Status: For subscribed readers, don't freak out and think this isn't the story you've been reading! It is same story but I just made a new updated layout! It just looks different, but I promise it has the same chapters and story;)

Summer Waves and Crashing Days

Beer, Parties, and Homicidal Ex Boyfriends.

The next day when Matt got home, Amber and I told him of our plan, and he said that since he was inviting his friends, that the party should just be at his house.

He had made the calls and it was about seven o’clock, and since he had told everyone to be there at eight, Amber and I went back home after setting up to change.

We both helped each other pick out our outfits, Amber decided on white skinny jeans, a red fancy tank top, and red pumps, which looked absolutely amazing on her. I decided to wear a strapless sequined black dress, the dress was very tight, hugging my every curve, and it was also short, if I put my arms to my side, the dress was an inch above my fingers. I wore black pumps, and we headed over to Matts.

I was surprised to see that there were already people there, and that there were a lot of people there.

Amber and I squished our way into his house and she and I separated to find Blake and Matt. I found him talking to some random dude that I didn’t know. When I walked over to him, I put my arm through his, standing next to him.

He looked down at me quickly, and then looked back up at his friend. But then he did a double take.

“Holy shit…” he said when he got a closer look at me, I grinned.

His friend walked away, sensing that we wanted to be alone.

Matt wrapped his arms around me and whispered into my ear, “If I had known you would wear something so sexy, I would not have invited anybody over. Now I’ll have to control myself.”

I just smiled up at him and kissed him on the cheek.

He was talking to his friend again, so I walked away to get a drink. I was right, they did bring their alcohol, but I steered clear of that and just got pop out of the fridge. I don’t drink.

As I made my way back over to where Matt had been I had hoots and whistles coming my way, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

When I got to Matt an upbeat, fast tempoed song came on, Matt grabbed my hand and led me to where everyone else was dancing.

We were just dancing at first, but then slowly, he pulled me into his arms and we started to grind.

I had my hands in his hair, behind me. One of his hands was on my hip, but the other was on the exposed skin of my thigh, moving dangerously high up.

With his body so close to mine, moving with mine, I felt like I was on fire. Everywhere he touched me, a flame roared to life on my skin. It was amazing, the way he made me feel, and finally I couldn’t take it anymore, so I whipped around and started kissing him, not caring that we were in the middle of a crowd of people.

He kissed me back too, pulling me tightly against his body, that was, until there was a loud crash in the kitchen. He broke the kiss, and threw out a string of obscenities since he had to leave me to check out the damage.

Once he left, I realized that my heart was beating uncontrollably fast and I was sweating, my breath coming fast.

I decided to go upstairs and go to the bathroom to calm myself down, so I fought my way through the crowd and went up the stairs, and found the bathroom. I went in and closed the door.

I took a deep breath. It was much more quiet up here, because everyone was downstairs, and much cooler. I looked at myself in the mirror, and was actually surprised to find that I looked good. My dress was hugging my body and my hair was wilder than the way I styled it, but it made me seem sexier, dangerous.

I took a washcloth out and ran it under cool water, putting it to my forehead. When I was done I took one final deep breath and then opened the bathroom door and stepped out.

Before I even finished my step I was being grabbed and forced into Matt’s bedroom, not being able to scream because there was a hand over my mouth.

I was pushed onto a bed in the dark room, and the door was shut and locked, then the light flashed on.

“Cody?!” I shrieked.

“What? You didn’t think I’d miss a great party like this, did you?” he said, smiling a creepy smile and slowly making his way over to me.

I scooted back on the bed until my back hit the headboard behind me.

“Don’t look so afraid. You love me, remember?” he said, stopping at the foot of the bed. Somehow, I didn’t think that he was going to stay there long.

“No. I realized that now. I never loved you, what I have with Matt is much more close to love.” I hissed at him.

Before the blink of an eye he had lunged out over the bed and had one hand around my throat, and the other wildly trying to rip my clothes off.
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theres more! dont worry! comments?