Status: complete

A Rock Prince with a Vengeance

Deja Vu


There was only one adjective that could describe me at the moment, and that was speechless. I thought she would never screw one of my best friends, and then end up pregnant. I can't blame her, though. I guess it wasn't anyone's fault. We weren't in a relationship at the time being, which gave her the complete right to do whatever she pleased as a free woman. Man, I can't label this situation with any kind of emotion.

I need guidance, badly. I had no control of my spiraling life, and I don't know what direction I want to take my relationship to. There was one man who could help me and my troublesome relationship, and that man was Johnny.

"Johnny, bro. I need to talk to you." I caught him at the perfect time.

"What a coincidence. I was just looking for you. Question: why did I just see Brian packing all of his belongings into his car? Is he going on a vacation? Is he moving out? Is he okay?" Johnny started to panic near the end of his sentence.

"He's moving out."

"Why? By choice or by force?"

"That's why I kinda need to talk to you."

"What did he do?"

"Did you hear the news about Briony?"

"I sure did. Congratulations to h-wait. I think I know where this is going. You don't mean they?"


"Damn, Zacky. I'm so sorry about that, man. Can I do anything to cheer you up?"

"I need advice."

"I'm capable of doing that."

"So apparently they hooked up accidentally when we were on break."

"As in they were both drunk? I thought Briony wasn't a heavy drinker."

"On that night she was. I don't know what to do. Should I try and keep a steady relationship with her or do I kick her to the edge of the curb and have her raise the child as a homeless single mother?"

"It all depends on how you feel about her. Do you still want to marry her?"

"Of course. I haven't been so happy with someone my entire life, even though she tends to bring chaos in this relationship."

"I think you may be making the wrong decision here, but since I'm your friend, I'm going to encourage you to do whatever your heart tells you to do."

"Who knows about the outcome and what life's going to throw at us. If karma starts being a bitch, then so let her be. I can deal with her. Now since we figured out this problem, a new one came up: what am I suppose to do about the kid?"

"You should discuss all that with Brian and Briony to make the proper decision. Also, now since you're really not angry at Brian anymore, why don't you catch him before he leaves?"

"I think I'll keep him out for a couple days. It'll be enough time to get rid of the tension between us."

"You're right. Besides, we probably can use a break from him," he joked.

"Thank you, Johnny, for everything. I genuinely mean that too. By the way, have you seen Briony? She said she was going on a walk, but it has almost been two hours."


I am beyond the world of confused. I woke up in a dark room, and I can't remember how I ended up here. The last thing I remember was that I was drinking a shitty coffee at the park with Frank, and I fell off the swing. My immediate reaction was to scream for help, but then I realized that my mouth was covered by some type of cloth and I was tied up. What do you know, I was kidnapped, again. The question was now, who did it? Since I had no idea what to do, I decided to jump to a dangerous last resort: to start squirming and attempting to squeal like a pig. Even though this might attract my predator, it was the only solution to try and receive some emergency help, but the chances of that ever happening are slim to none.

A couple minutes later, I heard the door unlock and saw the light starting to brighten the room. In the doorway was the shadows of two men. The shorter shadow flicked the lights on. I didn't recognize the man with the res hair, and the other one was Frank.

I was shocked. Why would Frank do this to me? I considered him a friend and even told him all o my darkest secrets. I continued with my cries to see if Frank would rescue me. I was denied that request.

"Briony McCarthy. Just the girl we needed." The red-head approached me while taking off the bandanna and uncoiling the rope.

"Pfft. What are you talking about? Who is this Briony girl? I don't even think Briony is a real name. Pfft." I decided to act stupid to see if they would have a change of heart and release me unharmed. The plan was a big fail.

"Oh shut up with your sarcastic bullshit." His tone frightened me. "I know all about you, thanks to my assistant, who you are quite acquainted with."

"What am I dong here? And who are you?" This is all deja vu all over again.

"Gerard Way, prince of the MCR dynasty." He bowed before me, " and you are here because I want my revenge."

"Hold on. The same MCR who is rivals with Avenged Sevenfold?"


"Then what do I have to do with your scheme for revenge?"

"That took everything valuable from me, so I'm doing the same thing."

"So A7X took your girlfriend and like what, made her prisoner for eternity or something? If that's the case, then I have no need to be here."

"No, they killed her. And that's what I plan on doing to you. However, I might not. You don't compare to my late Emma, but you're stunning, beautiful even."

"I'm not sure if I want to accept that as a compliment or as a creepy comment."

"Using your bad attitude in this situation might not be the best pawn to use. You're beauty might be the only component to keep you alive."

"I wouldn't want anything to do with you even if you looked like Darren Criss, and that's saying something because I find him to be too gorgeous."

"I'm not gong to lay a hand on you," he whispered to himself.

"I'd rather fool around with my sleazy ex-boyfriend than to be with you."

"I have too much restraint for your words to affect me."

"Even if we were the only existing form of life on Earth, I'd rather choke myself to death then to look at you."

To be quite frank, I was enjoying myself way to much when it cam to aggravating Gerard. The more mad he became, the more jokes I cracked. After awhile, Gerard broke his promise to himself and slapped me forcefully right across my left cheek while I was trying to text Zacky to help me. I began to cry; it was the worst pain I have ever experienced.

He took my phone and threw it against the wall, leaving my phone shattered into little pieces. Then, he placed a tight grip around my neck and pushed me against the wall. "Nobody will insult me like that. Understand?"

I kept on crying.

"Frank, take her to the dungeon, and find the most gruesome cell you can find. I don't want to see her until she can use more respectful language towards me."

Frank followed his instructions and led me to a cell worse than the one I occupied in jail.

"Frank, why did you do this? I thought I could trust you. I thought you were my friend."

"I'm sorry. I made a selfish decision to have myself first." He left. I hope Zacky received my text.


After about a million and one phone calls to Briony, she never picked up once. I started to panic even more. As I was going to call her one last time, I received a text from her. It read: MCR has me. Help me ASAP.

So this is where she was all along. First, they killed my father, and now they are holding Briony hostage. They crossed the line way too far.

"Alright everyone, down here, now!" I yelled and everyone was gathered throughout the living room. "I just received a text from Bri, and she was kidnapped by MCR, and we have to save her."

"Well, what the hell are we sitting here doing nothing then? Let's go already and help her!" Jimmy said as we call headed out to our van and drove.

Almost an hour later, we arrived at their palace. I was going to be an easy rescue mission. The place was unguarded and the front door was open like they were expecting us.

When we walked into the place, it was like a difficult maze. There were numerous hallways that could lead to anywhere. While trying to come up with a game plan, somebody caught us.

"Who are you and what is your business?" A short man asked us.

"Prince Zachary Vengeance of Avenged Sevenfold and we're here to retrieve my girlfriend."

"I can help you. Follow me." They're making this way too easy.

"So tell me, why are you helping us, the enemy?" I asked. I was confused by this point.

"It's simple. I hate working for them and consider Briony a friend. After what I did in the past several hours, I concluded that I would rather die making sure she escapes safely than to die with a selfish regret on my shoulders for many years to come."


After an hours of sitting in isolation, I was bored beyond relief and my face still burned from the slap. To make matters worse, Gerard visited my cell, and even came in it.

"Are you ready to say any apology?" He asked.

"No. I'm not sorry for anything."

"Hahaha," he laughed. "Sorry isn't an option. Now, say it before I have to kill you."

"You don't have the balls to do so."

"Oh really?" He placed the barrel of a gun to my forehead and cocked the trigger.

I began to panic. I didn't want to die. "Fine, I'm sorry for my 'bad attitude'. I don't want to die. What do I have to do for you to spare me?"

He clucked, "that's a good girl. You chose the right decision. All I ask from you is your heart."

"No! That's absurd!"

"I'll have you know I killed seven girls before you and I will not hesitate to add you to the list."


"Excellent." He stroked my hair behind my ear and kissed me on the cheek. He only snuck one kiss in because he was interrupted by unwelcomed company.

"Get your hands and lips off her!" Zacky yelled.

"Avenged Sevenfold. Long time, no see."

"All we came here for is Briony."

"We'll you can't have her back. She already gave her heart to me."

"Yeah right. Like she'll ever do that."

"Her choices were to live and assist me to the raise of power once again, or rot in hell. She chose to live."

"I have a better idea. How about we fight for her."

"Oh, a fight? I'm interested. Keep going."

"Tomorrow in the ally downtown. We'll have ourselves a good, old-fashioned knife fight. If you're even a minute late, she's all mine. You win, you can have her. Deal?"

They both shook hands in agreement.
♠ ♠ ♠
I feel accomplished; two updates in two or three days. The Darren Criss reference is for Maddie ^.^ Also, I realized whenever I'm in a bad mood and I write, I always write under a desk. Weird?