Here's Your Sign

Road Sign Twelve: Speed Hump


Anslie and I end up sharing a bed. Ville and Linde take the other one, leaving the couch to Raab- who got stuck in with us.

On our 3rd day, Anslie and I ditch the group to go sight-seeing and shopping, without getting kicked out of the shop or attraction. At the moment, we are in a liquor store.

Anslie suddenly presses her body to mine, wrapping her arms around my neck. Instinctively, my arms go around her waist.

"Ryan, the guy behind the counter is giving me the eye. I don't like it." I look at him and he glares at me.

"Why not?"

"I can tell he's a creep. Just the way he carries himself. He scares me."

"Want to go to another store?" She nods. I take her hand, lacing our fingers and lead her out of the store. She walks extremely close to me as we pass the counter.

"Thanks Ryan. He was so grody."

"No problem, babe. Oh, let's go in there!" She laughs.

"Okay." When we walk in, Anslie drops my hand and runs to the toys. I make a b-line for the swords in the back of the store.

"You like them?"

"Huh?" I turn to see a really hott Russian chick. "Oh, yea....They're gorgeous."

She presses her self against my back, pointing over my shoulder. "That one is a 12th century Samurai blade. And that one..."

"Hey Dunn, look at what I....oh..." Anslie giggles and starts walking away.

"Baby, what did you want to show me?" I pull her back to me. The Russian chick growls and stomps away.

"I thought you were enjoying that."

"Too intimidating."

"Oh. LOOK!" She holds up a Furby.

"AH!" I let go of her waist and move away from her.

"I'm going to put it in Bam's suitcase." She giggles.

"You're evil. You ready to go?" She nods and we go to the register. The scary lady is there, so I wrap my arms around Anslie from behind.

"Hello. Aw, you two are cute. How long have you been together?"

"Six years. Isn't that right Ry Ry?" Anslie turns and plants a small kiss on my lips.

"Yup. Six years and 3 months tomorrow." The cashier's smirk fades.

"Aw, you remembered!" Anslie laughs and hands the girl some money. "Bye!" She takes my hand and we leave.

"Thanks Ans."

"No problem Ry Ry. Let's go back to the hotel room. I don't want to risk another creep."

"Me either."

"I'm kinda glad all that guy did was look."

"What would you have done if he started talking to you?"

"What I did, but I would have found a way to make you moan just to piss him off."

"Let's go back!"


"Kidding. Kidding."

"What would you have done if Helga back there put some serious moves on you?"

"Uh....Kissed you."

"Oh really?" I nod. "Eh....You don't feel bad that I used you like that, do you?"

"What? No. It was kinda hott when you pressed up against me like that." I smile remembering the feel of her body against mine.

"Ugh! Wipe that look off your face. Its creepy." She starts laughing.


When we get back to the hotel, I get a key to Bam's room and slip the sleeping Furby in his suitcase. Then Ryan and I go back to our room. We sit on the couch, Ryan's head in my lap, and watch T.V. He's holding my right hand, and I'm using my left to play with his hair.

"I can't believe they play Invader Zim and Pete and Pete here. Those are like two of my favorite shows." Ryan laughs.

"You know how young that makes you sound?"

"I am younger than most of you."

"I know. I wasn't trying to be mean. You just sounded so excited. It was cute."

"You two look cozy. And you ditched us! Why? Did you have sex?"


"What?!" Bam turns off the T.V.

"Well we were in the liquor store and the cashier was eying me like in his mind we were fucking. And some girl gave Dunn that look. So, in a sense, we had sex...." Ryan cracks up at Bam's 'who-what-when-where-HUH?' face. One eye is half shut and twitching, the other is as wide as possible. "Why did you come in here?"

"We're going to a club. Get ready!" He leaves.

"You changing?" I look down at Ryan.


"That skank. He turned off the T.V.!" I glare at the blank screen, silently cursing Bam.

"Where's the remote?" I shrug. "Let's look for it." Neither one of us makes a move to get up. "That's what I thought."

"I don't really want to go tonight."

"You have to."


"Because, if you stay here, who will I dance with to keep the scary chicks away?"

"In that case, I should get pretty."

"You already are." He sits up so I can get ready. I change into a leather mini-skirt, baby blue tank top, and low top blue converse.

"You know it does get cold here."

"I know." I grab one of his jackets. Going to the door, I check myself in the mirror.

"You look fine, gorgeous, beautiful-"

"You coming Romeo?" I hold out my hand to him, laughing. He gets his other jacket, takes my hand, and we leave.

"They're holding hands!"



"Because we want to. Are we leaving yet?"

"We're waiting on Novak."

"Oh great." Ryan chuckles at my annoyed tone and hugs me. Novak comes down 20 minutes later. "Let's go!"

"Anslie, love, you look gorgeous."

"Thanks Ville."

"Yea, why'd you get all pretty?"

"Raab, I didn't 'get all pretty.' I decided to dress up a little for once. Lord knows I haven't any other time I've went out with y'all."

"True, true."

"So tell me again why we are walking."

"Because all of us will be too drunk to drive or call a cab. So why not learn the way now?"


"A little." Dunn pulls me closers to him and I wrap my arms around his middle.

Jenn 'aws' and I flip her the bird. "Savin' it for later."

"Jenn, we need a hot tub for that!" Bam and Dunn say ' I wanna join' at the same time. "Pervs! And Ryan, you've already seen me....You want to see Jenn too? I'm sure I can talk her into it."

"He ain't seein' my girlfriend's tits!"

"I don't want to see 'em. I get to see Anslie's all the time anyway." I roll my eyes."

"About that.... You two need to stop showering together. I-"

"Shut up Ville. No one cares what you have to say." Everyone laughs.

"Why do you shower together?" I look at Ryan and we both shrug.

" I think Ryan does it so he can see me naked everyday."

"Oh! You know you want me!"

"Oh baby, oh baby. Grr." I say this with no emotion.

"You bitch!"



"We're here!"

"Anslie! Bathroom!" Jenn pulls me away. "Okay. Two things. 1) I think I'm going to break up with Bam."

"What?! Why?!"

"Maybe I should have said the other one first.... I just realized I don't love him the same way anymore. I see him as more of a friend."

"Who's the other guy?"