Status: For subscribed readers, don't freak out and think this isn't the story you've been reading! It is same story but I just made a new updated layout! It just looks different, but I promise it has the same chapters and story;)

Summer Waves and Crashing Days

I Can't Come Up There To See You.

After knowing what it felt like to have Matt come see me, I honestly think it made it harder to live through until Christmas, even though I knew he’d be back soon.

But eventually, the days and weeks all blurred together, and Christmas break was days away, and each day, I’d walk out of school, hoping, wishing, praying, to see Matt standing there in all his beauty with his Jeep, waiting there for me. But he never was, and I was starting to worry about when he would come.


“Shit, shit shit!” I said when I got home, infuriated.

I couldn’t fucking go to Ohio to see Sophia! My parents found out that I was doing bad in college, so they were making me stay and continue to go to classes that were available through Christmas break to make my grades go up.

“FUCK!” I shouted, so pissed.

How was I going to tell Sophia? Her heart would be broken. She was so excited for me to come see her, it was the only thing she ever talked about when we were on the phone.

I sighed, falling onto my couch. I’d have to tell her, but it would break her heart.

I leaned back on the couch.

I shook my head. It was all of my fault! Had I just taken my head out of my ass I would have realized that something like this would happen and worked harder in school.

I looked over at the clock, eight o’clock.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number, already regretting this.

“Matt!” she said excitedly when she answered the phone.



“Matt!” I said excitedly when I answered the phone, seeing it was him.

He sighed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him, worry automatically filling me.

“I…just don’t be mad, okay?” he said to me.

I immediately had a bad feeling in my gut. I sat down on my bed to brace myself.

“Okay.” I whispered, breathless.

Did he cheat on me? Was he breaking up with me?

“I can’t come up to Ohio to see you for Christmas.” He said, sighing.

Relief somewhat washed over me.

He wasn’t coming up for Christmas, okay. I could handle that, that was better than him cheating on me.


“That’s it? You’re not mad?”

“Well, I am sad that you’re not coming since I miss you so much, but it’s better than what I thought you would say.”

“What’d you think I was gunna say?”

“That you cheated on me…” I said softly.

“Sophia! How many times must we have this conversation?” he asked me, sighing once more. “You know that I love you too much to ever do anything like that to you, let alone the fact that you are the only girl I want. No other girl interests me at all.”

“I know,” I said smiling, “but why can’t you come up here anyway?”

“My goddamn parents.” He sounded pissed.

“What do you mean?”

“My grades weren’t all that great in college, you know? So they found out, and are making me stay home for Christmas break and take classes during the break.”

I frowned.

“I’m sorry.” I said, that sucked. That’s no way to spend the holidays.

“It’s all my fault, and I feel terrible that I can’t come see you.”

“Well,” I said thinking, “it’s actually my fault. If it wasn’t for me then you wouldn’t be doing so bad.”

“Babe, it is most definitely your fault. You can’t help how amazing you are.” He said, and I knew he was smiling.

I smiled too.

“Well, how about Spring Break? Do you think you can come up then?” I asked him.

“I think that I can definitely go up there to see my girl.” I smiled.

“Sounds great to me.” I said, grinning. “Matt!”

“What?” he said chuckling.

“Do you know what I just realized?”


“We have been together for almost seven months!”

“And still going strong.” He said, and I could tell he was smiling.

“Of course we are.”

And we’d never stop.
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It's coming guys! Dont you fret!