Status: Active; Updated about once every week or two.

Marley's Twisted Arranged Marriage


“Wow what’s stuck up your butt, Mr. Grumpy Pants?” Damien asks. My eyes stayed closed and I pretended like I was still asleep. There was no reply.
“Are you upset because your future wife likes us more than she likes you?” Damien guesses. I mentally cringe at being called Conrad’s future wife.
“Hey Damien, guess what?” Conrad says with fake enthusiasm dripping in his words.
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” Conrad elongates every word.
“Man, what is your problem? Maybe if you stopped being such a dick to Marley and start trying to be her friend then we wouldn’t have to be the ones to ask her to hang out with us.” Andy steps in and as he speaks, I feel the vibration in his chest. That’s when I remember I fell asleep on his chest.
“Whatever. I don’t need your guys’ relationship advice, it’s not like it will get me anywhere. You guys can’t hold down a girl for a week.” Conrad retorts.
“We aren’t the ones stuck in an arranged marriage.” Damien replies. That’s when I decided I should ‘wake up’.
I pretended to yawn and stretch out my arms and legs, standing up and rubbing my eyes. I look over and see Conrad and Damien standing in front of each other, but they’re both staring at me.
“Did you just wake up?” Damien asks. I nod and yawn again. Conrad looks me up and down and sighs.
“I’m leaving.” He shuffles out of the room and closes the door quietly behind him. We all stare at the door in silence.
“To tell you the truth, I heard everything from ‘Wow what’s stuck up your butt Mr. Grumpy Pants?’” I state flatly and sit down on the couch. Damien sighs.
“Whatever. Just sibling rivalry, I guess.” He sits down on a recliner and zones out.
After a minute or two, I realize Finding Nemo is playing on the screen and I start to absorb myself into the movie. Damien’s phone starts to ring and I watch out of the corner of my eye as he looks at the caller ID, groans, and tosses his phone onto the plush carpet.
“Aren’t you going to answer that?” I ask as it keeps ringing.
“Nope.” He pops the ‘p’.
“Why not?” I press.
“It’s someone I don’t want to talk to.”
“This girl named Claire.” Something clicks in my brain.
“Oh! Conrad told me she was your girlfriend!” Damien and Andy give each other a look and crack up laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I ask confused.
“Me? A girlfriend? I’d never get so serious with a girl.” Damien says, recomposing himself.
“Well you shouldn’t just ignore her. Sooner or later she will find a way to talk to you, whether you want her to or not. I’d be livid if the guy I was somewhat dating completely ignored me.” I advise. He nods and shrugs, not making any sort of move to answer his phone. The phone stops ringing for a few minutes until it starts right back up again. I groaned in frustration and grabbed it, pressing the talk button and placing it to my ear.
“Uhh who is this?” The girl on the other line asks. Her voice is bittersweet and shrill at the same time.
“This is Marley, I’m Damien’s…. friend. Would you like to speak to Damien?” I give Damien a look.
"That'd be great! I’ve been trying to reach him all day!” She squeaks and I shove the phone into Damien’s resisting hands. He groans and places the phone to his ear. I didn’t want to eavesdrop so I went back to watching Finding Nemo and had conversations with Andy.
“Alright. Bye, Claire.” Damien finally finishes his phone conversation with Claire and leans back into the recliner seat.
“Don’t ever do that to me again.” He says simply, obviously directing the comment to me.
“Well, I know how I’d feel if the guy I liked had sex with me and then moved on. I’d be heartbroken, which is why you have to talk it out. What did you guys even talk about?” I ponder.
“I told her that we should see different people because the sex wasn’t good enough for me.” He states smoothly. I look at him disbelievingly.
“Are you serious? You’re really shallow.”
“She said it’s okay because she doesn’t think she was ready for my level of expertise.” He pretends to examine his nails in a cocky way while smirking. Thank you, Claire, for boosting up Damien’s ego by about 1000 points.
I roll my eyes and go back to watching the movie again. That was when Andy scooted really close to me and brought his hand close to my face. He stretched his pointer finger and put it very close to my face, purposely not touching me.
“Andy, stop.” I said, annoyed.
“But I’m not touching you!” He exclaims, not stopping. I sighed heavily. Today was going to be a very long day.
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Not much, but you'll have to deal with it until next week :D You should be proud of me, I never update on school days, but I made an exception today.
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