Status: For subscribed readers, don't freak out and think this isn't the story you've been reading! It is same story but I just made a new updated layout! It just looks different, but I promise it has the same chapters and story;)

Summer Waves and Crashing Days

Girl Time

The next morning I woke up with a text from Matt saying that he had to drive down to his parent’s house and help his dad build a new porch, saying that he’d be back early tomorrow.

I shrugged to myself, and felt a slight pang in my heart, due to his absence. I tried not to think about the fact that if his being gone for one day hurt, then the school year apart would be hell.

I walked to the kitchen, seeing Amber already awake.

“Girl day?” I asked her, opening the fridge.

“Yes! I need one.” She said smiling, and I knew I’d hear about Blake. But, she’d hear plenty about Matt too.

“You get the movies, I’ll get the food.” Since it was already noon, I didn’t bother with breakfast food. I grabbed uncooked cookie dough, popcorn, chocolate, skittles, pop, and just because I felt like I was going to get fat, a V8.

I walked into the living room to see Amber with the movies; she had picked out, He’s Just Not That Into You, The Notebook, Juno, Zombieland, and Walk To Remember.

However, before we could start the movies, there was some major boy talk.

She told me about how she really liked Blake, and how he had kissed her yesterday, and how they got pictures with all the Disney characters and even saw Cinderella and that they exchanged numbers, and how he told her that he’d call her soon.

Since I hadn’t been able to talk to her a lot lately, I told her everything. The crab shack and the waitress, the kiss, his house, the makeout session, he asking me out, the beach, and him helping me get over my newfound fear.

“Amber, I’ve only known him for a couple days, and I’m already falling.” I whispered.

“Good, I’m glad you found such a great guy Sophia.” She said, and I loved her for that. We were truly best friends.

After our chat we watched the movies, all day long. Finally, when Walk To Remember was over, and Amber and I were balling our eyes out, we decided to go shopping. We didn’t feel the need to look good so we just went in yogas and tank tops.

On our way to the mall, however, Amber took a sharp right and we started going the wrong way.

“Amber, where are we going?”

She smiled over at me, mischievously, “We, are having a party.”

With that we started heading over to the grocery store.

We bought chips, pretzels, and plastic cups, and every other thing you can think of for a party. We couldn’t buy alcohol, obviously, but we were pretty sure whoever was coming would bring there own, anyway.

When we got home we started talking about who we would invite, and it struck us, we’re in Florida, we don’t know anybody!

“Amber! Way to think this through!” I said, after we realized this fact.

“Hey, you didn’t exactly realize it either!”

“Well…I guess we can just tell Matt and Blake to invite their friends. Right?” I offered.

“Good plan!” she said, and I started laughing, because she sounded so stupid. “Look at you, always thinking.” She said winking at me.

After that we settled on the couch and flipped the t.v. on. The only thing that was on was a football game, so we watched it.

“Hey Sophia?” Amber said to me.


“Why do guys always slap each other on the butts in football?”

I started laughing so hard.

“I don’t know, they feel the need?”

“But, like, that’s the only sport that does that.” She said, and then she laughed out of nowhere. “HA!”


“Can you imagine if girls did that in volleyball!”

I started laughing as well.

“Ew! How awkward! In there spandex!”

We both started laughing hysterically, then all of a sudden Amber’s face grew serious.

“Well, if that was the case, we would know one thing.”

“What?” I asked.

“Boys would be flocking to volleyball games.”

We both fell into loud hysterical laughing-so-hard-your-not-making-a-sound laughter, and fell off the couch.

This girl will be the death of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry if this one was boring too, there will be more drama in the next couple chapters! i PROMISE!