Status: For subscribed readers, don't freak out and think this isn't the story you've been reading! It is same story but I just made a new updated layout! It just looks different, but I promise it has the same chapters and story;)

Summer Waves and Crashing Days

You're Perfect

“I hate this.” Matt whined from where he stood on the other side of the room, helping me pack all of my belongings.

“Me too.”

“It’s not the way I wanted to spend our second to last day together.” He said, pouting.

I smiled up at him, he was acting like such a child.

“Don’t worry, we don’t have too much more to do, and once we are done, we can be together all night and all day tomorrow, until noon when I have to leave.”

He smiled and made his way over to me, kissing me gently on the lips.

“I can’t wait.”


I am pretty pissed.

Sophia and I were oh so close to being done packing her things, when she says she has to go to the mall and get something, and leaves me here to finish, when she said we would be together for the rest of the night.

I had already finished packing all of her stuff, and left the suitcases in the living room, and she still hadn’t gotten home yet.

With a sigh, I left her house just as Amber and Blake were arriving there, and wandered back to my own house, which seemed too empty with Sophia not in it. I mildly wondered what it would be like after she left.

I took a shower and ate dinner, and was resting on my couch when she got back home.

I looked at the clock; 9:45. She walked past me on the couch, saying a quick hello as she sped past me to my room. That made me angier.

I just stayed there, fuming, when I heard her quietly walk into the room.

“Matt.” She whispered, but I was too angry to look at her. She sighed. “I knew this wouldn’t work.” She mumbled.

Curious, I finally looked over, and my breath caught in my throat.

The girl I loved was standing in the entryway to my living room staring at me in lacey lingerie that barely covered her.

“I’m sorry I got back so late.” She said as I stood up and began walking over to her. “I just, I had to go buy this, and I didn’t know which one to get, and I was nervous, and hell, I am nervous now, and I just want to have one last great night, and to make you mine completely before I have to leave.” She said, babbling. I stopped a foot away from her. “So, I-I don’t really know how to do this.” She stuttered, looking down.

I stepped closer to her, took her face in my hands, and lifted it up so that she would look at me.

“Your perfect.” I said softly, before bringing her lips to mine.


The kiss was just like every other kiss Matt and I had ever had. Passionate and with love, but then Matt let go of my face and let his hands travel down my body to rest on my hips, sending shivers down my spine. The next kiss was much different.

It was more fiery, and wanting, a kiss unlike any other that Matt and I had shared.

And I loved it.

I stood on my tip toes to get closer to him as I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He reached down even farther and grabbed the back of my knees, lifting up at the same time I jumped, so that my legs were wrapped tightly around his waist.

Without any trouble at all, he easily lifted me up the stairs and into his room, where he gently set me down on the bed.

He crawled on top of me and began to kiss down my neck as I let my hands travel down his chest, up and under the bottom of his shirt, to run my hands along his muscular abs and pecs.

Before long, he lifted up off of me and ripped the shirt off, over his head, throwing it somewhere in the darkness of the room.

After what seemed like the blink of the eyes but was much longer, Matt and I were both completely naked.

Before he did that one last thing that both our minds were concentrated on right now as we breathed heavily against one another, he looked up at me and with the most sincere and loving eyes said, “I love you, Sophia.”

And that’s all it took to make me fall even harder for him.

As we both collapsed onto the bed afterwards, our bodies already feeling the fatigue, I curled up under Matt’s arm. Loving the fact that I could fall asleep next to the man I love.

But hating the fact that this would be the last time this happened for a year.
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comments? the story is by NO means winding down people! this is just the beginning!