Status: For subscribed readers, don't freak out and think this isn't the story you've been reading! It is same story but I just made a new updated layout! It just looks different, but I promise it has the same chapters and story;)

Summer Waves and Crashing Days

The Phone Calls From Him Helped, Though.

Weeks had passed, and it was already mid October. Even though it had only been weeks, it felt much longer, like a lifetime without Matt, the guy I loved.

I was practically at my breaking point. My mind just couldn’t handle it anymore. I was finally in my Senior year, and I was barely focusing on it, living it. Of course, I was still getting good grades, I always did. But that didn’t make it any less difficult. There were times I would have to stay after class just to go over what the teacher had taught because I hadn’t been able to pay attention, my mind too focused on Matt.

It was even more difficult to see all the happy couples that had each other at school, and I couldn’t help but envy them, couldn’t help but think that it wasn’t fair that they got to have each other and be happy, when Matt and I didn’t.

What was even more difficult was how popular the name Matt was. Since there were about three of them in my grade alone, I would constantly hear his name, and quickly turn, in hopes that my Matt would be standing there, but he never was.

His calls did help, though. Every single night, whether it was me calling him or him calling me, we would talk. For hours on end sometimes, until he would force me to hang up and go to bed, scared that my grades would fall if I was too tired. What he didn’t understand, though, was that I would rather fail every class than to have to hang up with him.

I would always feel better, without a doubt, when I heard his beautiful voice on the other end of the line. Just hearing him, and knowing he was alive and safe, knowing that he loved me, made it just that much more bearable to be without him.

I told him how my school was going, and he told me how his was. Then I would yell at him for not caring more about school, and he would just remind me that the only reason he was doing bad was because he missed me so much, and even though I felt terrible for that, I couldn’t help but be happy that he missed me just as much as I missed him.

After weeks of this going on, my mom wondered who I was always talking on the phone with, and I finally told her the entire story. How Matt had legitimately saved my life, and how we fell in love, and that he was the one I called each and every night, how I was planning on going to a college in Florida, and how Matt and I planned to be together forever.

My mom couldn’t help but let tears fill up in her eyes, because that is almost exactly how her and my dad had met. My dad lived in Ohio, but my mom lived in Arizona, and when my dad and his friends went on vacation to Arizona, he met my mom, and they fell in love. She sympathized with me, knowing how hard it was to be apart, but told me that I would see Matt soon enough, just like her and my father did.

But eventually Matt and I had to hand up, and I was forced to go to bed without his arms tightly wrapping around my waist and pulling me to his chest. Sometimes waking up in the very middle of the night and expecting his arms to be there, wrapped around me.

But that never happened, and I had to live through my Senior year with that pain.
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Again, don't hate that it's short! There will be more soon!