Status: For subscribed readers, don't freak out and think this isn't the story you've been reading! It is same story but I just made a new updated layout! It just looks different, but I promise it has the same chapters and story;)

Summer Waves and Crashing Days

Dancing, Girl In Towel, Hot Makeout Session?

I was still dancing when hands grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. I looked back to see Matt smiling at me.

“No seducing the cook,” I teased, stepping out of his arms to put cheese on the pizza and put it in the oven.

When I turned around he was staring at me with admiration in his eyes, and I didn’t understand why.

“What?” I asked, blushing.

“Nothing,” he said smiling, taking my hand and leading me to the living room.


I sat down on the couch, and Sophia followed with me, sitting very close, which I did not mind at all.

I turned on the t.v. and we started watching The Last Song, not exactly my favorite choice, but it was what was on and Sophia seemed in love with it.

When the pizza was ready I got it so that she could continue watching the movie. It was near the end anyway, and I hadn’t been watching it.

When I returned to the living room with our pizza I saw Sophia with her legs to her chest, in a ball, crying.

I immediately put the plates down and rushed to her, wrapping her tiny body into my arms.

“What’s wrong?” I whispered to her. “Please don’t cry, your too beautiful to cry.”

That just made her sob even more.

I just sat there with her in my arms, and her head on my chest, and let her cry, not caring if she was getting my shirt wet.

When her sobs died down to sniffles I tilted her chin up, so that she would look at me.

“What happened?” I asked her.

She looked up at me with those giant tear filled blue eyes and my heart broke a little.

“I…I…” she tried to say.


“It was the movie.”

Somehow that seemed unlikely.

“What about the movie?” I asked gently.

“The dad dies in the end, of stomach cancer.”

I nodded, telling her to go on.

“And…and…” her voice caught. “and my dad died of cancer too.” She said, her eyes welling up with tears again.

I brought her head to my chest again as she cried and just kept whispering, ‘I’m sorry.’

Out of nowhere she stood up and out of my arms. A good two feet away from me.

“I, uhm, can I take a shower please?” she asked me, not making eye contact.

“Sure, beautiful.” She smiled slightly at that.

I showed her where the bathroom was and turned on the shower, then I left her to herself.


As I showered, I let my mind fill up with all my thoughts.

I cannot believe I just broke down like that. That’s unheard of. My father died over a year ago, and the only other time I cried over him was right after his death.

I felt embarrassed that I had cried like that in front of him. He was such a great guy, and I was really starting to like him, and then I go and do something like this?

I really hope that I didn’t blow it. I really liked Matt. I know it has just been one day, but come on; he saved my life for God sake.

I realized, a little too late, as I stepped out of the shower with my hair down and a towel wrapped around my body that I needed pajamas. If that didn’t sound bad enough, I had already put my dirty clothes into the laundry shoot, because I was planning on washing them tonight.

Praying that my towel wouldn’t slip, I opened the door and began to make my way to the living room, where I heard the t.v.

I stood in the large entryway of the living room, and Matt looked up from taking a bite of his pizza. He did a double take.

I blushed.


I was watching t.v. as Sophia took a shower, and as I took a bite of my pizza, there was a figure in the doorway, so I looked up. And then I looked up again. It was Sophia. In a towel. In nothing but a towel.

Her face reddened with her blush.

“So, uhm, can I borrow some of your clothes?” she said, looking anywhere but me.

I set my pizza down and she followed me to my room. I couldn’t help but glance at her every so often. She was tempting me.

I gave her some of my boxers and a large t-shirt. I went back into the living room and sat as I waited for her to come back.


That was awkward.

But no matter how awkward it was, I couldn’t help but get a little turned on? I was confused. I mean, I think the only reason that, uhm, that happened to me is because he was staring at me like I was the most beautiful and precious thing in the world.

I got changed and walked back to the living room, taking a seat next to Matt again, and smiling at him.

We both started watching t.v. without a word.

The tension grew very thick in that room. In between us. I couldn’t help but feel like maybe he was feeling the same way I was.

He looked over at me, and I looked back at him.

I bit my lip.

That must have been all he could handle because as soon as I did he reached over quickly and grabbed the back of my jaw, pulling my lips to his in a very passionate kiss.

I immediately grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and pulled him closer to me. He sat back and pulled me onto his lap so that I was straddling him. The way he made me feel energized me, and I became more confident.

I bit his lower lip, and as he muffled a moan, he opened his mouth and I entered. We moved in perfect synchrony, and it was amazing.

After me dominating for a couple minutes, he decided to take charge. He flipped me so that I was lying on the couch, and he was on top of me. His mouth left mine to go to my neck.

Up until now, I never thought I had a ‘sweet spot’ on my neck. But that theory was proved wrong the second he hit it. I moaned out loudly, and he started to gently bite it. I kept moaning, not really caring all that much.

When I couldn’t take it anymore, I grabbed his hair and pulled his lips back up to mine, and kissed him like I have never kissed anyone. Mostly because no other guy had made me feel the way Matt does.

I tugged on his hair as we kissed, which made him moan. My hands left his hair and moved down, to feel his muscles. They started at his arms and went down, his pecs, and then his abs. I started running my hands over his abs, and before I knew what was happening he lifted off of me and whipped his shirt off, then came back to kissing me. I let my fingers draw invisible patterns all over his abs.

The shirt I am wearing had ridden up, so that my stomach was bare. Matt began drawing circles on it with his thumbs. It wasn’t until he started moving his hands farther up, to where the shirt started, and higher that I realized how far we had already gone. And, I didn’t have a bra on.

Unwillingly, I grabbed his hands and took my mouth off of his.

We were both breathing heavily, and he looked up at me with a tremendous amount of passion in his eyes, and I couldn’t help but think that I looked the same way.
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fourth chapter! no more posting right now, i'll probably do that tomorrow, but i dont know!:D