Status: Slowly decaying...

Twilight Twisted

102.46 THE_CLOT

Knock. Knock. Bang. Bang. Bang.

"Open the damn door!"

"Tony, door," I slurred lazily.

"Kira, toaster," he groaned. I didn't even have enough energy to roll my eyes, which is extremely tragic. I'm going to kill that bitch Emily. I swear to it.

After Emily had finally left, me and Tony (Don't even ask me to say Tony and I. I'm obviously the more important one.) started a food eating contest. All was well until my head began feeling like it was being banged on with a spatula. I put two and two together and realized that Emily must have drugged our food. Damn it.

"That's it! I'm bustin' the door down," the voice sighed.

Neither of us even flinched as the door crashed down and Paul's face became visible.

"Get away from me, Barney. I never want to see you again!" Tony said very slowly and dramatically.

"What's wrong with you guys?" As he approached, his foot slid on a bit of the vomit inhabiting the floor. His head hit the ground with a loud crack, and his eyes slid shut. All was silent once again.

"Thank god. I thought Barney would never shut up," Tony mumbled quietly. His eyes slithered closed, leaving me to sit by myself and continue to think of ways to kill Emily.


Inside of Bella's Brain {102.46 THE_CLOT}

"When I think about you I touch myself!" I sang in monotone, shoving ice cream into my mouth and stepping on the scale. I was doing pretty good gaining weight so far. I had already gained 7 pounds. Of course, my life would be a bottomless pit until Edward came back.

I kind of miss Kira. Edward does not like her, but she is the one thing in my life I won't let Edward have complete control over. In the future, if he comes back and she announces her love for me, I will simply tell her that I love her, but I'm not in love with her. Then all will be right as rain!

I stepped in front of the mirror and began staring at myself. Ever since Edward left, I haven't been able to get my right cheek to stop twitching. Yet another reason I need him.

"Bella, you skank!" I imagined hearing Edward saying. I savored the sound of his voice and the way his teeth were all sharp-like. I saw him, but I knew he wasn't really there.

"Earth to Bella... Damn, I wish I could read your mind. It would be interesting to read the mind of a schizophrenic," he mumbled.

"Edward, I miss you. I wish you were really back," I cried.

"Who do you think you see standing here?" My eyes widened as I considered the possibility of it really being him.

"I can't believe you cheated on me Bella. First that whole thing with the crazy druggie chick, and then Emily? I think it's time you know what it feels like," a dark look possessed his face as Emily strolled over.

"Hey, lover." Emily smirked. Edward hissed at her, before biting her and sending her into a fiery terror.

"I can't believe you would do this! I've been begging you to turn me forever, and then you just go and turn her?" I sobbed. It couldn't have been real, it just couldn't.

"You CHEATED on me. What goes around comes around!" He growled.

"You were gone Edward," I sobbed. "I thought I would never see you again."

"I said I was LEAVING for a FEW MONTHS and I would be BACK! Are you that fucking stupid?"

"But you said you would only come back if I ate more because you thought I was anorexic," I cried.

"Anorexic? Yeah, right. If anything your stomach is a giant flabby marshmallow. I kept trying to get you to diet, but of course you're too stupid to pick up a hint. 'Bella, come sit with me during lunch. Maybe then you won't stuff your face. Bella,come to my house where I'll keep you busy so you don't go toward the fridge!' The only way I would want you to gain MORE weight would be if I was going to suck your blood, which is actually growing into more and more of a possibility," He pulled at his hair in desperation.

"I never thought I would say this,but screw you, Edward!"

His jaw fell to the floor as he stared at me in awe for what I had just said to him. I was in awe that I actually said it. It was just the beginning of something beautiful. I knew then and there what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I was going to be a vampire hunter.
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I haven't updated in forever!

So, with both Emily and Bella turning badass all of a sudden, it kind of makes you wonder if anyone is going to turn all soft to balance it out. Or maybe everyone is gonna turn bad and then twilight will crash and burn. Plus, why are they changing like this? Is there something wrong with the story? OH MAH GOD. You better read on later to find out. :)