Here's Your Sign

Road Sign Two: Blind Intersecetion Ahead

I try to open the door, only to find it locked. Bobo laughs maniacally, "Let's have some fun Anlsie!" He pulls out a carving knife. I try to scream but the cold air stills my vocal chords.

I sit up, sweating.

Damn clowns.

The clock flashes 12:00.

Noon already?

I shrug and get in the shower. When I'm ready, I pick up the phone.

I hope it's the same.

It rings three times before some one answers. "Hello?"


"Anslie?!" He practically screams my name.


"Oh my God. How are you? Where are you?"

"I'm fine and I'm in West Chester."

"You are?!"


"Where are you? I'll come pick you up."

"The motel 6 on Gravers Street."

"That's not far from me. Bye."


"So how old are you?"

"16. You?"



"Yup. Here's my number. Call me." He writes it on my hand. I read the name to myself.


A knock on the door breaks my flashback. I sigh, getting up from my bed.

"Hello Ville."

"Anslie!" He pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

"I didn't know you could drive."

"I can't; my friend brought me. Come on." I grab my purse and follow him out.

"I should follow you in my car."

"Ok. I'll ride with you. Let me tell him." He jogs over to a beat up truck. They talk for a bit and he comes back. "Ready?"

"Yea. How do I get there?" He looks around my car as he gets in. There's trash and clothes littering the floor.

"Follow the white rabbit." He motions to the truck he came here in."Have you been living in your car?"


"Ans, why didn't you call me? I could have helped you."

"I wanted to do things on my own."

"And how'd that work out for you?"

"It didn't, but I'm coping." It grows silent.

"Have you talked to him?"

"Hell No!"

"Good. You needed to be out of that house."

"You're saying that because you didn't like him."

"He didn't like me. And he treated you like shit."

"I guess." I turn off the car. "Holy shat!"

"Come on." He pulls me inside the humugous house.

More like castle....

"Someone actually lives here?!" Ville nods."Whoa...."

"LOVER!" A guy my height jumps into Ville's arms. "Who's she?"

"Oh....That's Anslie."

"The Anslie?!"


"What do you mean 'The Anslie?' And who the hell are you?"

"I'm.....wait, you don't know who I am?"