Here's Your Sign

Road Sign Thirteen: Left Turn on Arrow Only

"Jyrki 69"

"What?! He's going to be so pissed. How long have you been seeing him?"

"I'm not. I couldn't do that to Bam. That's why I want to end it when we get back. So I don't cheat. Bam will understand; he has to. We've known each other to long for this to fuck up our relationship."

I sigh, "What's number two?"

"You and Ryan seem quite comfortable with each other."

"Oh." I laugh,"He's a great friend."

"Who you shower with."

"He's fun to look at. And boy is he blessed."

"You look!?"

"He looks at me!"

"So why shower together?"

"Not sure really. On my birthday, I thought it'd be faster, but we washed each other's hair . Now when we shower, we don't both stay in. When I'm done, I get out; when he's done, he gets out. Saying it out loud, it sounds crazy strange. But it doesn't feel that way."

"Yea, just admit you want his naked hott body on top of you."

"I don't look at him like that! I mean, he's hott, but we're just friends."

"That's why you hold hands, pack your shit in the same bags, and go off together? Your just friends? Just friends my ass. You like him. Admit it." She pokes my stomach.

"Ugh, let's go. I want booze and dancing!" She laughs at me as we look for the guys.

"Honey!" Ryan runs up to me and pulls me to him. "Let's dance!"

"Bye Jenn." He drags me onto the dance floor . We start jumping around acting crazy. Five songs later, we're pretty much having sex with our clothes on.

Dunn disappears into the crowd. "So who thinks Ryan and Anslie have a relationship they refuse to talk about?" Everyone raises their hands.

"I wonder why they just don't tell us."

"Tell you what?" Jenn falls next to Bam.

"Oh, we think there's more going on between Ryan and Anslie than they say."

"There isn't yet."

"What do you mean?"

"They are close, VERY close, friends right now. Nothing more.. But it's obvious.....WHOA!"

"What?" Jenn points to the floor. Dunn and Anslie are grinding and making out.

"Hot damn!" Everyone's pretty speechless as the crowd swallows them again.

"Uh....Have they had anything to drink?"

"I don't think so; and even if they did, Anslie can hold her liquor well. High tolerance. It takes a lot to get her to act stupid."

"Ans, wanna go back? This isn't much fun anymore."

"Should we tell the others?"

"Yea." We walk hand in hand off the dance floor. "They're over here." I nod and follow close behind him.


"Hey." Bam hesitates a little.

"We're going back to the hotel. Have fun!" I give Ville a hug, then take Ryan's outstretched hand. Outside, it's much colder than it was when we got here. Dunn pulls me close to him and we walk as fast as possible. I change into some of his sweat pants as soon as we get into the room.

"Why were they looking at us like that?"

"Maybe they saw us danci...." We look at each other.

"FUCK! Ville's going to play the annoying parent now."

"So he's going to try to kill me."

"Eh. It's not his decision. It's ours. What we do in our spare time is up to us."

"True, but he may well still go apeshit." I nod. "Come here." He holds out his arms. Quickly, I move over to him. He kisses me softly, then squeezes me.

"Oh shit. I'm going to need a job."

"So you're staying for awhile?"

"Yup. Why leave? We just started a new stage in our relationship. It needs time to grow or fall apart."

"Yea." He laughs.


"I don't have to try and control my boners when we shower together now."

"Oh gross." I move away from him.

"Excuse me?" He tries to keep a straight face.

"You heard me." Pouting, Ryan sits on the bed facing away from me. I crawl over to him and start rubbing his back.

"Let's go shower. I feel grimy."

"I warn you: I will get a hard on."

"Who cares. Let's go." I pull him into the bathroom and slowly strip him.

"My turn." He kisses me each time he takes removes something from my body. I giggle between kisses. Picking me up, he steps into the running water. My back's agaisnt the wall as we make out. Gradually, I start to feel the aforementioned hard on.

"Put me down."


"You'll see." He slowly lets me down. I wink before getting on my knees and taking him in my mouth. He moans as I move my tongue around him.

"Oh...Go..." He moans cutting himself off. His eyes are closed and his face is scrunched up. I tease him a little, making him moan my name. "Oh shit, Ans...."

"Mmhmm." He moans again and starts to come. I swallow it all. The water's run cold by now. "So much for a hot shower."

"Holy fuck, you're good at that."

"Really?" He nods, trying to steady his still ragged breathing. "That was the first time I've ever done it."

He goes competely still. When I look at him his eyes are wide. "Seriously?" I nod slowly. "Well damn."

"C'mon. I guess we're taking a cold shower." We wash and get out. I borrow his pjs and he sleeps in his boxers. We cuddle into the bed.

"Hey Ans?"


"Back on your first night with us, Jonna was looking at that cut that bastard gave you and you said you've had worse. What did you mean?"

"Uh....Well you know how I told you I'm scared of clowns?"


"Well, my parents thought I needed to confront my fears. So when I was 12, they got a clown for my birthday. Well they left me alone with him, and he tried to molest me. I fought back and he broke my arm and I had a black eye.So....yea. Clowns: not so good."

"Oh." He holds me tighter.

"That, and I usually end up in a fight with some guy because he gets to friendly." At this, he laughs lightly.

"You're so cool."

"Thank you."

"How do you think the gang will take this? Us, I mean."

"Uh....I think Ville will be the only one who cares."

"Okay. I think I can handle him."

"You think that." He tilts my head up and kisses me. "So, Mr. Dunn, are we ditching the goup tomorrow?"

"Nah, let's go ahead and let them tease us.... We can ditch them the day after."