Watching Through My Window


"Hey Nat," I whispered sitting down by the headstone. I leaned against it like we used to do when we just sat and talked about something in my back yard. "I still miss you. I have a big issue too. It's alright if I talk to you about it right? I don't want to confuse you though."

I know I sound stupid talking to someone who's dead, but no one around here really thinks anything of it. They all come to talk to someone, or to just visit them, what's so weird about me doing it too?

"So, I told you about my thing for Victoria. I have it so bad for her. It's unbelievable, and I really need help. Seriously, I can't do anything without thinking of her. What do I do?"

I sat in the silence waiting for some sort of reply. Nothing came. Maybe he wasn't here today, or he wasn't paying attention, or he was ignoring me. Possibly he just wanted me to figure this out on my own.

"Thanks Nat." I sighed looking up at the sky. A something brushed up against my leg. "Oh hello kitty. What are you doing here?" I gently stroked the animal. It purred next to me. "Can I take you home? Oh why am I even asking the animal, I'm just going to take it anyway." I picked up the cat and held her close. "Thanks for the cat Nat, I'll see you tomorrow. I've gotta get some things for this kitty." I picked up the cat and carried him over to my car.

"Hey Jamie, James! Over here!"

"Oh hey there Vic, what's up?"

"Oh I was just coming to see Nate, you know daily thing. I guess you're just leaving though right," she asked standing there rocking back and forth on her heels.

"Yes actually. Nat wasn't helping me any and then I found this cat," I trailed off, because she just then realized that I was indeed holding at cat in my arms.

"Aw, she's so adorable. What are you going to name her," she looked up at while petting the small animal.

"I'm not sure. Do you have any suggestions, because I don't know what to call this little cutie." I said rubbing the animals ears.

"Name her, um, Kleine Schwarze Schonheit, Little Black Beauty in German," she smiled at me before looking back down at the cat.

"That's so cute. Okay, little kitty your name now is Kleine Schwarze Schonheit, or Schonheit for short." I smiled at the cat as it looked up at me and purred.

"I think she likes it."

"At least I'm not the only one."

"Aw, so I should let you go get whatever you were for Schonheit. So I'll see you later okay?"

"Yeah, I'll defiantly see you later," I grinned widely and opened the door for my car. I watched Victoria walk away before sitting down into my car and setting Schonheit on the passenger seat where she curled up into a little ball meowing quietly. "You're so adorable. Thanks for scoring points for me with Victoria too, Kleine Schwarze Schonheit." She meowed loudly, I rubbed her ear before putting my car into drive and heading to the store.