It seems like forever ago.

In the begginning

The boy opened his soft blue eyes only an hour after he was born. His mum was not thinking about how beautiful he is, but how much heroin she would need after long nights of is screaming. She was addicted. Clearly not thinking of how good of a life he would eventually have. How famous he would be. He would meet two of his best friends that would be with him for life. He would finish his schooling and have thousands adore those soft blue eyes.

*Time Elapse [10 years]. 1982*

The 10 year old boy, who just wasn’t a teenager yet woke up and threw his screaming alarm clock against the wall. He slowly got out of his bed, his eyes were still glazed over with sleep. He took a shower and went downstairs. He didn’t have an appetite, this was his first day at a new school. He hated school and all the people in it. At his old school he had very few friends. His foster parents wanted to move. They were fairly nice to him seeing he has no real parents. But he always saw himself with no money. He always wanted to buy records, but he still had no money. The ten year old was advanced for his age, tall and very smart. The boy got pushed around because he was poor and also because he thought and dressed differently then everyone else.

As he took a last look in the mirror and slowly walked downstairs, grabbing his backpack as he walked out the door to the bus stop. He only had too wait 10 minutes for the bus to arrive. As he got on the bus he looked around and it hit him hard as he realized that he knows no-one, he has no friends. He saw some Jocks glaring at him. He walked down to the back of the bus and stat in an empty, dejected seat. The bus lurched forward. The thin boy thought ‘I’m of to hell already.’

Twenty minuets later the bus stopped outside a run-down hole in the ground. It needed a good lick of paint and some good TLC. He slowly got of the bus and before he got shoved in the gutter he walked away to the Administration block. It has a sign saying ‘Welcome to Pine Hole Valley High School.’ The entrance room had a cabinet of awards and happy photos and paintings. The smell of coffee wafted in from the teachers lounge.

Just as he was about too sit down out popped this short and smiley woman.
“Hi Welcome to our school, you must be the new boy.”
“Yeah, um I guess I am.”
The woman gave the brown haired boy his locker number and his books and told him were his homeroom and locker was and sent him on his way. By the time he had found his locker and his home room he had been tripped three times by the same group of Jocks. They had some hideous girls hanging off there arms who were also laughing at his misfortune.

After recovering slightly he went to his homeroom, earning an evil look from Mr Prune because he was late.
Mr Prune said “Oi new kid, Sit up the front.”
Obviously this school wasn’t nice enough to introduce him or give him something to help him find all his classes and what not. “Cheery my ass” he said to himself.

The class bell went so he made his way through the crowd to F Block. He had English. His teacher would be a witch. After an hour of listening to Romeo and Juliet the bell rang and he again pushed his way through the crowds. Everyone was bigger then him. He was just a scrawny boy. He had music, it was the only place were he felt safe because as soon as the lunch bell rang you could see his shoulders slump. He walked out and into the cafeteria were he felt he was in the most danger from his peers.

He grabbed his shake and burger and turned through the tables trying to find somewhere to sit. He got glares from everyone in the cafeteria. The boy decided to go sit outside. He found an old oak tree near the football fields. The boy had been only sitting there for a few minutes when he saw a shadow come over him. He looked up scared thinking it was a Jock, but it was some one else.

A short boy with a mess of red/brown hair stood there with a grin on his face.
“Oh so you must be the new kid then.”
“Um, yeah.”
“Hmm yes well I don’t fit in anywhere either. There is us though. Just a small group, we met each other in detention. But mostly we hang by ourselves causing trouble. What’s your name kid?”
“My names Mike.”
“Sweet as, my names Billie-Joe. Mind if I sit with you. I don’t really have anyone else so we might as well stick together in this hole.”

The two boys started talking and getting to know each other. This year just got interesting for them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you think.
Should I continue this??
I have some great ideas for it.
Should I take some or add?