Status: For subscribed readers, don't freak out and think this isn't the story you've been reading! It is same story but I just made a new updated layout! It just looks different, but I promise it has the same chapters and story;)

Summer Waves and Crashing Days

The Date

“So, Matt, in honor of you bravely saving my life, I would like to treat you to dinner.” I said, looking up at him, I was pretty short, just over five feet tall, but he was tall, around six foot.

“Yes ma’am.”

The three of us walked over to mine and Amber’s stuff so that we could get our clothes. As I pulled on my sundress I looked over to Amber to see her not putting hers on, and laying down on a towel.

“Hey, Amber, aren’t you coming?” I asked her.

She looked up at me, over her sunglasses and smiled, “Nah, I’m gunna get a killer tan.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later.” With that, Matt and I walked towards his car.

“So since we’re both soaking, do you mind if we stop at my house so I can grab some clothes? We can stop at yours too.” He asked me.

“Sure, sounds great.”

He led me towards a black two door Jeep Wrangler with the top off.

“Sexy.” I said.

“What?” he asked, smiling at me.

“I like your car.” I said laughing.

We got in and he started driving to his house.

“So what was the deal with you and that prick, Cody?”

“Not much to tell, I used to think he was the best boyfriend ever, and just ended up wasting four months of my life on him.”

“Well, he definitely doesn’t deserve you.” He said, glancing at me sideways.

I blushed, “Thank you.”

After that I turned on the radio to a country station, and started singing.

“You like country?” he asked me.

“I love it,” I said smiling, leaning my head back against the seat and looking over at him.

“Me too,” he said, and we both started singing ‘Farmer’s Daughter’ by Rodney Adkins.

Before I knew it he pulled up next to my house.

“Hey, how’d you know where I lived?” I asked as we got out of the car.

“I don’t, this is my house,” he said, pointing to the house next to mine.

“Are you serious?!” I asked him.

“No, I’m lying.” He said, teasing me.

I just playfully punched him in the arm, and then pointed to my house, “That’s my house.”

“Really?!” he asked.

“No. I’m lying.” I said, teasing him back.

“We’re neighbors!” he said excitedly. “Are you going to be able to be in there if Cody’s there?”

I looked in the driveway, no cars.

“I should be fine, there’s no car in the driveway, so I don’t think he’s here.”

We separated into our houses, when I got inside I sprinted to my room and rummaged through my closet, looking for a cute outfit. I decided to go simple, so I wore short jean shorts, a cute flowing black tank top, black low top converse, and I let my long wavy black hair lay natural.

After whipping on some quick eyeliner and lip gloss, I put on my Aviator sunglasses and locked up my house, going outside to meet Matt.

I saw him leaning against his Jeep looking oh so sexy. He was wearing a white wife beater with long khaki shorts; he had his arms crossed, his muscles bulging.

“Hello ma’am.” He said smiling at me as I came closer. “Where to?”

I walked around the front of his car and we both got in.

“How about the crab shack down the road?” I said as he put the key in the ignition.

“Sounds good to me.” He said smiling, and then he peeled out and headed to the restaurant.

We were there in no time and then were seated. We picked the seats on the pier, looking out into the ocean.

“You know, dolphins swim out here all the time.” He said, looking out into the water.

“Really?” I said, smiling huge.


“You know, dolphins swim out here all the time.” I said as I looked out into the water.

“Really?” she asked, looking out into the water too, she had a smile on her face, and she was glowing. I couldn’t tell if that was because of the sun, or because of her smile.

“Yeah, keep watching, you’ll see them.”

“Hello, I’m Kristy, and I’ll be your waitress tonight.” Said a girl walking up to our table.

I looked up and gave her a small smile, just to be polite, but she took it as way more.

“Is there anything I can get for you?” she asked, her voice changing, getting deeper. Do girls really think we find that attractive? She sounds like a man.

“A Coke please.” I said, and Sophia nodded her head, saying that she wanted the same.

She left to get our drinks and I looked up to see Sophia on the verge of tears, from holding in her laughter.

“What?” I asked, chuckling.

She let it out and started laughing, and I couldn’t help but find that very, very, sexy.

“She is so into you.” She replied, laughing.

“But can you really blame her? I mean, look at this.” I said, pointing to myself.

“Your right, you do have a little something-something on your shirt.” She said, I looked down and she flicked me in the nose. How did I not see that coming?

She started another fit of laughter as the waitress came back with our drinks.

She threw Sophia’s napkin down, nearly spilling her drink as she carelessly set her Coke on top of it. Then she neatly put my napkin down, making sure I noticed the ‘747-383-8473 Call me;)’ note. Then she put my drink on top, careful not to touch the ink.

She walked away, but not before throwing a wink my way, and a dagger throwing glare at Sophia.

Sophia couldn’t keep it in this time, and started laughing hysterically before the waitress was out of earshot. No doubt having seen the note.

The waitress whipped around.

“Is something funny?” she hissed at Sophia.

Sophia stopped laughing.

“Yeah.” She said, totally deadpan.

“What?” Kristy hissed.

“It’s just so cliché! I mean really? Hitting on a guy when he’s obviously on a date?”

“You could be siblings.” Kristy hissed back.

“Well, sorry to disappoint, but no, we’re not. We are here together.” Sophia said, standing up and crossing her arms.

This was getting really sexy, really fast.

“Let’s look at this honestly, though.” Kristy said, “Why would I guy like that, be here with trash like you.” She said to Sophia.

Before I could stand up to object, before Kristy could become smug at her comment, hell, before we all blinked, Sophia grabbed the collar of my shirt, and planted her lips on mine. And let me tell you, that was no peck on the lips. This was a full blown, magical kiss. I grabbed Sophia’s waist and pulled her down on my lap, not caring that we were in a public place, because if there were old people here, they’ve already done this, and if there were kids, they’d be doing it soon enough. Truth be told, though, the main reason I didn’t give a shit that we weren’t alone was because this kiss was the best goddamn kiss I’d ever had.

I heard Kristy throw a tiny fit and walk away, and I knew that I could stop the kiss. But why in the hell would I do that?

It’s not like Sophia stopped either, and I knew she heard Kristy get pissed off and walk away, because she smirked into the kiss.

After a minute, though, we both broke apart, smiling at each other.

“We should probably get out of here.” Sophia said still sitting in my lap, with her arms around my neck.

“Why?” I asked, unable to think about anything but that kiss.

“Because if we don’t, we’re going to end up with a lugie in our food.” She said and I couldn’t help but laugh.

We left a tip and paid for our drinks and then we left, but at the last moment, we both looked back, and saw two dolphins swimming side by side in the water.
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second chapter! commentts?