Status: Slowly decaying...

Twilight Twisted

Bella. ***ing. Swan.

It was Tuesday, September 7 when they announced the finishing of the Worpinater, a machine that can teleport you to alternate dimensions. I turned the television up to hear more, and smirked to myself when the scientist being interviewed talked about the different possibilites that could come out of the futuristic machine. He said you can travel into books. It was obviously impossible after you considered the fact that books are part of the writers imagination. I clicked the television off and grabbed a pancake.

Making my way off into the street I saw a group of people in a panic, scattering in every direction possible. There was even a guy jumping up and down trying to fly. People were holding up signs in protest, and there was a lengthy line stretching down the opposite sidewalk. You know what they say, if you don't know what a line's for, get in it. It wasn't like I had anything better to do anyways.

Man, this line was long. I was hoping it was worth it and it didn't end up being a line for something completely stupid. When I finally made it to the front of the line, I found myself being put onto a platform.

"She's the one we need! The little girl in the black sweater!" shouted a crazy man who, what do you know, was the same man from the news. I glared at him for calling me a little girl. Hello, 16.

"Come, little girl. You're blood is incredible! It's an exact match to what we need to test out the machine once and for all."

I had no idea how stupid the guy thought I was, but I wasn't stupid enough to willingly get into a limo with him and his crazy, butt ugly face.

"I don't think so. I'm not going to get fried to bits by your retarded machine!" I shouted, turning around and expecting to find people around me to use as witnesses, but they were all gone. With a hand over my face, I fell into a deep resting place.


The light was so bright that I first thought I was peering into the soul of the sun. White was all that was visibly existent, so it alarmed me when I saw the wrinkly face of the crazy man on an overhead projector screen.

"We only have a minute, so let me explain. We're using you to test the retrieval setting on the Worpinator. I'm about 10% sure that we'll be able to get you back. Well, here goes!" He said all in one breath.

If I hadn't been traveling to an alternate dimension, I totally would have used my kung fu skills to kick his ass.


"Are you ok?" I heard. I opened my eyes to a pasty looking brown haired girl. Why was I laying down on the sidewalk? I hope I didn't get any dog poop on me or anything.

"Where am I?" I asked after I sat up and stared at her face.

"Forks, Washington," she said. A second later her phone was going off like crazy. She looked at me apologetically before hitting the talk button and pressing the phone to her ear.

"I'll be home in a minute, Charlie."

After hearing those haunting words I stared at the girl in front of me with my mouth wide open. Bella. Fucking. Swan.
♠ ♠ ♠
Message to twilight lovers: Just letting you know that I'm not writing this to make you mad or anything. I'm just writing it for fun. If you like twilight, I totally respect that.

Get ready for epicness people!