Watching Through My Window


I quietly sat staring out my blinds again. Mick was asleep snoring slightly, he was on my bed in case dad came home early. So I obviously had to sleep on the floor, thanks a lot dear brother. Victoria hasn't come out of her house yet, but I think she was supposed to meet a friend today, sometime around today. I know this cause I hear stuff, ya know?

I looked down at the small notebook I had sitting on my desk. The pages were filled with small words and bad drawings. Most of them were inspired by Victoria from the few moments I'd see her walking in or out of her house. Some of the better pages were filled out when I'd see her sitting on her porch waiting for someone, or when she'd lay on the grass in her front yard with a friend. This book was entirely devoted to her. I believe I told Nat about it one day, but it was after he died so there's really not much hope in that.

I glanced up and out my window when I thought I saw moment. Sure enough, I had. Victoria was standing outside on her lawn looking up to my window. She saw me looking at her and I blushed guiltily. She smiled brightly and waved up to me, I returned the wave and was about to beckon her over when I heard a horn honk and she whipped her head around to stare at the car. She smiled obviously recognizing the driver and waved to them. Her attention wasn't on me anymore.

I looked back down to my page seeing hateful words strewn across them. When had I wrote that? I sighed leaving those words there, it was part of the emotion why erase that? You don't have happy feelings all the time. I softly closed the book and gently put it into my drawer, locking it.

I looked up again to see Victoria waving at me before stepping into the car. I waved back as they drove down the road. I stared out the window a few more minutes before sighing and closing my eyes.

"You've got it bad little brother."

"Shut up, you don't think I know that? I live to just sit at this desk waiting for her to come in or out of that house. I can't even talk to her without making a fool out of myself some way. I know I have it bad, would you not make fun of me please," I said through my gritted teeth. It was obviously annoying me that I couldn't do anything about this feeling.

"You need to talk to someone, maybe just talk to her."

"She just left. I'm going to the cemetery, are you coming? I need to talk to Nat."