Here's Your Sign

Road Sign Four: New Pavement Ahead

"What!? Hell no."

"Get out or get shot in the head."

"Ugh.... fine." I slowly get out. "Can I borrow your cell?"


"I need to make a call."

"Uh....sure...." He reaches into his pocket and I knock the gun from his hand. "Stupid bitch." He slaps me then gets in my car. "Thanks for the car." He drives away.

Thanks for the cell phone douche bag.

I pick up the phone and call Ville.


"Ville can you come get me? I'm on the corner of Jackson and Smith."

"Yes....Why are you there and what number are you calling from?"

"Uh....some guy stole my car and I'm on his cell phone."

"How'd you get that?"

"Uh, come get me and I'll tell you."

"Alright, we'll be there." I hang up and sit on the curb.

I can't believe that hoebag hit me.

I touch my cheek.

Shit. I'm bleeding! Aw fuck. Well time to make a super long overseas phone call.

I take out the phone and dial the operator. She connects me to the Toshiba company in Japan. We talk about their product line.


"Oh. Bye." I hang up. "Hey Ville."

"Are you bleeding?"

"Oh, that bastard hit me because I knocked his gun out of his hand."

"He had a gun!?"

"Yea, just take me to my motel."

"What?! Hell no! You just got your car stolen."

"And now I have a cell phone. You gotta stay positive. Let's go, I'm tired."

"Get in the car."

How many people are in here?

"Hey Anslie!"

"Hey Jenn. Why are there so many people in this car?"

"We're going to Duffer's."


"A bar."

"Oh...." I get comfortable. "Are you dropping me off on the way?"

"No. Why would we do that?"

"I need to clean up and I'm tired. Who are you?"


"That's right. So...."

"Anslie relax. I'll buy you more cupcakes."

"Okay. And icecream sandwhiches."


"Why icecream sandwhiches?"

"I like them. Who are you?"

"Raab." I nod.

"So, Anslie, how old are you?"



"Yea, why?"

"No reason. But you are younger than all of us."


"Welcome to Duffer's." We get out and enter the building. Everyone seems to know Bam.

"Jenn, where's the bathroom?" She motions for me to follow her. "Thanks."

"No problem. So, how long have you known Ville?"

"Six years."

"Cool. Are you two close?"

"In a way."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't like to get close to people. I only have superficial trust in others, and I'm bad about maintaining friendships."

"Have you worked on this?"

"I was in therapy for three years. Believe it or not, I've actually gotten better."

"Well you and Ville seem close."

"That's because he's patient with me. He met me in my last year of therapy; even went to a session with me. He knows what goes on in my mind, even if he doesn't understand it. And he doesn't push me." I finish cleaning away the dried blood. The cut is deep, but not deep enough to permanently scar.


"Don't feel bad about asking."

"Okay. Let's go back out there."

"Yes, let's." We link arms and go into the common area.

"That looks like it hurts." Jonna runs a hand over my cut.

"I've had worse." I look around aware I only remember Bam, Jenn, and Jonna. "Guys, I'm bad with names. Could you tell me who everyone is? Again?" Bam nods and re-introduces everybody. "Thanks. Sorry about that. It's just I've been on my own for four years and haven't had to remember names."

"It's okay. So where do you want to shop tomorrow?"

"I can't go. All my money was in the glove compartment of my car. Oh Crap!" I get my 'new' cell and call Billy. "Hey, I can't come by then. My car got stolen and all the money I had left was in it....No, I still have some clothes....Yea, he's right here....ugh hold on." I turn to Ville, "Billy wants to talk to you." I hand him the phone.

"Hello?" He moves away from us.

"How much was in the glove compartment?"

"Bout $4,000." They all choke on their drinks. "I'm stuck here now. Well until I can get enough money to get outta here."

"Where will you go?" I shrug. "So why leave?" I shrug again. Ville comes back, handing me my phone.

"You sold the rights to you music?!"

"Yea why?"

"You could be rich! Finally have enough to settle down and quit living out of your car. I told him what happened and they want to sell the rights back."

"I don't have any money to buy them with and I don't want them."

"What are you talking about?"

"Anslie here co-wrote 3 songs and the music for 2 others with Good Charlotte. And then sold them the rights to it all for $5,000."

"Whay would you do that?!"


"It's not about the money."


"I don't need this." I get up and walk out.

"Anslie! Wait!" Ville stops me. "Sorry. Just come back inside and then we'll go get your clothes and you can stay at Bam's until you figure out what to do."

"I still want my cupcakes and icecream sandwhiches."

"Deal." He wraps an arm around my shoulders and we go inside.

"You're staying in Dunn's room."



"Okay." We proceed to get drunk. Jenn stays sober so she can drive. Once back at the house, I follow Dunn upstairs.

"Bed or floor?"

"We can share the bed."

"Good." We both fall onto his bed, not bothering to get changed.

I run into a dark cold room. Breathing heavily I rest my hands on my knees, hoping he didn't follow me. I hear the squeak of a red nose and turn quickly.

"Do you want a balloon Anslie?" He fills the balloon with nitrous oxide. It grows so large as to fill the room. I try to run, but trip over frozen sides of beef.
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Who do you think this is about?