If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn


It was the last minute of the winter classics and the capitals were up by two. Payton Jackson sat in the stands next to Alicia Staal, Emily Letang and the rest of the girlfriends to the Pittsburgh penguin’s players. She was the noisiest of the group not only being the captain’s girlfriend but also because she loves the sport and always gets into the games. Her heart was starting to sink as the seconds ticked by and she realized that the penguins were going to lose; this was a big game to a lot of people not just the teams. There were only six tenths of a second and a fight broke out and as a proud hockey player Payton stood up and yelled fight along with the other fans in the stadium. The referees broke the fight apart and soon the capitals and penguins were facing off again, the puck dropped they fought for it, the last ringer went off signaling a three to one win for the Washington capitals.

Payton sat back down every curse word in the book flying out of her pink lips. She couldn’t even clap as her boyfriend and best friends skated off of the ice, the teams not even shaking hands. Payton looked over at her friends and smiled lightly, knowing what the girls were thinking. Payton stood up with some of the girls and started to leave the arena. While walking through the cold night air her blackberry vibrated in her pocket signaling a new text message.

One new text from: Sidney
Just go home, I’ll meet you there.

Payton sighed and typed up a quick reply before hugging the girls and bidding them goodbye. The drive back to their shared apartment was a disappointing one for the twenty two year old. She’s been a fan of the penguins since she was seventeen so she was naturally disappointed in her team. Payton tried to think of all the great plays and the hard work her team did but all she could think about was the loss and how bad of a mood her boyfriend was going to be in when he got home.


Payton laid in bed, clad in one of Sidney’s shirts and sweatpants. It was nearing two in the morning when Payton finally heard the sound of the apartment door opening and slamming causing the girl to wince. She listened carefully and heard the sighing and loud thuds of her boyfriend as he walked through the apartment. He opened the door roughly and dropped his duffel on the floor not paying attention to the fact that his girlfriend might be sleeping. Sidney sat on the edge of the bed and put his head in his hands. Payton silently got up and moved to wrap her arms around his shoulders, kissing the back of his neck lightly.

“I didn’t know you were awake.”

“With that kind of entrance I think anyone would have awoken.” Payton cursed quietly right after she said it, tonight was not the night to poke fun at Sidney. “I’m sorry.” Payton whispered.

“Yeah, whatever.”

Sidney got up and started to take off his clothes.

“Do you want me to draw you a bath?” Payton asked getting up.

“No, I showered back at the rink.”

“Okay well can I get you anything to eat or drink?”

“You can shut the hell up.”

Payton took a deep breath; she knew this was just the disappointment talking.

“Sid, I know this was a depressing loss but you have no right to talk to me like that. We’ve talked about this before Sidney; you can’t take your anger out on me.”

“I know.” Sidney said running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

Payton sighed and walked over to her boxer clad boyfriend placing her hands on his cheeks. “I’m proud of you Sid, you played a good game.”

“Thanks baby girl.”

Payton smiled and kissed him, “You’re welcome. Now come on captain, let’s go to bed.”

The couple of two years climbed into bed together, automatically curling into each other. Sidney rubbed Payton’s arm calmly as he thought back to the game and what he could have done differently to win. He thought about what he still has to work on and what he’ll have to do at practice Tuesday. But most importantly, he thought about how mad he is that he couldn't purpose to Payton like he wanted to. His plan was that once the team won he was going to meet Payton at the locker rooms like they planned and in front of all the cameras he was going to purpose to the girl of his dreams, his only love. He knew he could have still gone through with his plan but it wouldn’t be as exciting if they won.

“Hey Sid.” Payton said startling the twenty four year old.

“Yes baby?”

“How’s your head? I forgot to ask.”

“It’s sore but I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

“Well good. I was about to fly down to that ice and put that player in the penalty box myself.”

Sidney couldn’t help but laugh, “I know you would have. I was half expecting you to.”

“Well next time, I’ll be down there. No one hurts my boyfriend without a word from me.”

Sidney chuckled and shook his head knowing it was all talk but the thought made him feel

“Hey Payton, you want to know why I’m so disappointed about winning.”


“Because I had something big planned but now I’m starting to realize it wouldn’t have been
the right time. I think now is.” Sidney said making a quick decision and getting out of bed,
turning on the light and going to his duffel.

“What are you talking about Sidney?” Payton sat up in bed.

Sidney grasped the black velvet box in his hand and turned to smile at her and went to her bedside kneeling on his knees.

“Payton, you’re always there when I need you and you are the one person who completely understands me. You put up with my lack of knowledge for doing laundry or forgetting to unload the dishwasher. You put up with my horrible moods after we lose a game, you put up with me when we win. I love the fact that you wake up with me every practice or meeting mornings and make sure I get going okay. I love the fact that you are always cheering me on, on the ice or not. I just love you so much and you would make me the happiest guy alive if you would agree to marry me.”

Payton’s eyes went wide as she starred at the diamond ring that was now open to her. Tears pricked her eyes as she tried to find her voice to answer.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Payton yelled throwing herself at her now fiancé.

Sidney hugged her back tightly knowing he made the right decision by asking her tonight anyways. They pulled away and kissed before Sidney slipped the engagement ring onto her slim finger. Payton looked down at the ring before back up at a smiling Sidney which caused her to smile before connecting their lips again. The kiss quickly turned heated and soon Sidney was straddling Payton.

“I guess Crosby did score.” Payton joked before reconnecting their lips.

“Yeah and he’s about to score again.” He smirked and started taking off her clothes.
♠ ♠ ♠
1,243 Words.