Watching Through My Window


I quickly walked through the halls, eager to see her before I caught up with my friends. I bolt to my locker just to find maybe twenty people by it.

"Yo Jam, where you been," one shouts my direction. I shrug pushing people out of my way to actually open my locker. These people love me, but they won't let me through. It could drive anyone mad. The group of people split forming a direct path to me.

"Honey, I didn't see you last night. Why didn't you go to that party," Tiffany, my girlfriend, said getting a little too close for my comfort.

"I told you, I had to work on a paper," I said finally pushing my locker open and jamming my books inside.

"Am I going to see you tonight? I haven't seen you in forever," she whined.

"Tiff, I have a project I have to get done. I can't fail just because you want me around," I sigh.

"Jam, I just want to be with my boyfriend. We never do anything."

I want to yell about how that's bull shit. We do things almost every night. Instead I say, "okay, we'll do something Wednesday." She squeals and bounces off with a few of the other cheerleaders. I sigh impatiently. The bell rings forcing me to realize I lost precious minutes talking to Tiff.

Let me tell you a little about myself while I'm running to my first quarter trying not to be any later. My names Williams, James Williams. That was dorky, I know. My friends call me Jam, they aren't very creative. I'm one of the popular bunch. I don't have many actual friends, just people who like me and hang out a lot. I used to have one really great friend, Nathan. We were friends way up until our freshman year. He was my best friend, actually I think I'm going to visit him after school. Well that's really all I can say for now, I'm at my class.

"Mr. Williams great of you to decide to join us," the substitute teacher shouts at me, embarrassing me in the process. She's in this class, that's the only reason I'm embarrassed. I don't want her to think I'm like all these other 'jocks'. I only play soccer because Nat and I were going to try out together. He was far better than me anyway.

"Sorry sir," I mumble taking my seat in the back where I could be like the other distant outcasts and hide. I'm not an outcast, not socially at least. The only time I truly feel like I belong is when I'm visiting Nat or when my brother comes home, or when I'm looking at her through the binds of my bedroom window.

"Mr. Williams."

"Yes," I ask, my head darting up to see what they wanted.

"Well since he was, so obviously, not paying attention, you will all have three extra pages of homework tonight." Most of the students groaned and I knew a few were cursing me under their breath or in their minds.

"Sorry," I mumble again. Most of them scoffed at my half-hearted apology. The class quickly continues. I sighed when the class was over and raced out of there. I couldn't handle being around these kids right now, something about them just hit me. I decided to go visit Nat instead.

My car drove quickly down the deserted roads. I pulled up to the gates slowly driving in. I walked down the grassy path, trying not to disturb those visiting. I sat on the ground next to the large pillar.

"Hey Nat, sorry I haven't visited you in awhile. I've been busy with school work and Tiff won't let me go out here. She'd flip knowing I was here right now. I know I should be in school, but I couldn't handle it, I needed to talk to you."

A gentle breeze floated thought the area. It was my way of knowing Nat was listening to me.

"There's this girl, you know her. Actually we used to be friends with her until we picked up soccer," I sighed.

Some leaves blew into me.

"Yeah, Victoria, better known now as Vic to her friends and freak to others."

I can imagine him laughing and saying, "that's not very nice."

"Yeah I know. I just try to avoid her at school. That way I don't have to make fun of her or lose any of my friends." I snorted. "Yeah more like followers. You know I'm not the desperate type but she's got me looking through the blinds. Yes I just quoted Fall Out Boy. They're your favorite, so I've been listening to them a lot," I sighed slowly.

"Why'd you leave me Nat. I needed you. You would've been the star soccer player, you would be dating Tiff, we could've had the perfect life. I'm sorry, I know I bring that up too often. Look, I'm gotta go. If I'm not back by lunch I'm gonna get a major chew out. I'll come back later tonight, unless something comes up. Bye." I hugged the tombstone tightly before going back to the school.