Acting Like an SOB

Bull and Life

Walking through the doors, we feel the music pumping from the speakers into us. Turning to each other we smile knowing this is the right place to celebrate a win and morn over a loss of our teams. You see me and my sister we are twins, we may look alike and act a bit a like but for some odd reason our hockey taste is the only major difference about us. My sister Cara likes the Philadelphia Flyers; yes I know what you are thinking, why would she do that. While me, Kim, love and support the Pittsburgh Penguins. Crazy I know right. Well since we live about an hour away from Philly we decided that this year we were going to finds tickets to the Penguins vs. Flyers game. Which we were successful in doing but as everyone knows by know Flyers beat the Penguins which is why we are now going to a bar to dance the night away and either forget about the loss or party for a good win.

“Dude this place is nice.” Cara pushes her way through the wave of people trying to reach the bar.

“Yea its better then some of the other places we have been. I say the one with the fewer amounts of sluts.”

Finally reaching the bar we take a seat at the far end and wait to order our drinks.

“You need to cheer up right now. Let lose and get a man.” Wiggling her eyebrows at me I roll my eyes and shake my head.

“Nah I think I am fine with just drinking.” Order ourselves some drinks we turn around on our stools to cheek out all the people and make up our own stories of their life. Have you ever tried it, just sitting there pick out a person from a far and make up your own story for them. It is pretty funny especially when you do it when you are drunk. But anyway we find this group of guys sitting in the back of the place with a bunch of girls around them.

“Mhmm well lets see. I say they are some rich guys. I say like-”

Cutting her off after setting my drink down I continue, “they are probably some snot brat rich frat boys. I am guessing turning the drinking age. I can not see that far I forgot my glasses. What do you think?” Bring the bottle back to my lips I look over at her.

“Well to me they kinda of look like some guys who are like 23-27 or something like that. Ooh and maybe they have such low self-esteem they have to come here to get hookers so they won’t get caught back at the college.”

Shaking my head at her I notice two of the guys stand up and start walking over in our direction.

“Well look now we can see if we were right about the frat boys.” Taking another swig I notice my sister almost choke. “What’s wrong?”

“Those are not frat boys. They are men, hockey men, flyer hockey men, Mike Richards and Jeff Carter flyer hockey men. And they are walking this way. Holy shit!”

“Calm down they will not talk to us they are getting beers. Maybe later you can go over and get their autograph since I am assuming there are other players here.”

Trying to not let my excitement show in my voice of getting to meet hockey players even if they are arrogant Flyer hags it would be an honor.

“Turn around I can not let them see that I am talking to you what if they see your jersey!”

“Hey now there is nothing wrong with my Crosby jersey. And it’s not like they won’t talk to you because I am here.”

Turning my gaze back to the two men I noticed they have stopped right in front of me and my sister. Eyes widening I look over at my sister to find her mouth hanging slightly open and a look of shock, love, and admiration on her face.

“Hello ladies.” Jeff Carter sits down next to me and calls the bartender over to order me another beer. While Richards leans against the wall, and orders my sister another drink and himself one.

“Hi.” Cara manages to squeak out while blushing and looking between the two boys and then to the drink Richards has just ordered for her.

“So I see you sexy girls are hockey fans.” Richards smirks at us and then scowls.

“Yea and one is for the wrong team. Do not understand how you could like them.” Cater stats making me drawl my attention to him.

“Well for starters the fans are much nicer unlike your drunken ass fans.”

“Kimmy! Do not say that.” Cara looks at me surprised by my little spark of confidence to say that.

Laughing Cater shakes his head. “It is cool but I guess we will just have to convert you to the right team. How about you come over and join us and the guys. We can show you which team is really the best.” Winking at me I roll my eyes and turn away and shiver.

“That is so gross. I will never which sides. Once I have gotten the jersey I am never trading because I do not want to buy another jersey.”

Cara lets out a small giggle. “I thought you said you would change teams only if Pronger would wear a skirt to every practice and game.”

Once those leave her lips I feel my face heat up as the two guys start laughing.

“That is the best thing I have ever heard. I can not wait to go tell him.”

Looking over to see Carter has stood up and takes the hand of my sister and heads back to the table so they can retell the stupid and embarrassing story of me wanting to see Pronger wear a skirt then I would trade teams.

“So I am guessing there is no hope in me getting you out of that jersey and into a real mans jersey?”

Raising my eye brow I look over at Richards to see a nice little smug smirk across his lips, which kind of makes him hot, no wait bad Kim he is a bad man.

“And why would I even think about going home with a whore fuck bag like you. I would like to not get an STD thank you very much.”

“Woo hey now that is kind of rude. Judging a book by its cover. Didn’t your mother ever teach you to not do that? Come on be fair I can give you a good time.”

“Yea right who says that? I don’t know of anyone who would say that you can give a good time you ass hole, whore.”

“Yea well I could have any other chick in this place but I want you. And right now they would be bowing down at my feet ready for anything and have a good damn fucking time with me. I am after all one of the greatest hockey players I did lead the team to the Finals.”

Rolling my eyes I snort and finish off the drink standing up placing my hands on my hips.

“Ha wow you are an arrogant bastard. I am sorry to break it to you but the world is not in your hands and life isn’t fair. Plus just because you are good doesn’t mean shit because I wouldn’t care if you were a horrible player, if you are an ass hole I will never treat you fairly, and expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian. Think about that while I have a good time with some real people.”

Turning away I head over to the table that Carter and Cara disappeared to earlier. And even though I was a Penguins fan they let me in their group and I really enjoy myself all the while Mike is still sitting at the bar all by himself turning down all the ladies walking up to him. Some times I would glance up from my drink and watch him till I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Even though we won tonight he did not play as well and I kind of might have over heard your talk with him. He will get over it don’t worry about it.” Daniel Carcillo gives me a smile and pats my back walking out with a chick that he just seem to have meet here.

Sighing I pick up my drink ignoring the look my sister is giving my and heads back over to him.

“You look really pathetic sitting over here by your self you know that.” Shaking my head I look at him only to notice him giving me a hard stair. “What?”

“Are you bi-polar or something. First you freak out at me and now you are all nice. I really do not get it.”

Giggling I shake my head. “I was just pissed you guys beat my team and then you act like a cocky son of a bitch. But come on I will show you how to have a good time with out being an ass and thinking everyone around you will bend to their knees when you ask from something.”

Standing up I grab his hand and pull him out of the bar and lead him my favorite spot in the world. Without speaking I lead him to the park a few blocks away that I would always visit during my time in Philly. I lead him over to the swings and take a seat.

“This is fun?” Taking a questionable glance at me he sits down on a swing next to me.

“Yea it is. You can act like what ever you want, just not an ass, and look up at the stars I bet you haven’t done that in a while.”

Both of us glance up then at each other. Feeling a smile tug at my lips Richards smiles back.

“So you would really switch teams if we got Pronger to wear a skirt for everything?”

Laughing I nod my head. “Yea that is the only way sorry.”

All through the night and many nights to come, we sit on our swings in the park and chat and just enjoy ourselves in a peaceful place where no one can be an ass hole and think that the world should be amazing to you because you are good at something. Just never forget that when you expect that you will get no where in life.
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okay this totally did not turn out like i wanted but what ever some parts turned out right others didnt but enjoy! wish me luck i am going t oneed it.