Watching Through My Window


"Jam, where have you been, sweetheart," Tiff said strutting over to me.

"I went to see Nat," I said calmly throwing my keys in my locker before grabbing them up again along with the books for third quarter.

"Honey, I don't like you going there. It's not healthy to spend so much time with dead things!"

"You know what? Go screw yourself. He was my best friend. I'm the one who caused him to be there! I don't expect you to understand, but you should respect the fact that I want to be with my friend, even if he's dead," I screamed; not even visiting Nat could take off the stress of the day.

"Fine if you'd rather be with some dead guy than me then we're through. Don't bother talking to me Williams," Tiffany stormed off leaving me standing there.

"What did you do for me Nat," I said under my breath, rolling my eyes.

The rest of school went fairly quickly. I didn't have Tiff bugging me and many of the other jocks applauded me for 'dumping' her. Well now I have more time for my school work and stalking Vic. I drove home carefully watching the houses that all looked alike.

"James, honey, are you home," My mother shouted from the kitchen.

"Yeah," I mumbled walking up the stairs to my room. I watched from my desk, positioned directly under the window, for Vic to come home. After I saw her walk through her front door I called my brother.

"Mick, can you come over tonight?"

"Are Mom and Dad going to be home?"

"Mom's got a weekend thing at the rehab center and Dad's out with his whore this week."

"Awesome. I'll be there around seven?"

"Meet me at the Cemetery actually. I told Nat I'd stop by again."

"Okay, I'll meet you then."

I should tell you about Mick. His name is actually Mickalangelo, sort of like the painter. I have a feeling my parents were drunk when they named him, so we just call him Mick. He's twenty-seven and moved out when he was sixteen. He didn't like our parents behavior so he refuses to be around them until my mother's sober and my dad isn't cheating anymore. At least my mom's working on her part of the deal. He does come around to hang with me when they're not home though.

I got in my car taking my mom to the rehab center before driving to the Cemetery. I walked down the familiar path, weaving through tombstones to get to just the right one. As I got closer I realized someone was sitting next to Nat's stone. They looked up realizing I was coming near.

"Oh, I'm sorry I was just leaving," she said standing up.



"What are you doing here?"

"Nate was my friend, in case you didn't know. I just decided to visit him, like I do every week. What are you doing here Mr. Soccer-Star?"

"Coming to see Nat again."


"Yeah, I skipped second quarter and came here instead," I said sitting down.

"Well that's better than what everyone else thinks," Vic said sitting down on the other side of the stone.

"What does everyone else think I was doing," I asked not really wanting to know.

"Well a rumor got around that you were off fucking that skank and you weren't good enough and that's why she dumped you," she said not really concerned.

"Oh, well that's a load of shit," I said simply.

"Yeah I knew. You're not the kind of guy who randomly fucks." I must have looked confused because she went on to explain. "If I asked you to fuck me here and now; would you?"

I was tempted to tell her 'yeah let's do it here and now right on the spot.' "No."

"Why not? I know you want my perfect freak body," she joked.

"Because I just wouldn't, and it'd be disrespectful. Poor Nat would have to fret about having to be beneath us while we fucked, like being under your parent's bed while they did it."

Victoria laughed, "whoa, how weird is it that we're finally talking after six years and we're in a Cemetery?"

"Not very, Nat does things for us. Thank you Nat."