Status: For subscribed readers, don't freak out and think this isn't the story you've been reading! It is same story but I just made a new updated layout! It just looks different, but I promise it has the same chapters and story;)

Summer Waves and Crashing Days

No More House Parties.

“Are you kidding me?!” I yelled as I saw what had happened.

“Sorry Matt…” someone said.

I didn’t care. Someone had spilled a cooler full of beer, sending glass bottles to the ground to break.

Remembering that heated kiss with Sophia and how I wanted to get back with her fast, I quickly cleaned up the mess and went to find her again.

I went to where we had been dancing but she wasn’t there. I looked all around but I couldn’t find her, finally I spotted Amber.

“Hey, have you seen Sophia?” I asked her, interrupting her and Blake dancing.

“Yeah, I think I saw her head upstairs.” She said, and then turned back to Blake.

I climbed the stairs and head towards the bathroom, figuring that’s where she was. I didn’t take any mind to my door being closed; I just figured there was a couple in there.

It was only when I walked by the door and heard a muffled “STOP!” and realized that it was Sophia’s voice that I stopped.

I tried the doorknob but it was locked, and without a moments hesitation I brought my leg up and kicked the door in.

Cody had his hand around Sophia’s neck, and was trying to tear her clothes off.

Sophia’s eyes grew with relief when she saw me, but I didn’t pay attention because I was already flying through the air to get to that bastard.

I punched him on the side of his jaw, and as he lost his grip on Sophia, I pushed her back and shoved Cody across the room.

I jumped off of the bed as Cody stood up, getting into a defensive position. I didn’t care. This son of a bitch would die for touching my girl.


I stared in shock as Matt shoved Cody across the room.

I was so scared before Matt had gotten there, but once he had, I knew everything would be ok.

Cody got up, in a defensive position, but Matt lunged at him with amazing speed, and Cody couldn’t dodge it in time. Matt punched Cody square in the face, and by the sound of the crack, I’d say Cody’s nose was broken.

Cody stumbled back, holding his nose, right out the door. Matt was already on top of him, punching him some more.

I jumped off the bed and stood in the doorway.

By that time, there was a crowd upstairs, having heard the fight, and the door break.

Two guys grabbed Matt and one grabbed Cody, but the one with Cody was pushing Cody around too.

“Just get him out of here.” Matt sneered.

“Fuck you! And that slut!” Cody yelled as the guy dragged Cody out, and the two guys with Matt had to both restrain him, because as soon as that slut comment came out, Matt was jumping forward trying to get at Cody.

Amber was standing at the front of the crowd with Blake, and once Cody had been escorted out, she must have seen Matt come up to me and hold me in his arms, because she told everyone to leave immediately.

As Amber and Blake made everyone leave, Matt took me into his room, even though there was no door.

He layed me down on the bed, and layed next to me.

His jaw was clenched and the vein in his neck was popping out.

“Are you okay?” I said softly, stroking his cheek with my thumb.

He just closed his eyes and put his forehead to mine, laughing a dry laugh.

“You just got jumped by a guy, and were being choked, and could have been raped, yet your asking me if I’m okay?” he said, eyes still closed.

“I’m fine,” I said, “you saved me, again.” At this rate, I’d be in debt to him forever.

“No.” he said, opening his eyes and staring into mine. “You weren’t okay. He would have hurt you, taken advantage of you, maybe even killed you if I hadn’t been there.”

“But you were.” I whispered.

He ripped himself out of my arms and off the bed, pacing at the foot of the bed.

“That’s not the point, Sophia!” He snapped, I flinched. “He could have really hurt you! He could have killed you!” he screamed, but then his face faltered when he saw my expression.

I was flinching away from his screams, cringing against the head board.

“Baby, no.” he said softly, coming back onto the bed and wrapping me in his arms. “I’m sorry.” He whispered. “I shouldn’t have freaked out like that, you’re right, as long as your okay, that’s all that matters to me.”

“And as long as your okay,” I said, holding his face in my hands, “that’s all that matters to me. Which is why I asked if you are okay, which you still haven’t answered.”

“Yes, beautiful. I’m fine. I’ve got the girl I’m crazy about safe and in my arms. Just promise me one thing.” He said.


“No more house parties.”

I chuckled and kissed him on the lips, “I promise.”
♠ ♠ ♠
woop! comments comments comments? thanks for reading everyone! i really hope you guys like it!