Here's Your Sign

Road Sign Eight: Bridge Ices Before Road

When I get to West Chester, I check into a motel and shower. At midnight I drive over to Bam's. All the lights are off meaning everyone's asleep. I smile evily to myself and start banging on the door and ringing the door bell continuously.

An extremly angry Bam opens the door. "Hey bitch." I walk past him into the house. Going to the kitchen, I sit on the counter.

"What the hell Anslie!? It's one fucking A.M.!"

"I told you yesterday I'd be here tomorrow. And technically it's been tomorrow for an hour. What no hug?" Everyone else comes down. Jenn squeezes me. "Air."

"Sorry. It's just been so boring without you."

"We're not boring!" She rolls her eyes. I shrug and grab a muffin from the hiding spot and get back on the counter. Dunn steals a piece of it.



"Eh...." I go back to eating my muffin.

"Someone call Ville."

"Why?" We all turn to Bam, confused.

"Anslie let someone take part of her muffin without making them bleed." Everyone gasps looking at me and Dunn.

"What?" We say this in unison. "Hey bitch. You still have my bracelet?"

"Yeah, it's on my dresser." I nod and get another muffin.

"Ville wants you to stay so he can come see you. And the band is coming."

"I get to see Linde! Aw...I haven't seen that little fucker for 3 years!" I do a little dance while still sitting . Everyone laughs at me.

"Well I'm going back to bed." Bam and Jenn go upstairs. Everybody slowly follows.

"You staying the night?"

"Yeah; let me get my shit out of my car." I hop off the counter, handing the rest of my muffin to Ryan. He waits at the door while I go to my car, and then we go up to his room. "Promise not to tie me to the bed when I say I'm leaving?"

"Promise a day's notice?" We shake on it and crawl under the covers.

"Guys pack some shit. We're going to West Chester to see Anslie."

"You said she left."

"She's visiting. We have to convince her to stay."


"She let Ryan take part of her banana nut muffin."

"Aw....I wonder if they always slept like that."

"Jenn get out. And take those idiots with you." I throw a pillow in the direction of the door. It closes on laughter.

I knew we forgot something important.

I roll over and into Ryan's chest. "So that's what they meant...." I shrug and get up. During my shower the door opens.

"It's just me. I need to brush my teeth."

"Dunn. I've taken a bath while you were brushing your teeth. Do you think I care?"

"Good point."

"I didn't know you like cuddling."


"Well when I used to live here I woke up every morning and your arms were around my waist. You did it this time too."

"Oh....Ell I ihnt oh I uz ooing hat are-re"

"Say it without the toothbrush and hand me a towel." I turn off the water and stick my hand out from behind the curtain.

"I said: I didn't know I was doing that. Sorry." A towel finds it way into my hand.

"Thanks hun." I wrap it around myself and step out of the shower. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"Bam's taping. I think we're going to fuck some stuff up."

"Don't you always?"

"Yeah." He smiles wide.

"Oo....Let's start a little war." I walk out of the bathroom.

"What kind of war?"

"You'll see." I drop my towel and get dressed.

"You do realize I saw that right?" I shrug.

"Where's your cologne?" He hands it to me. "Thanks." I go into Bam's room.

Perfect....sleep just like he should be.

I look around his bathroom.

BINGO!! mouthwash.....

I giggle evily as I mix Dunn's cologne into Bam's mouthwash. Making sure it doesn't look tampered with, I sneak out of the room.

"What did you just do?"

"Nothing." I set the half empty bottle on the dresser.

"That was full when I handed it to you." I smile a cute smile and bite my lip. "Oh shit."

"Let's go down and get some food." I pull him off his bed and drag him downstairs. I get out two muffins, setting one in front of him. "So Ryan how have things been?"

"Hectic, but boring."


"A little. Without your random acts of violence, kindness, or stupidity it's been a little off."

"Aw. Well I'll stay for a couple weeks, okay?"

"Really?!" I nod. "Awesome. Oh! Bam's probably planning a party for tonight."


"Ville and the guys."

"AW FUCK!!!!" Bam's voice echos through the house.

"Ans, what did you do?" I smile deviously and continue eating.



"How did your cologne get in my mouthwash?" Dunn points to me. "Holy shit!" The angry look is gone from his face; replacing it is a look of shock.


"Anslie, are you feeling okay?" He feels my forehead and looks at my pupils. I smack his hands away.

"I'm fine and don't touch me you cunt."

"Yeah, you're normal. Wait till Ville hears this." He walks out of the room. "OH. AND FOR WHAT YOU AND DUNN DID TO MY MOUTHWASH....ITS WAR!!"

"BRING IT BITCH!" He laughs manically.


"Yes bestest buddy?"

"What have you gotten me into?" I shrug.

"Eat your muffin. We've gots planning to do." He stuffs the rest of the muffin in his mouth and smiles. "Dork. Let's go."
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The chapter titles do have something to do with the story... ya just have to think about it....