Status: For subscribed readers, don't freak out and think this isn't the story you've been reading! It is same story but I just made a new updated layout! It just looks different, but I promise it has the same chapters and story;)

Summer Waves and Crashing Days

I Love You. So, So Much.

You know that old saying, time flies by when your having fun? It couldn’t be more true.

When I was with Matt, it was as if time completely sped up. Hours felt like minutes, weeks like days, and eventually August rolled around, and school was just three weeks away. I left in two weeks.

I couldn’t bear to think about life without Matt, and to be honest, I’m not really sure how I managed the first seventeen years of my life without him.

So, I decided that I wouldn’t think about it, I would just live the rest of the summer with Matt.

I was currently sitting on his couch, flipping through the channels, when he came in and hanging up his phone.

“Hey,” he said coming and sitting next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “that was my friend Ryan, there’s a party down at the beach tonight, do you wanna go?”

“Yes!” I said jumping up, excited. “When does it start?” I asked, standing in front of where he sat.

“Not for an hour, and we’re already dressed, so…” he said, gently grabbing my waist and pulling me down on top of him.

I giggled as he began to kiss my neck.

After a few minutes I got sick of his teasing light kisses, and put my hands on his cheeks, bringing his lips up to meet mine. It started as a light peck, but then we just kept coming back for more, as if we were addicts for each others lips. We couldn’t stop ourselves, we just kept kissing.

After what seemed like seconds, but was really a half an hour, Matt pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

“Sophia,” he whispered, his eyes softening.

I was eager to hear what he would say next, but there was a loud banging on the front door.

“Tell me later.” I whispered, and kissed him lightly on the nose. Then I got up and went to get the door.

“PARRTAYY!” Blake screamed into my face as soon as I opened the door. “Oh wait, you’re not Matt…”

“Yeah, I know.” I said laughing, opening the door to let him and Amber inside.

“Oh, we’re not coming inside, we just came to get you guys so that we can head down to the beach!” he said, staying outside.

“But it’s not for like,” I said looking at my phone, “another half an hour.”

“It’ll take us that long to walk there, babe.” Matt said, coming to the door, and kissing me on the cheek.

“Let’s go go GO!” Blake said.

“Blake, you are way too excited for this, man.” Matt said as he gently guided me out of the house so that he could lock it.

“I’m always excited to party, dude.”

“Hey man, are you excited for this party, man?” I said, in a man voice to Amber.

“Yeah dude, I’m so excited, dude!” Amber replied, going along.

“We do not sound like that.” Matt said, laughing.

We went on to talk about random things, like most friends our age do, and eventually we were walking along the dark beach and could see the distant glow of a fire and tiki lights set up.

“Wooh!” Blake howled as he started sprinting towards the party, Amber at his side.

“They really are perfect for each other.” I said, wrapping my arm through Matt’s and resting my head on his shoulder.

“Yeah, I never thought he’d find anybody, but obviously,” he says gesturing towards where Amber was screaming and wooping along with Blake, “he did.”

“It’s good, I’m happy for her.” I said smiling.

We finally made our way over to the party and just in time for the keg to come out. Even though I personally don’t drink.

“Want anything, babe? Matt asked me, gesturing over to the alcohol.

“No thanks, I don’t drink.” I said, smiling up at him.

He nodded and grabbed a beer bottle and we walked over to his friends.

“Hey Rob, Adam, Colin, this is her, my girl, Sophia.” He said wrapping his arm around my waist.

I blushed and smiled at how he introduced me.

“So this is her, the girl, the one, the person he’s been talking about for the past for-fucking-ever.” One of them said.

“Seriously though, he’s not kidding.” Another one said, “Matt really doesn’t shut up about you. Oh, her hair smells so good; she’s amazing, I can’t believe she’s mine, blah blah fucking blah.”

We all laughed while Matt looked slightly peeved.

“Hey bro!” a drunk guy said, stumbling over to the five of us, slurring his words.

Matt instinctively tightened his grip on my waist as the guy came closer, and when the drunk seemed to want to hang onto me, Matt pulled me away from the crowd to go and sit on a log by the fire.

“I don’t want this summer to end.” I whispered, lying against him.

“Neither do I.” he whispered into my hair, his voice catching.

Soon, the song When I Look At You by Miley Cyrus came on.

I looked up at him excitedly, “We have to dance!” I said, getting up and leading him over to an empty area so that we could be alone.

He just smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist with one arm and held my hand with the other, while I put my free hand on his shoulder.

Yeah, when my world is falling apart, when there’s no light to break up the dark, that’s when I, I, I, look at you.

I tilted my head up and kissed him lightly on the lips as we swayed to the music.

When the waves are flooding the shore, and I can’t find my way home anymore, that’s when I, I, I, look at you.


The song played and I kept my girl held in my arms protectively, holding her as close as possible to me.

She tilted her head up and kissed me lightly, then put her head back on my shoulder.

This moment was perfect, she was perfect. I had thought earlier at my house was the time to tell her, but right now. Right now is when she should hear it.

“Sophia,” I said softly, she looked up at me with those big beautiful eyes. “I have never believed in fate, destiny, or really any other higher power. That day when I saved you, I was simply just being a good person, saving someone in need. But when I pulled you out of that water, and saw just how beautiful you were, I couldn’t help but think that maybe, it was fate that I was walking by that second. Maybe I was meant to be in the right place at the right time. Maybe it was fate that you were so close to death, because if you hadn’t been, I would have walked right by.” I stopped, and realized that I was babbling. I sighed. “Sophia, what I’m really trying to say is, I love you. I love you so much it hurts.”


“I love you. I love you so much it hurts.” He said softly.

My heart swelled at his words, and my eyes filled with tears.

“I love you too, Matt.” I said, smiling up at him. “So, so much.”

Instead of responding, and putting how he felt into words, he just grinned, grabbed my face gently in his hands, and kissed me more passionate than any other kiss ever could be.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took sooo long to put up!