say, he was dressed in a white and yellow plaid button down shirt with beige jeans, much like the day we met.
I gasped, leaning back in my chair, I moved to get up and leave but his hand, ever so gently, touched my shoulder.
“Let me explain.” He begged, sitting down on the chair across from me.
“What is there to explain?” I said coldly, not looking him in the eye, but staring out the window.
“Everything.” He said persistently. “It’s not what you think.”
I snorted, “Oh Really, What is it then?” I leaned back and folded my arms.
“Heather and I... Well there is no Heather and I.” He stated, “I broke it off with her. We were... very different people. That letter was a pathetic example of begging me to come back to her.” He said sadly.
“Why did you break it off with her?” I asked.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He grumbled.
A lady in a white apron with leaf designs handed me a steaming tea in a white ceramic cup. “Anything for you sir?” she asked, turning to Eric.
“One cappuccino please.” He asked while checking his pockets for credits.
“Yes, sir.” She nodded and hurried back to the kitchen.
I took a sip of my tea, it soothed me. “Why do you care what I think of your love-life anyway?” I asked in contempt.
“Carrie, I know you are a very intelligent person. You know how I feel about you.” His hand moved towards mine but I backed it away.
I gave him a cold stare, “What did you think was going to happen with us, Eric? Nothing, that’s what. I came here to learn, not date.” I crossed my arms again.
“Why? Why not Carrie, tell me why not?”
“Because, I am a sensible girl, Eric! Not some floozy like other girls!” I hissed through my teeth.
“That’s why! That’s why I like you! You’re not like other girls!” he beseeched.
“No, Eric. That’s why you can’t have me.” I picked up my cup and brought it to the counter. “Can I have this to-go?” I asked, the cashier nodded and went to the back, coming back with a paper cup with the Modern Garden Logo, she poured the tea into it and snapped the lid on. I took it and passed by Eric on my way out.
“And since you are such a gentleman, I’m sure you can pay.” And I walked out from the shop and back home.
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