Here's Your Sign

Road Sign Eleven: Advance Warning

I stare at her. "What? Ryan, come on. You're wasting time." She pulls me into the bathroom and removes her underwear. "Do I have to strip you? Actually...can I? That'd be fun."

"I got it....geeze, you know how to make a guy horny."

"It's a gift." She steps into the shower. "You coming in?"

"Yea,yea, hold on." I grab a washcloth and get in.

"So, Ryan, have you ever had a not so attractive girlfriend?

"One. But she turned out to be a bitch. At first she was awesome and we did a lot together,but she started to get prettier and her attitude changed. Well, actually her attitude changed and then her looks. I saw her a few months ago and she was gross. Big fake tits,peroxide blonde, and a fake tan. I almost puked." She laughs. "Let me wash your hair."

"Okay." I grab the shampoo.

"Shampoo is a funny word."


"Its a funny word. Seriously! Shampoo. Take it apart and you've got sham and poo. Fake Poop? That's creepy and funny."

"Hun, stop thinking."

"Not nice Ans, not nice."

"Who said I was nice?"

"Good point." She tunrs around to face me. "What?"

"Switch with me. I need to wash your hair." I roll my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me mister. Now scoot."

"Yes ma'am." She laughs as she starts to wash my hair. "So, where are you in considering staying?"

"70% stay 30% go."

"Oh really?"

"Uh-huh. Lean back." Anslie runs her hands through my hair to make sure all the shampoo is out. "Now: conditioner."

"What?! Hell no!"

"Please Ryan. Your hair will be like soft for once."

"My hair's always soft."

"But it will look better." I can tell she's pouting even though my back is to her.


"Yay!" She starts messaging my scalp.

"This is so weird."

"So? OH! EW! I need to shave." She shudders, grabbing my razor and her shave gel. "That can stay in while I do this."

"I can't believe I have to watch you shave."

"You don't have to look."

"Hm...naked chick or the wall? Not a hard decision." She shrugs and keeps shaving.

"Ya know, that was supposed to take less time."

"You wanted to wash my hair."

"It was gross! When's the last time you washed it?" He shrugs. "Get dressed." I pull my clothes out of my bag and throw them all on the bed.

"Why'd you do that?"

"I'll clean it up later. Chill."

"No you won't. We both know that it'll all end up on the floor when one of gets tired."

"Found it!"

"That's my shirt!!"

"So? I like it; and you didn't even know it was gone."

"Eh. Hurry up."

"Ready!" I jump on his back and we go downstairs.

"What were you two doing?"


"Together?" I nod. "Why?"

"We didn't have sex. Ville, you're a sick, sad, little man if that's where you mind went."

"Well, what else would you be doing?"

"Talking, washing each other's hair, and shaving."

"I still can't believe I let you use my razor to shave your under arms. Gross."

"I shaved my legs too."

"Don't remind me."

"Hey!" I hit him on the shoulder. "Are we partying or not? Cause I got outta bed to party."

"Yea, yea. Start the music!" Ryan puts me down so I can run around.

"Cupcakes! SWEET!!" I eat 3 then start dancing on a table. There are tons of people I don't know milling around the house.


"ALI!!" I pull her up onto the table and we start dancing dirty to the song. Jenn joins us and it turns into a giggle fest as the 3 of us dance on each other. "I need more sugar! Come on!" At the cupcake table I see a bowl of gummi bears. "Yes!"

"Are you sure you need all that sugar?" I turn to see Billy and the twins.

"Hey guys!" They all hug me. "I can eat as much sugar as I want! I'm 20-fucking-3!" I laugh evily and eat another cupcake with gummi bears piled on top. They laugh. "Ooo what's that?" I run over to Bam. He and the crew braided Rake's hair. The braids look like Coolio braids. "Hehe. Coolio." Everyone laughs excepts Rake. He looks pissed off. "Aw, cheer up Rake."

"Fuck off! Oh, Happy Birthday."

"Thanks, bye." I get pulled into the crowd. "Linde! Burton!" I hug them.

"Happy Birthday!"

"Thanks guys! RYAN!"




"Come on." I drag Linde and Burton behind me.

"So what's this idea?"

"Flashlight tag in the woods."

"Do we have that many flashlights?"

"We could play hide-n-seek...."

"Let's do both." Linde jumps up and down. We all just look at him. "What?"

"Nothing. Bam go tell everyone we're playing flashlight tag and Raab's it. Let's go" Ryan comes with me and the rest scatter into the woods.

"Why are we doing this?"

"Its my birthday and I want to." The noise from the party moves outside. Ville finds us and hands me a flashlight.

"Have fun."

"We will."


Ryan and I laugh and run into the woods.





Ryan and I run to Fast Eddie's. "No one else is here." He shrugs.

"You havin' fun?"

"Yea." She gets close to me and rests her head on my shoulder. "So...."


"What time is it?"

"Um...." I take out my phone, "it's 1 A.M."

"Oh. I'm tired and my birthday's over. Let's go to bed."


"Carry me?"

"Sure." I pick her up bridal style and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Pack some shit. We're going to Russia."

"Wha-huh?" I'm still half sleep.


"Okay, okay. Relax." I nudge Dunn. "Babe, get up. We need to pack."

"I don't like packing."

"Ugh, fine. I'll do it."

I grab clothes out of drawers and off the floor and stuff them in a duffle bag. "Finished."

"Okay." We both go back to sleep.



"We're leaving in an hour and you two need to shower. Hurry up." I push Ryan out of bed.

"I'm up!"

"Shower. Now." I go into the bathroom, eyes still half closed. We do everything we need to in the bathroom, and I throw all the bathroom stuff in another bag. Ryan grabs the duffle bag and we go downstairs. "Me, Linde, Ville, and Ryan are sharing a room."

"Why Ryan?"

"I was to lazy to pack our shit in separate bags. When do we leave?"

"Right now."

Anslie and Ryan sit next to each other on the plane. Her head is on his shoulder and his arm is around her. They talk quietly until she falls asleep.



"You and Anslie seem close. I know for a fact that she doesn't like to be held by guys unless she trusts them a little."

"Well, she let's us all hug her and stuff."

"But until recently I was the only one who could hold her the way you are now. I think she trusts you a lot."

"I guess. I don't really think about that. We're friends." I nod and look across the aisle to Bam. He's sleeping on Jenn's shoulder. She looks at me and rolls her eyes, making me laugh.

"Sweetie wake up. The plane landed." I open my eyes to see Ryan shaking me lightly.

"I'm up."

"Come on." He takes my hand and leads me off the plane. "Aw, you're still sleepy."

"Can it bitch." I rub my eyes. "How long till we get to the hotel?"

"Not long." I yawn and rest my head on his chest. "Ans, you need to stay awake. At least until we get in the cab."

"Fine." I move away to stand on my own. Ryan has our stuff so I just stand there. After everyone gets all their things we head outside and get in a taxi. I snuggle up to Ryan, but don't go back to sleep. "What are we doing in Russia?"

"Bam wanted to go." In the cab with us are Ville, Gas, and Raab.

"So we had to come?"

"That's the way this works." I shrug and look out the window.

"Ans, what do you want to do here?" Ryan's voice is quiet in my ear. I look into his eyes.

"I don't know. I thought Bam had something planned."

"We can ditch him."

"Okay.... why are we whispering?"

"Its fun?"

"Dork." I laugh at the goofy smile on his face.

"Hey you two! Secrets don't make friends."

"Maybe we don't want to make friends."

"Well fine then."

"Oh! Great comeback!" Raab and Gas laugh and Ville pouts. "Aw. Do you want Raab to kiss it better?"

"What?" He laughs, "why Raab? Why not you?"

"I comfortable and he's closer to you."

"Lazy bitch."

"Eh." I give a half-hearted shrug. The cab pulls up to the hotel and we leave Gas to sort it out.