Lovely Monsters

Beast Master

My name is Belle & I guess you can say that I'm a master of the supernatural. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and demons, dragons and sea monster, the living dead and all sorts of horror movie monsters. Not murderers, I can't control the human soul, but I can control the supernatural. They call me the Beast Master and I have only one rule...As long as they don't try to kill me or my servants, I won't kill them.

I own many monsters ans creatures of the night. My favorite one is a handsome beast named Brendon Urie. He's the newest member to my strange family. I saved him from being slaughtered by a few angry villagers that had feared him since he's eaten the souls of a few of the other villagers. He is such a strange creature that I have never seen or heard about in my 20 years of living. He's like werewolf, but has horns, can speak, and, obviously, feeds off of souls.

"Brendon, can you please come into the dining hall." I call out while setting my sword against one of the chairs. Why am I letting a soul eating beast be near me? Well, it's simply because I'm training him. I know he eats more than souls. As I do recall from me saving him and his friend from being slaughtered, one of the villagers were saying that he ate a flock of his sheep. Souls and sheep is such an interesting diet.

Brendon walks in wearing shredded clothes that uselessly covered his hairy body. Just because his hairy body censors itself doesn't mean that he can live and dress like an animal. Smiling as he stalks in, looking as if he is about to attack me, a bowl of meat stew is placed in front of me and a dead sheep is placed where Brendon will be sitting by my lovely servant, Audrey. She is a beautiful pink haired witch and one of my favorites. Brendon took notice of her and his doe brown eyes turned red.

"Brendon, if you attack her," I begin while picking up my sword," I might have to kill you and I don't want to do that.

""How can you kill me?" he asked, smirking while quickening his stalking pace. It was actually quite cute, his smirk, but he looked like he was about to go down on all fours towards Audrey.

"Audrey, leave." I say while standing up. Without a second thought, she does and Brendon begins going after her. Sighing, I grab my sword ready to strike. Sadly, I didn't want to kill my newest family member. "You'll be sorry for this, Brendon."

Running up to the beast as he goes on all fours, I jump and, with the butt of my golden sword, hit the beast on the back of his head, making him unconscious.Audrey kept on running to the kitchen, still thinking that Brendon was after her.

Looking down at the unconscious beast, I walk to the other side of the room to grab my training collar. It's a pretty black thing that will let me use shock to train my new family members.

Walking back over to my favorite beast, I then sit on his back and place the collar around his neck, hiding it under his hair. "You'll be a good boy for me, Brendon." I say while petting his head.

"Audrey!" I call loudly while setting my chin on top of Brendon's furry head. She carefully walks closer to me as I pet Brendon, still fearing that he'll attack her. It's quite silly since she can easily put a curse or spell on him.

"Yes, mam." she replies while hiding her fear and staring at Brendon.

"Can you get Brendon some new clothes? As you can already tell, he destroyed his first outfit." I request as I removed what was left of his clothing off of his body.

She nodded before quickly leaving and I continue to take off the cloth until I've gotten rid of all the shredded cloth.Audrey came back minutes later with an extremely large red and golden bordered suit. She sets it down next to me as I thank her. "You're welcome, mam."

"Audrey, do you think he is a human cursed by a witch?" I asked, not completely sure if it was a witch's curse or not. The undead are often curses of demons and powerful witches, vampires were the curse of Lucifer and werewolves the curse of the archangels. The other creatures, I just don't know about yet.

"Well, I have heard of a spell that my great grandmother used on a gentleman who she loved very much. He cheated on her and she cursed him into a beast like this. He should be dead by now. This was over 150 years ago. Her curse doesn't give immortality, only changes his form." she explained to me as I got off of him and began flipping him on his back. I was going to dress him in his clothes, whether he wanted to wear them or not.

"Well, I'll find out. Thank you, my dear. You can go relax now." I tell her while setting out the clothes. A white undershirt, black pants, and a red overcoat with golden trim, the most suitable clothes for a beast that speaks and walks like a civilized being.I finish dressing Brendon before walking back to my seat to finally begin eating my dinner. I watch Brendon as I take more small spoonfuls of the food.

Brendon shakes his head, waking back into consciousness. I smile as he looks at me with anger in his eyes. It amuses me when a new monster thinks he can take me on."I'll kill you!" He roared as he ran towards me. I just sat still with my finger on the shock button, ready to push it. Just as he is about to pounce, I press the button and he stops mid-air, crying in pain as he hits the ground. It wasn't like I wanted to do this, I just have to teach him before I get tired of him and want to kill him.

"Tsk, tsk, Brendon." I let go of the button and walk up to him. "You can't attack me unless you want to die."

He huffs angrily, before growling as I kneel down in front of him. "Listen, I saved you from being slaughtered by those angry villagers who had you trapped in that horrible cage and I'm threatened in return? That really hurts, Brenny." I place my hand under his large jaw and rub it. He looks angry with me, but doesn't move anymore.

"Don't call me that. I'm not your pet." he growls as he moves his jaw away.

"I know that, dear. You're my new family member. Once you are civilized, you'll understand." I kiss him on the top of his furry head and he stopped growling. It must seem strange to him to have a half- blood kiss him. Of course, he probably doesn't know that I am a half- blood.

"What? What was that?" he asked as I stand and walk back to my seat to finish my dinner. He looks at me as if he had witnessed something new and couldn't believe what I have done.

"A kiss, Brendon. It's a form of affection usually shown by humans, half-bloods, vampires, demons, and other creatures with lips. It means that I love you and care about you very much." I replied as he stood up and took his seat with the dead sheep in front of him.

"I-I haven't experienced that since I was a child." he said in awe. It was quite amusing how shocked he is about my way of showing affection

."Aww, I'm sorry that you haven't. You will experience more if you are a good boy." I say before eating what is left of my beef stew.

"Okay." he said before taking a big bite of the sheep in front of him. I can already tell he is making a large mess. I can't shock him when he doesn't know, so I stare at him.

"What?" A mouthful of sheep is in his mouth.

"It's not polite to talk with your mouth full and use the silverware next to you."

He stares at the fork and sharp knife. It didn't look like he knew which one was which or even what they were used. He has eaten like an animal for so long, he must have forgotten to eat like a civilized man if he is indeed cursed by a witch.

"Brendon, were you ever a human?" I ask as he grabs the knife with his right hand and the fork with his left. I was sure that he would remember his human life if he was just cursed by a witch.

Sighing, he stabs the sheep with the fork and knife before replying, "Yes, I have. I was born human, but became this beast as I grew older thanks to my father, and his father, and his father."

"Oh, very interesting. Please, explain how your family has turned this witch's curse into a inheritable trait." I said intrigued while sitting down on the chair next to him.

"Simple. My great-grandfather raped a human girl and the curse became a gene, passing it down to my grandfather, and down to my father, and finally down to me." he answers while talking with his mouth full.

"Ah, I see. So, I'm assuming the mother has to be human and raped?" I asked, half-sarcastically.

"No." he angrily says while stabbing the knife through one of the sheep's rib bones. He obviously took offense to that. "For your information, my mother was more than willing to be with my father."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." I apologize while placing my hand on his large clawed hand.He looked at my hand on top of his before looking up at me with a smug look on his face. "What?" I asked.

"Why are you being so kind to creatures like me? I've walked around your property and saw that you have a wide variety of human nightmares housed here." he told me before taking another bite of his sheep.

Ever since I was 14 and inherited this property, the creatures I've saved that have the ability to be verbal with me asked this. The answer is always the same: "I understand them more than humans do. I understand their struggles and that they can't help who they are. I was born as a hybrid, a vampire-werewolf-human breed, and I was feared by many. It hurt not being understood by humans and having to tell them that I'm not an animal." I look down, feeling my eyes beginning to water.

A warm, soft, leathery palm caresses my cheek and I look up to him. I feel strange acting this way, especially around a new family member. I have never been so vulnerable to any of my closest servants and friends.

Looking up at him, his eyes has soften to a more humanly emotion of sympathy and sorrow. I smile at him as his large thumb wipes away a tear that has escaped from my eye. He lowers his head and licks my cheek with his slimy tongue.

"Brendon, don't lick me." I tell him while pulling away from him. He grabs my hand and pulls me to him.

"Why not?" he asked while pulling me by my waist.

"This is inappropriate, Brendon. You cannot do this to me." I tell him as he begins holding me close, completely ignoring me.

"Don't make me shock you again."

"You won't do it." he said egotistically while smirking and looking straight into my brown eyes.

"Ha, that's what you think." I say before pressing the shock button. His hair began to stick up as electricity ran through his body. He automatically let me go and I let go of the button.

"What the fuck?" Brendon asked angrily as he looked at me.

"I told you not to do it, Brendon. I warned you." I said as he stood up. He easily towers me, being at least 7 feet tall, and has much more muscle mass than I do.His eyes flash red again as he pulls off the collar so easily. He's half-human, he's smart enough to know that he has a shock collar on him.

"Brendon, don't let your animal instincts control you." I say while putting my hands in front and motioning for him to calm down.

Sadly, it controls him and within milliseconds, he's running towards me and pouncing on me. He doesn't bite me, just holds me down by my wrists and places all of his body weight on me, growling.

"Well, that was stupid, Brenny," I tell him, initiating my guilt trip. "This really hurts me. You attack me after everything I've given you. I've given you food, shelter, protection and another chance at living, and here you are."

His growl began to turn into a whimper as he got off of me. I sit up, and see him sit like a dog with his head lowered and giving me puppy eyes. "I'm sorry."

Standing up, I accept his apology and ask if he is tired. He nods and I smile. For a hairy beast, he is very cute.

"Come on, Brenny. I'll show you to your room." I said while grabbing his hand. He smiles at me and follows me out of the dining hall as Audrey and Zui clean up our mess.

After walking up several flights of stairs and down a few corridors, we reach a large room, hopefully big enough for the both of them. Well with a beast close to 7 feet tall and 800 pounds, wouldn't you want your new family member to be comfortable and happy?

Opening the heavy oak doors, the room shows a large bed that'll hopefully hold the them with their own closet filled with clothes and a few bookshelves for light reading. I haven't been in this room for years, so I have forgotten what was in this room.

"Madam Belle, do we have to sleep in clothes?" Brendon asked as he stared at the room.

"No, you don't." I replied as he walked to his bed. He stood and then crouched as if he were a dog, going to mark his territory.

"Brendon, no." I say sternly. "You are not a dog."

He stood up and smiled at me, as if he knew he was doing. I smirked back at him and shook my head. He is a silly man, but I still don't know much about him.

"So Brendon, when is your birthday?" I asked while sitting on the bed.

"April 12th, why do you need to know?" he asked as he sat next to me.

"Well, I have birthday parties for all of my family members and I have to make sure that I remember when your birthday is so we can celebrate it." I reply while grabbing my miniature calender book from my pocket and placing his birthday in there.

"Well, what am I to you? If we're family, am I your brother, your cousin, your nephew?" He moves closer to me and I move backwards, until I can't anymore because of the bed board.

"Well, how old are you?" I ask as I swiftly move from under him.

"23, and you madam?" He sits on the bed and looks at me, taking off his coat and shirt.

"20." I answer, trying not to giggle. He looks so silly. I mean imagine a furry beast with horns stripping off his clothes seductively. Oh, how the humanly lust is so evident in his eyes and actions.

"Well, how about your older brother...or husband." That last part of his statement made me shocked. That was the first time any creature has ever proposed marriage to me in any fashion. I was so distracted that I didn't even notice him pinning me against the wall. "What, Madam Belle?"

"You'll be my older brother." I pat his soft chest, trying to non-verbally tell him to step away.

"Aw, I was really hoping you would say that I can be your husband." he whispered above me.

"No, sorry." I tell him while trying to move, but he picks me up to where I'm eye level with him. "Put me down, Brendon!"

"I love you, Madam Belle." he confesses, making me absolutely confused. It was literally a week ago when we first met and he confesses his love to me now. It was all to fast and confusing to me.

"What do you mean, Brendon?" I ask looking into his eyes, trying to find truth in his confession.

"Madam Belle, I love you. You're so beautiful, independent, strong-willed, and kind." He looked so desperately in love. It was strange. I mean, just moments ago he threatened my life.

"'re a very handsome beast, but I-" I tell him as gently as possible before his tongue stops me from speaking anymore. It caught me by surprise.

Pulling away, he asks, "But you what?" He tried to distract me from finishing my train of thought and, sadly, it worked. I had completely forgot what I was going to say.

"I don't remember." I said while looking at him, trying to recall my train of thought.

"Good, then there is no problem in us getting married." he said before licking my neck. I can feel the tip of his fangs graze along my neck. It seems pretty suspicious that he wants me to marry him so quickly. I suppose, I'll have to go along to find out what he really wants.

"How about we wait a couple years, when we've gotten to know each other a lot better?" I suggest as his claws were at my corset, ready to rip it open. Luckily, this wasn't one of my favorite dress; in fact, I hated wearing dresses, so he'd be doing me a favor.

"Okay, madam." he says huskily while clawing at the strings.Just as I was about to speak again, I felt a tug before I heard a long ripping sound along my back. The cold air touches my back, making me have chills rush through my body.

Brendon lays my on his bed before he places his clawed finger on the cloth that was hiding my bra from the world. Sex is always before marriage in the animistic world of supernatural predators.

"The Beauty and The Beast will become one tonight." Brendon said while ripping the front of my under dress open. The thin cloth of my bra was not enough to warm my chest, let alone my whole body.

I smile at him before kissing him and going down to his neck. I had to bite him before he bit me, or else he'd become my superior. I'm not gonna let that happen. With my fangs, I bite his neck, getting passed his hair and piercing his flesh. He hisses in pain as blood leaks into my mouth. It has begun.

Letting go of his neck, I lick his wound to close it up. A low growl is stuck in his throat, almost sounding like a pur.I kiss his cheek before looking into his eyes.

"Sorry, Brenny, I had to do it. I can't have you be my superior. I'm sure you understand why." I move my hand along his jaw bone.

"It's ok, I understand." he said before licking my neck again. "It's my turn now." I think to myself before feeling the pain of my flesh being pierced by his sharp fangs. This basically seals the deal that we'll be together until the ends of our lives; the predetermined 'death till us part' in our mating.

"Now you're mine." he said while licking my neck and down to my collar bone. The silk cloth from my underware was the only thing that seperated our bodies from each other. The fast beast already took off his pants, making me the only clothed one here. "You should take these off."

Smiling suductively, I begin to teasingly move my hand down my side. He easily becomes impatient and rips my underwares off. The passion between us two is evident by the feathers from the pillows traveling everywhere. My insides were burning from Brendon being inside of me.

"Madam Belle?" he asks as he holds my body close to his. It's interesting how he's still formal with me. I thought that he'd be more casual after we had sex.

"Yes, Brendon?" I snuggle my self closer to his warm body.

"Do you think I can be turned back into a human?" I looked up at him, wondering why he'd want to be human again."Well...Maybe if you ask a witch to turn you, you can, but I don't think you can perminately be human. Why would you want to anyways?"

"So I can kiss you with lips and not scratch you." he said while tracing the new scars he made on my back. They didn't hurt when he made then. Pleasure blocked out the pain.

"Brendon, don't be human. I don't want you to be hurt." I told him before leaning on me elbow and kissing his jaw.

"But I want to be able to kiss you with lips like you do to me, and be able to touch you without me having to worry about my claws ripping you." He nussled into my hair as his hand moved down my side.

"We shall talk about this later, Brendon. Let us go to bed." I say while kissing his wet nose.

He smiles tiredly before releasing a loud yawn. "Goodnight, Madam Belle." He hugs me close to him before kissing my hair. We let our minds wonder to a dream land before facing reality again tomorrow.
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Okay, so here is the story. Totally didn't intend any beastiality in this so that's why I didn't make it descritptive. I hope you enjoyed it. Comment if you'd like.