Status: Slowly decaying...

Twilight Twisted

Stupid Rabbit

"I couldn't just leave her in the middle of the sidewalk!" Bella shouted at Edward.

"That isn't a good enough excuse. What if she was dangerous?"

"You're right, Edward. I'll be more careful next time."

You're kidding me right? Have some girl power. Your lucky he doesn't beat you or something 'cause if he did, you would never make it out alive.

Edwards gaze shifted to me. His eyes narrowed into a glare.

Stephanie Myer was obviously exaggerating when she described you. Godly? Yah, right!

"Who's Stephanie Myer?" he asked, his expression twisting into one of confusion.

She's the one who made you exist. Although if I was the author, you definitely wouldn't sparkle. Was she on drugs when she wrote the book or something?

He was in front of my face in a flash.

"What do you mean, I sparkle?" he snorted trying to cover his tracks.

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" Bella's fragile voice choked.

Vampires sparkle in her book. And you know what? It's about you. YOU ARE A BOOK CHARACTER. TEENAGE GIRLS ALL OVER THE WORLD SWOON OVER THE IDEA OF YOU!

"I'm sorry, but you're crazy. We're going to have to ask you to leave." He said very firmly.

"If that's the way you want it. Tell Emmett his biceps are looking a little shabby."

Once I left Charlies house (more like a shed) I just walked around town hoping to wander upon the Reservation. Maybe they would help me there since they were supposed to protect the town or whatever. Plus none of the Cullens could get me there.

From having to hear people talking about the books, and the movies, and team Jacob this, team Edward that, I knew that if I wanted to find the were wolfs, I could also wander through the forest.

I stomped rather loud and obnoxiously through the dead leaves and sang at the top of my lungs. The quicker they heard me, the quicker they'd get here and I could help them in a plot to eliminate Edward Cullen. Of course then Bella would start bitching at me, but it would be worth it.

"It's the, eye of the tiger it's the thrill of the fight. Rising up to the challenge of our rivals!" My voice was like smooth lather and silk, not to brag. If I couldn't get out of that stupid place, I would start a band and sing about what would happen in the future of the book. Then I could laugh when everybody is like "What?"

I heard rustling in the leaves, and I was satisfied with my job well done. I looked around and was disappointed when a little bunny rabbit hopped in front of me, revealing that the bunny was what I'd heard all along.

"I'd curse you if you weren't so cute, bunny," I told the rabbit before I continued on. I kept stomping and singing and screaming, but the wolves still didn't come.

Eventually I ended up on a beach. There, in front of me, was a roaring fire shooting out thick black smoke. Destination reached. I'd never crashed a bonfire before, but I was pretty sure it'd be fun. Unless the big wolf people started attacking me with their oven bodies.

I was about twenty feet away when I stepped on a leaf and created a faint crunching sound. All of their heads snapped up at me and I felt like I was stuffed inside a closet full of pissed off Orangutans.

"Ummmm, hi. I was just trying to keep away from Edward Cullen and such, and I figured I would come here since they can't go on your territory and all," I whispered trying to get them to move. Needless to say, they didn't. I was starting to think they ran off and put very detailed statues of themselves in their place. I was about to turn and run away when all of their eyes shifted to a guy standing off to the side who was looking at me lovingly.

"Are you kidding me? This day can't get any worse. First, I get kidnapped by some psycho who sends me here. Then I have to talk to stupid Edward Cullen and Bella Swan who bug the crap out of me, and now I'm being imprinted on by a book character?!!?" I yelled. They looked like they were about to bust a gasket by now.

"I think it's time for me to go..." I mumbled. I started running in the opposite direction, but of course I had to trip over the same little bunny I saw in the forest. Wonderful.