

Kouyou wasn’t entirely sure why he was with this man. There had been no greeting, no formal introduction, and for that matter, there hadn’t been an informal introduction either. Instead, this dark-haired stranger had walked up behind him, as confident as could be, and had slid an arm around him, murmuring in his ear a request for the two of them to dance.

His voice had left something churning in the pit of his stomach, and it had made numerous images of pure, unadulterated sin flash before his eyes, and yet, he’d pressed himself back against that warm body and had allowed him the dance he’d requested. Artful hips had rolled forward and guided the movement of his own, and the hands at his waist had gripped and squeezed and guided him in the smoothest, most sensual dance.

The air about the dark-haired man had left Kouyou’s senses reeling, and he’d eventually allowed himself to lose himself in their dance, pressing back against the dark-haired stranger. It was something that happened often in his world- someone would come up to him, ask him to dance, give him the dryfuck of a lifetime, and then leave to grab a few drinks at the bar before heading home. Dancing, he was used to. Practically fucking on the dance floor, he was used to, too. Allowing more than once dance, however, was something he didn’t normally do.

But this dark-haired stranger, with his artful hips and intoxicating aura, had made Kouyou curious, and he’d inspired pure desire within Kouyou. He shared nothing with him except for the nickname his friends had give him, and he’d asked for nothing in return – all he’d asked for was a dance, and he’d gotten one, and then he’d gotten another, and another, and another.

Kouyou wasn’t entirely sure how long they’d spent on the dance floor, either. He did know, however, that at one point, it had taken his dark-haired companion less than five seconds to turn him around, pull him right up against him, and give him the kiss of a lifetime. And it had been then that Kouyou had realized that the dark-haired man was shorter than him, but in those few moments of lips pressed against lips, height had been the last thing on his mind.

The dark-haired man’s mouth against his had short-circuited all the parts of him that told him to slow down, and he’d pressed back and parted his lips, and he’d let his mystery companion drag him closer, kissing him harder. He’d clung to him, hands resting on his shoulders. He’d parted his lips and breathed out a moan, drawing back to gaze into those dark orbs once he’d felt a warm tongue smoothing itself across his lips.

And the dark-haired man had smiled at him, and then he’d felt a hand in his hair, and then he’d been pulled forward into another kiss. The beat of the music had changed, and he’d wrapped his arms around the dark-haired man’s neck, letting him roll their hips together in some semblance of a dance. Kouyou’d let out a soft moan against those soft lips, and he’d felt the dark-haired man’s smile against his mouth, and then he’d drawn back, earning a raised eyebrow and an interested smile.

“Come with me,” he’d said, and he’d led the dark-haired man to the bathroom, the only place in the club secluded enough to let them get closer without much scrutiny. The dark-haired man had taken his hand, and he’d let Kouyou press him against the door, and he’d released an impressively tempting moan against his lips when they’d kissed. Hands had slipped down Kouyou’s back, over the curve of his ass, and down to his thighs, pressing him closer.

And at some point, he’d ended up here- and all he knew about ‘here’ was that his dark-haired companion had lifted his legs, held him to his waist, and had pinned him against the wall.All he knew was that he was holding onto the stranger’s neck and had locked his legs around his waist, and the dark-haired man was murmuring that his name was Yuu- and Kouyou was moaning that name as those heavenly lips broke away from his and moved down to kiss the side of his neck.

He tilted his head to the side, shutting his eyes and brushing his fingers through Yuu’s dark hair, groaning softly as skilled hips rolled forward and pressed him back against the wall. He moaned again, softly, as teeth nipped at his skin, and he gripped at the dark locks of hair between his fingers, pulling Yuu back up to his lips for a kiss. Smooth lips parted against his, and he let his tongue slip forward, and as they kissed, Yuu’s hands slipped down to his waist, fingers dipping beneath his shirt, brushing at his skin. He tightened his legs around Yuu’s waist, pulling him closer, pressing their hips together, and shivered as warm palms slid to the dip of his back.

He let his hands disentangle from Yuu’s hair, and he instead rested them on the front of his pants, his nerve endings short-circuiting as Yuu’s hands slipped down as far as they could and squeezed. He moaned against the mouth pressed to his, and the alcohol flowing in his system urged his fingers onward- sliding Yuu’s zipper down and popping open the button, sliding the denim of his pants down just enough to expose his boxers. One hand returned to Yuu’s hair, and the other cupped Yuu’s length through his boxers, rubbing him and giving him a gentle squeeze.

The dark-haired man moaned and pressed forward into his palm, and Kouyou smiled, drawing back from the kiss to gaze at him- eyes half-lidded and hazy smile on his lips, Yuu was a walking orgasm, and all Kouyou wanted was for Yuu to give him one. He breathed out a moan as Yuu’s hands worked nimbly to return the favor, and he gasped and bit his lip as his pants and boxers were pushed down together. The cold air that hit his skin made him press his hips upward into the warmth of Yuu’s hand, and he felt his cheeks heat as fingers wrapped around him and gave a few experimental strokes.

He bucked upward into that hand, legs tightening around Yuu’s waist, and let his lips part as Yuu pressed a couple of fingers to them, and he sucked on the digits as Yuu’s other hand busied itself with stroking his dick. How he’d managed to land himself in this position, he really had no idea, but he found that he didn’t care. He sucked on Yuu’s fingers like his life depended on it, licking them and coating them with his saliva, and he became so concentrated on this task that he actually whimpered when Yuu removed his fingers from his mouth.

He very nearly glared at the man before him, but Yuu was a step ahead. As Kouyou turned his head and fixed his gaze upon him, he smiled and removed his hand from Kouyou’s dick, placing it on his hip to keep him in place, and then pressed the tip of a saliva-coated finger against his entrance. Kouyou’s eyes fluttered, and he found himself clinging to the dark-haired man’s neck, cheeks flushed as that wet digit pressed its way into him. He hissed a little as pressing down onto that finger rubbed his ass against the concrete wall, but he decided that it was worth it as the finger slid farther into him, slipping steadily in and out.

He breathed out another moan and pressed down again, and Yuu smiled as he leaned forward and focused his attention on a spot on Kouyou’s neck. He licked and nipped at the blonde’s skin as he fingered him, finger curling and slowly slipping farther inside him, though Kouyou wasn’t exactly a novice and could have taken much, much more. He gripped at the back of Yuu’s neck as another finger slipped into him, and as those fingers began to scissor apart and really stretch him, he couldn’t help but let his head fall back to rest on the wall, eyes closing.

He arched as the tip of Yuu’s finger brushed against his prostate, and he let out a breathy moan as Yuu noticed the change and repeated the motion. He could see tiny flashes of white in the corners of his vision, and he was painfully hard as he pressed forward against Yuu’s body, searching out friction he knew he wasn’t going to get. Yuu only smirked, sucking at the skin he’d bitten, and he rubbed his fingers against that spot over and over again, pressing Yuu back onto the wall to hold him up.

Another finger found its way inside him, and Kouyou could only groan helplessly as Yuu sucked at his neck, and there was a flash of stars as the tips of Yuu’s fingers pressed down against his prostate. He bit his lip, bucking forward, and murmured Yuu’s name, and the dark-haired man only smirked and pressed harder.

“Just fuck me, Yuu,” he breathed, and he let his fingers slip into the other man’s hair, tugging vainly, moaning breathily as the fingers inside him curled and continued to press into him. “God, Yuu, don’t- nn, shit, don’t make me beg.” He bit his lip, arching forward as Yuu’s fingers twisted and curled inside him, and he let out another breathy moan as Yuu bit hard at his neck.

“Maybe I want you to,” murmured the dark-haired man, and Kouyou shivered as that deep voice rumbled against his skin. He dragged his fingertips over Kouyou’s prostate, and he smirked a little as he heard the blonde whimper and felt him writhe. “Beg for it, and I’ll fuck you so good you’ll be limping for a week.” He bit at Kouyou’s skin again, flicking his tongue out and running it over the red mark he’d created, and he smiled as he paused to admire his work.

“Please,” Kouyou murmured. Yuu’s wrist twisted to the side a little, and Kouyou felt knuckles against his prostate, and his legs tightened, holding on to Yuu’s waist for dear life. “Sh-shit, Yuu, please.”

“That’s not begging,” Yuu growled, and his voice was rough and deep from arousal, and Kouyou could feel that arousal pressing right against his ass. “I said beg.”

Kouyou bit his lip and arched forward as Yuu’s fingers thrust in a little roughly, and his voice rose an octave as Yuu’s fingertips bore down on his prostate, and his fingers curled, nails digging into the dark-haired man’s skin. “Please fuck me, Yuu,” he breathed. “I- oh, God I need it. Please.”

“Hm.” Yuu smirked a little, licking around the mark he’d left on Kouyou’s skin, and then he lifted his head. His eyes darkened as he saw the flushed look of arousal that had taken over the blonde’s expression, and he smiled as he swayed forward and kissed him, withdrawing his fingers. Kouyou whined quietly at the loss of Yuu’s fingers, but his entire body was trembling with anticipation as Yuu managed to push his boxers down enough to free his cock. He could feel knuckles brushing against his own length as Yuu stroked himself and slicked himself with the sweat from his palm, and he groaned as Yuu’s lips broke away from his. The dark-haired man released a low moan, his eyes slipping half-closed, and then as that sinful gaze fixed itself upon Kouyou’s, the blonde shuddered, tangling his fingers into black hair.

Yuu’s head dropped forward as he pushed himself into the blonde’s waiting body, and he let out a low groan as tight muscles enveloped him, breathing out against Kouyou’s lips. The blonde tilted his head a little so that their mouths could meet, and his back curved up and away from the wall as Yuu and his cock pressed farther inside. He pressed forward, forcing him deeper, and he secretly hoped that Yuu would take pity on him and wrap a hand around his cock.

No such absolution came, however, and he groaned helplessly into Yuu’s mouth as his lips parted and his teeth seized hold of the dark-haired man’s bottom lip. He pulled, prompting Yuu to release a very tempting moan, and he pulled harder, hoping to gain the same result. Yuu hissed, and Kouyou smirked a little, and then their mouths clashed together once again.

Kouyou kneaded his fingers in the other man’s dark hair, and he parted his lips, letting Yuu’s talented tongue slip forward and rub against his. The sensation the kiss created was pure bliss, and it was like an electro-shock to his nerve endings as Yuu drew back and then thrust right back in. He moaned again, his lips parting enough for Yuu’s tongue to slip into his mouth, and he tugged helplessly at his hair as his head spun and his legs tightened around Yuu’s waist. Yuu groaned against his mouth as he was pushed deeper into him, and he growled a little as he gripped Kouyou’s hip and pushed him back against the wall, making his message as clear as he could without breaking their kiss.

Kouyou whimpered into the kiss, but seemed to understand, and he gripped at the dark strands of Yuu’s hair instead, his back curving in a perfect arch as Yuu thrust a little harder against him. His muscles clenched around him, and Yuu groaned into the kiss in response. He could only continue to thrust forward, pushing right into the blonde man, and he could only break the kiss and rest his forehead on Kouyou’s shoulder as his cock throbbed and rubbed right against Kouyou’s prostate. The blonde man moaned hazily, his grip on Yuu’s hair tightening, and he rolled his hips forward, quietly begging for more.

A welcome blur lingered in his vision as his eyes fluttered closed, and as Yuu’s hips shifted and the tip of his cock slid right against his nerve endings, he could only moan and hold on tighter. The dark-haired man turned his head, flicking his tongue out against the unmarked side of Kouyou’s neck, and he bit, urged on by the groan and tug at his hair that he’d prompted. Kouyou stretched his neck a little, letting his temple rest against the wall, and he kneaded his fingers in dark hair.

The sensations surging through his body were unbearable, and he groaned pitifully and pressed his hips forward, trying to achieve a little friction, letting out a low breath as Yuu grunted and wrapped a hand around his cock. A calloused thumb rolled smoothly over the tip as fingers stroked him, and the warmth lapping at his gut intensified. He breathed out a warning as Yuu bit at a new spot at his neck, and as Yuu’s cock rubbed against his prostate a few more times, he held on tight, drawing Yuu closer with his legs, and he let go. The muscles of his stomach tensed and relaxed over and over as orgasm washed through him, and he bucked up into Yuu’s hand as much as he could before the post-release lethargy set in.

He rested back against the wall, and as Yuu lifted his head a little, he leaned down and crushed their mouths together, seeking out a release for the last of the tension he felt. Yuu moaned low against his lips, his hips jerking forward, the intensity of his thrusts increasing just a bit more. Kouyou could only whimper against his lips, muffling the sound as best as he could with their kiss, and Yuu could only brace his other hand against the wall. His legs threatened to give out as he thrust harder into the blonde’s body, and he felt Kouyou shift against him and attempt to make it easier for Yuu to hold him up.

He swore under his breath as they broke apart for air, and Kouyou shuddered as he let out a low growl and kissed him again. He gave a few more thrusts, pushing in as deep as he could, and breathed out a groan as he came. Kouyou parted his lips and let Yuu’s tongue into his mouth, and as their tongues rubbed together, Kouyou pressed himself down on Yuu’s cock and let him come to a rest inside him, both of them panting as they broke apart once more.

Their gazes met, and Kouyou gave a small smile as he leaned forward, pressing a light kiss to Yuu’s lips, and then drawing back. As gently as he could, he unwrapped his legs from the dark-haired man’s waist, holding on to him to steady himself. The burn in his ass from Yuu’s less-than-gentle thrusting had him hissing and wincing, but as Yuu drew back to pull his clothes back into place, Kouyou could only really lean back back against the wall he’d just been fucked into. His head dropped back as he caught his breath, his hands working lazily to pull his own pants and boxers back into place. And then he felt Yuu’s smooth lips touch his cheek, and he turned his head to look at him, raising his eyebrow and giving him a short smile.

Yuu only winked and held out his hand, and Kouyou rolled his eyes and took it, letting Yuu lead him back to the club.