Here's Your Sign

Road Sign One: Road Forks Ahead

Wow...." I turn toward the man who spoke. "That's good."

"This crap?" I hold up the poem I just wrote. "You like it?" He nods. "Take it." I hand him the paper.

"Will you write your name on it?" I scribble Anslie Marshal across the bottom of the paper. "Thanks! Bye." He walks off.

"Holy shit! That was Billy Martin!"

"Anslie!" He runs back to me. "The guys loved it!"


"They want to meet you." I nod and follow him. "Here she is." They all stare at me. "Anslie, this is Joel, Benji, Paul and Chris. Guys this is Anslie."

"Hello." They all say hello at once. "So um.... why did you want to meet me?"

"Oh! We want to use your song. Maybe change a few words."

"Go ahead. I gave it to Billy, so it's yours."

"Cool. Well we're headed back to the studio. Want to come?"

"I don't know...."

"Please? You can help us with our songs."

"You don't need and help. You're friggin' amazing! But I guess I'll come. Can I follow you in my car?"

"Just have Billy drive you.... well you drive and him direct. He's a slow driver." Chris whispers this last part, but everyone hears him anyway.

"Okay." I laugh a little, leading Billy to my '88 Mustang. "Sorry for the mess."

"It's okay."

In the end, I co-write 3 songs with them and help arrange the music for 2 others. I sell them the rights to it all for $5,000. I didn't want any money, but they found out I live in my car.

Where did he say his friend lives? Aw Fuck!

I've decided to visit an old friend, but don't know how to find him. I "moved" from Atlanta to Sacramento, "losing" my cell phone in the process.

WEST CHESTER!! That's it!

"I'll be seeing you." I hug the guys and hop in my car.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yea." I pull away from them, and start my long journey east.

I get to West Chester with $4,000 left.

Fucking speeding ticket!

I'd have close to $4500 left other wise.

Just because I was going 100 in a 60. Five-hundred-fucking dollars! That's fucking bullshit!

I find a motel and check in.

Finally! A shower.

After my shower, I call Billy as promised.


"Hey Anslie. So where exactly are you?"

"Back East. I got a room for the night and I'll hopefully find my friend tomorrow."

"Alright, well call if you need anything."

"Okay. Bye."

I wonder if his number has changed....

I decided to go to sleep and try tomorrow.