New To The Feeling




Wylie Kurns was quite a character. Always goofing off, always being obnoxious. He ignored everyone. If I ever saw him outside of school he was with a new girl every time. He had an ego the size of Texas and it was surprising how loud he could be. He didn't look like a loud, obnoxious guy. He seemed like he would be quiet and reserved, but that wasn’t' the case. I said hi to him every once in a while, just out of kindness. I usually got a scoff or a sigh. The two inch black mohawk he wore fit his slender body well. He was thin, but built in the chest and arms. He had his ears pierced and gauged and a large tattoo on the back of his left calf. I could never get a good look at what it was. All I knew is that it was a dark green. He wore black or white shirts with 501 Levis. I asked him why he didn't wear girls’ jeans like most guys did at my school. He responded with "I don't want to do something that people expect of me" and he walked away. His crisp green eyes and full lips were captivating. He would be so handsome if he would just take care of himself more. Although attractive, he was pale in the skin and cold in the eyes. I had made a vow to myself that I would never leave anyone left behind or left out I didn't need to bother with Wylie. I had a boyfriend of my own and he never wanted the help anyway.
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This is a story I wrote about three and a half years ago. So, go easy on me.