
167 Words

Gerard Way is a monster.

He really is.

If you knew him like I did, then you would be able to see all the flaws and imperfections.

Gerard hides behind his lyrics. He wallows in his own self pity. He always wears black to hide in the shadows and corners; hidden from everybody’s judging eyes. He wears his hair in his face to hide the self inflicted scars and open wounds.

Gerard is also one of the most vulnerable people on the Earth. He wears his heart on his painfully thin wrists. He gets false security from all the wrong people who can’t even pronounce his name correctly.

Jared my ass.

Gerard is a monster who dwells in darkness. He flinches at warm gestures and the feeling of love and compassion. His bloodshot eyes pierce into others and leave a less than friendly impression.

Gerard’s slowly killing himself and there’s nothing I can do about it.

His monster is slowly devouring me alive.