Here's Your Sign

Road Sign Eighteen: Survey Crew

"Sure." I flash him a cheesy smile and turn back to April.

"You're in love with him, aren't you."

"No." I can tell she doesn't believe me, but I know that trying to convince her I'm not in love with him will only do the opposite. "Anyway, what should I get him for Valentine's Day? I've never had to shop for a boyfriend before."

"Not sure. You can go through his stuff for ideas."

"Well I know what he likes and stuff. I just don't know exactly what to get him."

"I don't know what to tell ya." April shrugs in defeat.

"It's okay. I'll figure something out."

"I'm sure you will honey." I smile at her and continue to watch Ryan. "How do you know you're not in love with him?"

"It's too soon to tell. I know I could fall for him, but I don't feel it yet."

"Are you expecting to?"

I take time to contemplate this. Giving an answer to hastily wouldn't be good. Whatever comes out of my mouth will be a commitment either way it goes.

Do I want to be in love with Ryan? It'd be nice....I know that he'd care for me. But would he make me stay here? I mean, he already got me to put my life on hold for him....Truthfully, we already have everything else needed for a successful relationship. We respect each other; we're the best of friends; we actually understand one another. I love him as a friend, but could that transform into me being in love with him?

"I don't know April. I can't say I wouldn't enjoy it. However, I'm not sure I want all that would come with it." Before she can respond, Ryan announces to the room that he and I are leaving. I hug Raab and Bam, then let Ryan pull me from the room. We travel home in silence. In fact, we are quiet until we get in bed. I want to say something or make a noise, but I hold back. I get the feeling that Dunn should be the first one to speak.

"Anslie?" We both stare at the ceiling.

"Yea babe?"

"Do you think...." He pauses. "Please don't freak out and please be honest. "Do you think there will be anyone else?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are we it for each other? I know we haven't been together long, but something Bam said got me thinking."

"Bam? Bam who's hopped up on pain killers and drunk? That Bam?"

He chuckles lightly, "Yea that Bam. Just answer the question."

"Honestly, I don't know. I have to many questions to answer that."

"Like what?"

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Only two more after this. I wanted to make it longer but this is what came out....