Here's Your Sign

Road Sign Seventeen: Hospital Ahead

"May I help you?"

"Yes, we have a 12:30 appointment. Sorry we're late."

"Through that door, first door on the left."

"Thank you." I smile at the receptionist and follow Ryan to the back.


"Hi. I'm Ryan; this is Anslie."

"Welcome. Have a seat." We sit on the couch. "So....Anslie, tell me about these nightmares."

"Well they started when I was little...." I proceed to relate my few run-ins with clowns and walk-in freezers.

"Medication it is. So do you want to continue therapy?"

"Ma'am, I live with Bam Margera. Therapy won't help."

"True, true. Well if you want to come back just call."

"Thanks." She hands me my prescription and we leave.

"See, it wasn't that bad."

"I guess. Uh....what do you want to do now?"

"Go get your job back."

"Okay." Ryan and I get in his car and head toward the mall. "Hey Ali."

"ANSLIE!" She hugs me tightly. "What are you doing here?"

"Can I have my job back?"

"Sure. Start now. Get out Ryan." She hands me my name tag and pulls me away from Dunn.

"Bitch." He flips her the bird. "I'll come get you when you get off. Call me." He kisses me hard then leaves.

"You and Ryan are so cute together."

"What about you and Novak?"

"Brandon is awesome. I'm going to tell him I love him tonight."


"Have you told Ryan yet?"

"No and I probably never will."

"Why not?"

"I just don't see myself ever finding love. Yea, I like Ryan well enough, but love? Naw."

"Do you like to cuddle him?"


"Do you just love his sex?"

"Duh, definitely."

"Can you two sit and not talk and it feel completely comfortable?"


"It's love."

"Work Ali." She laughs, yet starts working. The day goes smoothly, and at ten I'm calling Ryan to come get me.

"Hey babe, I'm off."

"I'm outside the store." I hang up and run out with Ali laughing at me. "Miss me?"

"Sorta. Let's go."

"Hold up. We're going out tonight."

"Who's 'we'?"

"Me and you."

"Oh okay." He blindfolds me and leads me outside. "Kinky?"

"No. Is sex all you think about?"

"I like the way you do me. Is it a crime to think of my happy place?"

"Okay. I'm telling you right now: no more comments like that tonight."

"Aw, okay." I stifle a giggle as the car comes to a stop.

"Wait here." I nod as he gets out. My door opens and Ryan takes my hand.

"Well this is one way to work on trust," I mumble.

"Okay. Hold on...." Ryan drops my hand and I wrap my arms around myself. "Here." A jacket is placed on my shoulders. I slip my arms into it.

"Thanks babe."

"Your welcome." The blindfold comes off.

"Aw." A picnic is spread before me. "Closet romantic Mr. Dunn?" He shrugs and we sit down. We get peace for maybe two hours before a cell phone rings.

"Hello? What? Fine we're coming. Bye." Ryan hangs up with a sigh. "Well that fucks this up. Bam and Raab are in the hospital." I start helping him clean up.


"The guys were playing dare and Bam and Raab had to Mary Poppins off the roof onto the trampolines."

"You don't need to say anymore." He laughs. "Let's go visit the dumb-asses." Ryan chuckles again and takes my hand.

Once in the hospital, Anslie and I take our time getting to their room.

"You two some dumb bitches."

"Have you been hanging out with Compton Ass Terry?"

"No." Anslie seems a little confused but shrugs it off. "How much alcohol did the two of you consume before attempting this feat?"

"Not enough. It still hurt when I hit the ground." I shake my head.

"That's the answer a true idiot would give. I hope you had fun with that stunt. I don't think either of you will be doing much anytime soon."

"Eh...." Bam shrugs. "Where were you two?"

"A date." Anslie leans into me.


"Oh stuff it you tard. We would still be on it if you weren't so stupid."

"I'm not stupid, just slightly intoxicated."

"Slightly? You jumped from a large height onto a trampoline with nothing but an umbrella to create wind resistance. That's more than slightly intoxicated. That's just over the shit-faced line."

"It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"And in hindsight?"

"In what?" She sighs in annoyance.

"Baby, do we have to stay here?" I nod. "Why?"

"To see what the diagnosis is so we can laugh at them."

"Oh, okay." She smiles up at me, then goes over to April.

"Enjoying being in a relationship?"

"Yea. Being with her is strange."

"How so?"

"You can use a phrase like 'how so' correctly, but you don't know what hindsight means?"

"I never said I don't know what it means. I just wanted to see if she'd repeat herself. She does it to me often enough. And answer the question."

"Wow....I don't know. I mean she's still the same Anslie I met months ago, but something's a little different. And she's keener to have sex that I would have thought."

"So is she like a whore or something?"

"No. No, but she doesn't object to sex. I mean she's only been with like four guys; and that's including me."

"Is she bad in the sack? Evil when it's just the two of you? Talk crap about everyone else? What?"

"No, none of that. She'll tell me anything. I know she tends to hold stuff back from her friends. Now I'm in a position where she doesn't hold back if I ask about something. It's just odd."

"That's part of being in a REAL relationship. Honesty and trust."

"I think they gave you to many pain killers. You're being serious."

"Maybe I've had more alcohol than I thought. But shit did it hurt when I hit the ground." I laugh at him and watch Anslie chat with Ape. "Do you love her?"

"It's kinda early for that. We've only been together for a few weeks."

"But you love her."

"I don't want to scare her off."

"You don't have to tell her yet. I just wanted you to know that you do." I scoff and roll my eyes.


"Yea Ans?"

"Buy me ice cream sandwiches on the way home?"
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Okay the next one is going to take a while to get out because well....I have to write it. haha