Here's Your Sign

Road Sign Six: Lanes Merge Ahead

"Hey Anslie."

"Um, hey."

"I'm Bam's mom, April."

"Cool. Um can you take me to work?" She nods. "Thanks." I grab an ice cream sandwhich out of the freezer and peel off the sandwhich part. After putting the ice cream in a bowl in the freezer, I turn to April.


"I know. You ready?"

"Yea." I follow her out to her PT Cruiser.

"Nice car. Not my style though."

"You're the only one who thinks so."

"My opinion's the only one that matters." She laughs and backs away from the house.

"Where to?"

"Mall. And could you not tell the boys, especially Ville, where I work? They seem to be a rowdy bunch."

"No problem."

"Thanks." The rest of the ride is silent. "Bye." I wave and get out. My cell rings during my lunch break.

"Where are you?"

"At work. Chill Ville."

"Did you tell anyone where you were going?"



"That person I told."

"Whatever." He hangs up. I go back to work only to see Jenn and Jonna shopping in AE.


"Hey girls. Please don't tell that I work here. I don't want the guys to find out."

"We won't; they'll just come in here and fuck things up." Jonna and I nod.

"Well, we'll let you work, hei lapsi."

"Uh....okay. Bye." She laughs and they leave. The rest of the day is a bore.

"Bye Anslie! See ya Monday!" I wave over my shoulder and head out. Once again, I hitch hike back to Bam's. I go straight to the freezer, get another ice cream sandwhich and repeat the process from this morning. Before I can take a bite, some one clears their throat. I look up to see a room full of people.

"What?" I take a bite of my snack.

"You're very VERY weird."


"Just sayin'."

"That's nice. Night." I go up to my room.

More like dorm.

A knock on the door interrupts my hunt for pj's. "What?"

"Are you decent? I have to piss."

"Yea." Dunn walks in.

"AH! You said you were decent!"

"Am I naked?"

"You're in your underwear!"

"You can't see anything I care for you not to. So get over it."

"Most guys would be happy to have a hot chick in her underwear in their room. What's wrong with me?"

"BAH! Fuck it!" I crawl into bed with out night clothes. "Turn out the light when you're through."

Ryan comes back looking slightly dazed. "What happened to you?"

"I asked if she was decent and she said yea so I went in and she was in her underwear."

"You lucky bitch!" Jenn smacks Novak over the head. "OW!"

"Then shut up!"

"Okay so why the dazed and confused look?"

"She couldn't find any sleepwear so she went to bed in her...." Bam and Raab start laughing. "It's not funny! There's a half naked hot girl in my bed that I have to sleep.... wait why am I complaining? I get to share a bed with her later...." He shrugs and sits down.

I wake up to arms around my waist and my head resting on a shirtless chest. I move away and see Dunn. I get up and shower before going downstairs. No one is up yet so I make a buttload of pancakes and set them on the stove. After eating and cleaning up my mess, I look around for something to do.

I guess I can clean the house....

I start by washing all the windows I can reach. Then I move onto the counters and cabinets. I clean out the refrigerator, finding many gross items growing second bodies.


I sneak into everyone's rooms and get all their dirty clothes for washing.

"What are you doing?" I turn to see April standing in the doorway.

" I got bored." She nods.

"Need help?"

"Sure. I'll clean the boys rooms and you can finish up here."

"Okay." I leave her in the laundry room and head upstairs. I walk into the first room.

"Rake...." I start cleaning his room. When I get to Bam and Jenn's room the clock reads 11.

When did I wake up?

I shrug and continue my cleaning crusade. I have to be careful as to not wake anyone up. The last room I do is mine and Dunn's.

It's about 2 when I get done, so I go back down to check on April.

"Clothes are done....well, some anyway."

"Did you keep them in the piles I had them in?" She nods. "Good, now I'll fold them and put them away. Can you mop the kitchen and vacuum?"

"Yeah." We set about our tasks. By four, everything is finished so I decide to make an early dinner. The smell of food wakes people up.

"....I don't know why, but then they thought it'd be fun to use grocery carts as carriages. One would get in and another would push it into a median. Sending the rider flying to the concrete or into bushes." I giggle and someone clears their throat.

"Oh hey Bam."

"What happened to my room?"

"I cleaned it." He's still half sleep. "I'm surprised you didn't wake up earlier. I've been cleaning for hours." I set a plate of orange chicken in front of him. "Eat."

As the table fills, I serve everyone. "So since you all slept all day, what are you going to doing tonight?"

"I say we fly to Vegas."

"Okay. Go pack, I'll make arrangements." Everyone leaves to pack while I clear the table. "Anslie? You need to pack."

"I can't go. I have to work tomorrow. Maybe next time." I pat Bam on the shoulder as I pass him to go upstairs.

"You clean our room?"

"Yea. I cleaned the whole house. Well, April helped. It was a mess." I start packing for him. "Take embarrassing pictures of the crew. I'm going to need a laugh when you get back."

"You're not going?"

"No. I have to work."

"Oh. Here." He hands me a key. "It's to my Trans Am. So you don't have to hitch a ride to and from work."

"Thanks." He nods. "Done."


"Oh." I laugh. "I meant I finished packing for you." I hand him the duffel bag. "I didn't know how much to pack so I packed 6 of everything."



"Bye." I collapse onto the bed.

"Dude! Who packed your shit?!"

"Yea, it looks like a girl packed it."


"Why?" Dunn shrugs. "What does that mean?"

"She just started packing for me when she came upstairs."


"Who's roomin' where?"

"Me, Ville, and the girls. Ape and Phil. And you sluts get one room." They all groan. When we get to our room, I call Anslie.

"What? It's 2 fucking AM."

"We're at the hotel. Why'd you pack for Dunn?"

"I don't know." She hangs up and I laugh, dropping my cell on the bed.

"So what now?"

They are gone for a week. It's actually peaceful at Castle Bam....which, considering who owns it, is a rare thing. I keep the house clean to give myself something to do while I'm not at work.

I'm sitting on my butt Sunday afternoon watching the History Channel when the front door slams.

"WELCOME HOME!!" I yell, to lazy to get up. Jenn and Jonna come into the room and pull me up. "Hey! I was watching T.V.!"

"Come on!"

"We have to show you something." They pull me outside.

"Is that?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I've tried like 4 times to put this out. My computer usually shutdown randomly while I'm editing it....