Here's Your Sign

Road Sign Five: Traffic Light Ahead

"Anslie!! Wake up!!" I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom to throw up. Jenn and Dunn follow me. She holds my hair back while he wets a wash-cloth with cold water.

"You okay?" He hands me the cold cloth.

"Damn clown....Uh, yeah I'm fine. HEY! Where's my cupcakes?! Ville! You bitch, you didn't get my stuff!!"

"Relax." He walks into the bathroom, "I didn't think you'd be up yet. It's 11:30 in the morning." Dunn turns off the water and the faucet squeaks.

"AH!!" I place a hand over my heart.

"Still having those dreams?"

"Every night."

"You need to go back on that medication."

"I know."

"What dreams?" Jenn leans against the counter confused.

"Ville out." I push him and Dunn out of the bathroom, "Okay. When I was like six my parents took me to the circus. Well the clown there went crazy and stabbed the ringmaster. Ever since, I've been creeped out by clowns. And, when I was 7 I got trapped in a walk in freezer... well the only thing I had to look at for the hour I was in there was this clown picture. Again.... creeped out. That same year, my parents took me back to the circus, and I flipped out and had a panic attack. I started having this dream where I'd be running from a clown and I'd get trapped in a freezer with one. But when I started therapy, I went on medication and the dreams stopped. Then when I went to Cali, I didn't have my meds, so the dreams started up again."

"That would freak anyone out." I laugh and we go downstairs. Jonna comes down a few minutes later.

"We're not going to the mall?"

"Uh...." Jenn and I look at each other.

"Go get dressed!" We run upstairs.

"5 minute shower?"

"You got it." I go into Dunn's room. He's sleep on the bed so I stay as quiet as possible.

Jenn and I hurry back down to the group. "Done! Let's go!" We each grab one of Jonna's hands and run outside. We all collapse agaisnt Jenn's car, laughing.

"You two are crazy."

"Hyper, never crazy. Let's go!!" I get in the back and start bouncing around.

"Relax." Jonna laughs. "So Anslie, what do you want to do at the mall?"

"Run around telling people I have a cock."

"That actually sounds like fun." So that's what we do. Mall security escorts us out of the mall proper after 4 hours and a bazillion complaints.

"That was awesome."

"Ha. We got banned from the mall for 6 months." We burst into giggle fits as we walk into the house.

"What got you three high?" I fall across Raab and DiCo.

"We ran around the mall telling people we had cocks."

"For 4 hours."

"And then we were escorted out and banned for 6 months." Everyone starts laughing. "I say we go back tomorrow in disguise."

"Sweet! I'm in!"

"Me too."

"Hold on. Jenn, Jonna, when did you two get so wild?"

"Uh....When Anslie got here? And we've always been wild, we just hid it better."

"Jenn, remember that time we went skinny dipping?"

"That guy was so pissed!" They start laughing.

"We should take Anslie!"

"OOOOO.......Tonight! It will be awesome. Planning time!" They pull me up and we go up to Bam and Jenn's room.

"Skinny dipping?" The guys shrug. "So what are we going to do tonight?"



"He chased us for and hour! That was fucked up! 'Come back you naked ninnies! When I get my hands on you...well not on you because that would be inappropriate. Just get back here!'" We fall onto the couch exhausted.

"He shook that cane at us the whole time. You'd think if he could hold that up he could catch us."

"Please don't let us be like that when we get old."

"Amen!" We all giggle. "No.... When I get old, I'll be that old lady on the front porch in a rocker who uses a .45 to shoot rock candy at kids who try to sell me stuff." Jonna and Jenn stare at me before clackling evily.

"We'll join you."


"Girls!" They practically fall through the door.

"They're drunk, I'm not. I'm going to bed." I walk up to Dunn's room.

Hopefully this guy doesn't get frisky when he's drunk. Oh crapola! What am I going to do?! I have no money, no job, and no home. I guess I can get a job. But it has to be somewhere the guys won't go....HA! perfect

I crawl into bed and stare at the ceiling.

Dunn stumbles into the room some time later. "Anslie?"


"You in bed?"


"Which side?"

"Go to your left and you won't hit me."

"Okay." The bed sinks beside me. "Night."

"Night." I lie awake all night.

"I'd like to apply for a job." The brunette behind the counter eyes me, taking in my black jeans, KoRn shirt, and grungy converse.

"Are you sure you want to work here? In American Eagle? Um....Spencers and Hot Topic are at the other end of the mall."

"Look. I know what I'm doing. Now, may I please have an application?"

"Fine." I smile and go to a dressing room to fill it out. My phone rings.


"Where are you?"

"Looking for a job." I hang up on Ville and finish the application. "Here."

"You're hired. I need the help and you're the only one that's applied. Can you start now?"

"Yea." I turn off my cell phone and she starts me on folding clothes and restocking the shelves.

"So every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Noon till close. I honestly don't care what you wear." She hands me a nametag.

"Okay. Bye Ali."

She's not that bad actually. Her Skipper brown hair, brown eyes, and AE clothes hide the sarcastic yet loveable personality.

I hitch a ride to Bam's.

"Anslie! Where have you been? It's 10 funcking P.M.! And how'd you get there and back?"

"Uh.... Can someone hold him?" Novak and DiCo grab Ville's arms.


"I hitched-hiked." I run up to Dunn's room and lock the door. Minutes later, someone knocks lightly.

"Anslie, I need to shower." I open the door to reveal a syrup covered Dunn. "Don't ask."

"Wasn't gunna." I lock the door behind him and get in bed.

"Where do you work?"

"At that one place in town where they sell stuff."

"Gee, that helps."

"I know. Night." I roll over onto my stomach and go to sleep.

The alarm on my phone goes off at 10:30.

Ah... Saturday. Time to get ready for work.

I look for my clothes but can't find any. "Where the hell are my clothes!?" I push my bedmate off the bed. "Where's my shit?!"

"Top 2 drawers on the left."


"Ville put it there." He crawls back in bed, falling asleep. I find some decent clothes and shower. I'm ready to go by 11.
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New character- Ali : really sarcastic and likes to joke around w/ people she's close too. nice most of the time until they piss her off, then she just ignores them.