Here's Your Sign

Road Sign Nine: Detour

I call Bam when the plane lands.

"She gave him the WHOLE muffin! The whole damn thing."


"Uh-huh. I went to bitch Ryan out because his cologne was mixed in with my mouthwash and found them at the table eating. I don't even think they know what this means. I mean, she basically stabbed Raab when he tried to take a small piece. But giving Ryan the whole damn muffin...."

"Well we landed. We'll get a cab over there."

"Oh, I almost forgot! Jenn said she went into her room to ask her something and Dunn's arms were wrapped around her waist. They were spooning." He actually giggles when he says this last sentence.

"You giggled. I'm hanging up."

"So you remember the plan?" Ryan nods. "Good. Oh! Let's watch T.V." I fall onto the bed as Dunn grabs the remote.

"What do you want to watch?"

"Get out the Jackass DVD. I haven't seen that in a while."


"Don't use that voice. Besides, you know you like watching yourself do stupid shit."

"Eh." He plops next to me and hits play. Our back are agaisnt the headboard when the movie starts; but by the end, we are cuddled under the covers.

"Holy shit! I can't believe you actually did that!"

"I was young and stupid."

"You still are stupid."


"Hey yourself! Now shut up; I'm tired."

"When's the last time you had a real bed?"

"Uh.... I was at Billy's for a few days before I got called to visit. But before that....uh, I hadn't had a real bed since I left."

"Oh. Why not stay here? You know you can."

"I know, but I just have this burning desire to travel. I've been contemplating settling for a bit so I can save up enough to go overseas."

"Well stay here and work for that."


"Good enough."

"Okay. Now I'm seriously going to sleep." I use Ryan as a pillow and get comfortable.

"I take it I'm staying."

"Mmhmm." I'm already half sleep. He shifts a bit and his breathing starts to slow.

"Wake up bitches!"

"Bam, if you value your dick and your life: get the fuck out." Anslie buries her head in my neck.

"Dunn, she's threatening me."

"She actually has a good reason. Sorry bud, you're S.O.L."

"You two are dirty sluts! The band is here: GET UP!"

"Why do I still hear a Margera?" Bam sighs and leaves.

"Ans, I know you're enjoying the comforts of a real bed, but the guys are here. You know they did come to see you."

"But....but....fine" She removes herself from me and goes into our bathroom.

When did everything become 'our'?

I roll my eyes and get up. Anslie jumps on my back as I walk out of the room.

"Why do I suddenly have a growth on my back?"

"Ha-ha. Just walk bitch."

"Sir yes Sir!" She laughs and we go downstairs.

"Bow bitches! Your queen has arrived on her queer!" Everyone turns to face us.

"I'm not a queer."

"You're right." She jumps off my back. "You're a queen!" She squeals and runs to hug the guys.

"Ville! A word?" He follows me to the kitchen. "Before you start in on her, I wanted to let you know she's considering staying for a bit."


"She wants to go overseas, but needs to save up; so I said why not stay here and she said maybe. We both know if you push her she'll say no." He nods.

"Did she really give you a whole banana nut muffin?"

"Yeah....why?" He shurgs and goes back to the Pirate Bar.

What does that muffin have to do with anything?

Dunn and Ville come back. Ville takes the only open seat on the counter, so I beckon Ryan over. He leans back between my legs and I wrap my arms around he shoulders.

"So sluts, now that you're here, what are we going to do?" They all shrug. "I woke up for this? Ryan, you bitch, you got me up for nothing. 'They did come to see you' crock-a-horseshit if ya' ask me."

"I didn't know it'd be boring. And Bam woke you up."

"You made me get up. I was going to go back to sleep."

"Eh, it happens." He shrugs.

"Anslie, can I talk to you?"

"Sure Linde. Move bitch." I push Dunn out of the way and follow Linde outside.

"How have things been?"


"Okay....well talk to me! Tell me about things with Ryan....I know you want to tell me something."

"You know those nightmares I told you about?"


"I didn't have one the two months I was here. Actually, I think I only had one my first night here. Other than that, they stopped."


I shrug. "They just stopped. Well, until I left that is. My first night away, I woke up screaming. Oh well, that wasn't about Ryan but I wanted to tell someone."

"Anything else?"

"I gave him my charm bracelet."

"Oh wow...."

"Linde, what's wrong with me? I mean, when I'm here I feel like at ease. I don't really worry about stuff. Well you know what I mean. It's like if I were to get hurt, physically or emotionally, at least one of them would care. Or maybe all of them would. And Linde, I trust Ryan. Actually trust him. More than I trust Ville. When I left, I realized how much I told him, how much we told each other. We would stay up late talking. I know we did the first few nights after he got back from Vegas." I take a minute to breath. "Yea....So that's all for now...."

"Anslie, child, I really think you should stay here."

"I'm thinking about it. But I'd only stay to save up enough money to get overseas and travel there. I don't really see myself settling down."

"Who knows? Maybe by that time you'll want to stay forever."

"Meh...." The door opens to reveal Ryan with two beers in hand.

"Everyone else has had like eight. You two are behind." I laugh, taking my beer and go inside. "What? No 'thank you'?"


"Eh...." I sit on the couch and he sits infront of me.


"We're all to lazy to move."

"I can see that."
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Sorry this took FOREVER! I don't have this part posted on Quizilla and then my comp kept acting funny when I tried to post it. This is the 4th time I've typed it up....